cyberattacks Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Tue, 06 Jun 2023 07:52:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 cyberattacks Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 Internet Fraud – Discover The Most Common Tue, 06 Jun 2023 07:52:09 +0000 Surely you have heard in the news about Internet fraud. It is true that, just

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Surely you have heard in the news about Internet fraud. It is true that, just as our daily life is increasingly digital, it is also increasingly in the online environment where scams occur. However, the truth is that most online frauds are easily identifiable, and it is enough to take a few simple precautions to navigate safely.
In this guide, we will give you guidelines so that you can continue enjoying all the good things about technology while keeping yourself safe from possible scams. Let’s see which are the most common and how we can avoid them.

Phishing, One Of The Most Common Internet Frauds

Phishing means fishing in English. By doing the translation, you can already imagine how this scam works. The cybercriminal does “throw the cane” and waits for those who surf the net to “bite”.
Its way of operating is to impersonate an entity you trust and impersonate it: Social Security, bank, Netflix, university, Treasury… Normally you receive an email or SMS from a company or association that it is your trust. It is usually a communication that seeks to create in you the urgent need to click on the link that goes in the message.
For example, it may be the Treasury telling you that you have a refund pending receipt and that they need your bank account number or Social Security warning you that you have a debt pending payment and must settle it as soon as possible. Or it could be Netflix (or another similar service) making you a great offer or even your bank asking for some missing personal information about you.
Since the user trusts the message’s sender and gives credibility to it, they end up clicking on the link and providing the requested information. He does not know that he is not accessing the entity’s real website but rather a copy of it. When you enter data such as your credit card number, it goes directly into the criminal’s hands.
What does the cybercriminal do with the information? It can “hijack” your social networks and ask you for payment to regain access, use your card details to make online purchases, loot your bank accounts, impersonate your identity online, sell your data on the black market, etc.

Can Phishing Be Prevented?

If you’ve ever gone fishing, you may have come home without a single fish, and that’s what we should be getting when a cybercriminal tries to commit a phishing scam: drop the rod, but no one bites.
To achieve this, the best thing you can do is never trust communications from unknown senders. If you don’t know who sent you the email, try not to open the message and delete it directly. If the communication comes from your bank, the Treasury, or another trusted sender, always remember that none of these entities will ask you for personal data through an email or SMS.
When in doubt, access its website directly from your browser by typing the entity’s address and, if necessary, contact it to check if the information you have received is true or if it is fraud.
Until a few years ago, it was relatively easy to identify fraudulent messages since they were usually badly written, and their appearance already made you suspicious. However, criminals are increasingly taking care of this aspect. So don’t trust a communication because it needs to be correctly written or visually believable.
One last way to ensure the communication is real is to cut and paste everything that appears in the sender’s email address starting at the at sign (@) and search the Internet for it. If the address is legitimate, it will send you to the website of the real entity. If it’s illegitimate, it will get you nowhere.

Fraudulent Online Shops

Who has never made an online purchase? Electronic commerce has increased significantly in the last decade, and as it has developed, the fraud associated with this activity has also grown. Since cybercriminals are after money, it is not surprising that they also create fake online shops to deceive people who buy from them.
The operation of this type of scam is usually similar in all cases. The criminal creates a fake website where they sell a product in high demand at a truly irresistible price. In this way, the person’s curiosity is aroused, who clicks on the link and, from there, is directed to something that looks like an official online store, although it is not.
In these cases, you will carry out the purchase process as normal. You put the product in the shopping cart, indicate the delivery address and make the payment. It is possible that right after you receive an email confirming the transaction, which is what legitimate digital stores usually do. It’s not until a few days later that you realize the problem: the package never arrives, and when you go to complain to the store, you discover that no one is behind giving support.
This is one version of this scam, but there are several. An example is the selling company that delivers a product whose quality has little or nothing to do with what was shown on the web (this happens a lot with clothing and footwear) or the one that sends a package full of useless objects, such as paper or stones.
It’s not just that the cybercriminal person keeps the money from your purchase; it’s that they have all your data and can do whatever they want. In addition, when accessing its website, malware may have been installed on your device.
It is a malicious computer program that can collect your data, access your files, or monitor your online activity, among other things. The criminal can use the information to extort you or sell it to third parties.

How To Avoid This Fraud?

You should never access any website from advertising you see on social networks. If you have observed something interesting, write the store address in your address bar and access it directly from your browser.
On the other hand, if it is an establishment you have yet to learn, it is worth researching beforehand. Do a Google search like this: “reviews about (store name)”. You will immediately be able to learn about the experience of previous customers, which will let you know if it is a legit store or a scam.
But do not trust if there are no opinions. The criminal may have just created the website, but there is still insufficient information about it. Remember that many people who have been scammed online are ashamed to admit it and do not warn others.
One last thing to keep in mind. If the offer is too good to be true, it is likely not true and is a scam.

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How An MSP Can Improve Security And Compliance For Enterprise Networks Mon, 17 Apr 2023 11:19:44 +0000 In today’s digital age, data breaches, and cyber-attacks have become more common, making it essential

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In today’s digital age, data breaches, and cyber-attacks have become more common, making it essential for enterprises to prioritize their security and compliance measures. Managed IT services providers (MSPs) have become increasingly popular for organizations looking to improve their security posture and ensure compliance with industry regulations.

Managed IT services providers are third-party vendors that offer a range of IT services, including network security, data backup and recovery, and compliance management. With their expertise and experience in managing enterprise networks, MSPs can help organizations achieve their security and compliance goals while reducing operational costs. Here are some ways MSPs can improve security and compliance for enterprise networks:

Proactive Monitoring and Management

MSPs use advanced tools and technologies to monitor network activity and identify potential security threats. They can detect and respond to security incidents in real time, preventing data breaches and cyber-attacks before they occur. MSPs can utilize remote access and monitoring software from ConnectWise to manage complex client networks and discover security vulnerabilities before they become problems. Managed IT services should be implemented using the best cybersecurity and IT technologies and software by ConnectWise.

Proactive monitoring and management also allow MSPs to identify network vulnerabilities and implement necessary patches and updates to ensure the network remains secure. MSPs offering updates and patches can be particularly useful and cost-effective for enterprises that lack the resources or expertise to manage their networks internally.

Endpoint Security

Endpoints such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets are often the weakest link in enterprise networks, making them vulnerable to cyber-attacks. MSPs can provide endpoint security solutions that protect devices from malware, viruses, and other cyber threats.

Endpoint security solutions also include data encryption, access control, and remote wiping tools, enabling organizations to secure their data in case of a lost or stolen device. As more and more companies turn to remote work options, endpoint security has become more critical than ever before.

Data Backup and Recovery

Data backup and recovery are critical for enterprises to ensure business continuity during a disaster or cyber-attack. MSPs can provide data backup and recovery solutions that ensure data is protected and accessible during an outage or data loss. MSPs can also help enterprises develop disaster recovery plans that include backup schedules, recovery time objectives, and failover procedures.

Compliance Management

Many industries, such as healthcare and finance, are subject to strict regulations that govern how they handle and protect sensitive data. MSPs can help enterprises achieve and maintain compliance with these regulations by implementing necessary security controls and procedures.

MSPs can also provide regular compliance assessments to ensure the organization meets regulatory requirements. Enterprises that fail to comply within their industry may face hefty fines and other consequences that may halt business operations.

Security Awareness Training

Employees are often the weakest link in enterprise networks, making them vulnerable to phishing attacks and other cyber threats. MSPs can provide security awareness training to educate employees on recognizing and responding to security threats.

Security awareness training can include simulated phishing attacks to test employee awareness and identify areas for improvement. Employee security training can help enterprises improve their security posture and reduce the risk of a successful cyber-attack.

Get MSP Support Today

MSPs can provide various services to help enterprises improve their security and compliance measures. By partnering with an MSP, organizations can leverage the expertise and experience of dedicated professionals who ensure their networks are secure and compliant.

Overall, partnering with an MSP can be a cost-effective way for enterprises to improve their security and compliance measures while freeing up resources to focus on core business objectives. As cyber threats evolve and become more sophisticated, organizations must prioritize security and compliance measures and partner with MSPs to stay ahead.

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Cybersecurity In Industry 4.0 Why Is It So Critical? Wed, 15 Mar 2023 09:22:24 +0000 The fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, is the fourth stage of technological

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The fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, is the fourth stage of technological evolution. Which encompasses from technical advances to their economic impact. It can be noted that it positions its beginning in our current era, and its development is expected for a few more decades. However, this estimate is due to recent advances. We refer to digitization, automation, robotics, and the Internet of Things. It is an encouraging environment that must be protected by computer security. If you are interested in learning about the role of cybersecurity in industry 4.0, you cannot stop reading this post.

What Is Cybersecurity In Industry 4.0 About?

Computer security has evolved to such an extent that it is no longer just about applying techniques to protect devices. Still, it is also necessary to prevent and counterattack threats. One of the methods that, with time, and the evolution of crimes in this environment, has managed to affirm the importance of this concept. However, when it comes to Industry 4.0, this could go a step further.

Safety in the industrial area is generally characterized by prioritizing the integrity and health of employees. However, when we refer to cybersecurity in industry 4.0, we are discussing protecting the digital environment and applying the necessary measures to guarantee the use of the devices. In addition to shielding the platforms and networks so that they are safe and that third parties cannot access the stored information.

In this sense, what characterizes this technology is its union with digitization, automation with the Internet, cloud storage, and fiber connectivity. The main objective is that the industries develop their products without the need for high personnel intervention. For this reason, significant benefits are estimated with this technology very shortly.

Still, to enjoy its advantages and economic benefits, we must be prepared for possible dangers and attacks. This is the point at which computer security shows that it must always go hand in hand with cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity Characteristics Applicable To Industry 4.0

What characterizes this stage is its effect on the industrial sector by generating consequences of various kinds. Here we mention the most notable:

  • Acceleration in innovative industries: Industries that operate primarily with machinery will succeed in increasing mass production. However, a company that does not have cybersecurity measures can be seriously affected.
  • Increase in the protection of information and the use of authentication methods: in many cases, cybercrimes take advantage of the opportunity when an operational error occurs. To avoid them, the level of security and authentication must be higher.
  • Use of devices that facilitate network hyperconnectivity: to centralize the management and protection of the company.
  • Use of networks and platforms that enable access to the cloud: firewalls and other software are essential to avoid breaching the system. And reduce the possibility of leaking information through these networks.

What Is The Importance of Cybersecurity In Industry 4.0?

As we have mentioned before, the fourth industrial revolution makes a big difference in the operationality of industries. Machines created to perform specific tasks do not have programming that protects them from cyberattacks. That is why cybersecurity in industry 4.0 is a topic of great importance.

While changes are good, there is no way to measure and protect them. Its usefulness rather than benefit represents a disadvantage for the company.

This is where it is shown that computer security is an obligation rather than a necessity. That must be put into practice both by the manufacturers of the new devices and by the programmers and developers of the platforms and services of this new era.

Currently, this issue is of great relevance to the business sector. Many brands of different kinds have been victims of cyberattacks; likewise, it is also a problem for the users and clients of said companies because these criminal acts could compromise your information.

Therefore, cybersecurity in Industry 4.0 is a fact that, fortunately, takes on more prominence every day. It can offer the fourth industrial revolution for its benefits and contribution. So that it can evolve tangibly if computer security continues to advance consecutively.

Also Read: Importance Of Digitization For A Company

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Are There Any Privacy Risks To Using AI In Online Education? Fri, 10 Feb 2023 06:43:59 +0000 The use of the Internet has increased rapidly worldwide after the spread of COVID-19, which

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The use of the Internet has increased rapidly worldwide after the spread of COVID-19, which shows the importance that this service has gained for the development of work and education at home. During confinement.

Artificial intelligence has invaded our daily lives, and it is impossible to ignore its place in all sectors of society, including education. It is emerging in education with applications for both learners and teachers to improve the quality, efficiency and equity of education. In the previous article, we defined AI and analyzed the place of AI in the service of student learning and its impact on teaching. We have tried to see the extent to which the teacher sees his place and his role modified. Although we are using AI technologies in our elearning platforms or in online education there are also some risks in it.

Factors such as the greater dependence on communications and information technologies, the use of multiple digital solutions in the educational field and the longer time spent online, among others, increase the exposure of boys, girls, adolescents, young students and teachers, to online threats and risks.

AI And Cybersecurity

Like any computer program, AI systems can be attacked or defended but can also be used to defend or attack, as described in ExpressVPN research on AI bias.


Poisoning: consists of artificially sending a lot of data that will shift the centre of gravity of the AI. The probabilities are, therefore, biased by these attacks.

Evasion: this attack is based on optical illusion. By making small changes in the input data, the AI ​​fails to recognize something and completely changes its classification.

Inference: the objective is to seek information about something to cross-check it and find information that normally could not have been accessed.

Main Issues That We Face Through AI

For each ethical issue raised by AI, it is possible to implement solutions to limit their consequences.

  • The issue of bias
  • Diversify the provenance of data and use reverse engineering to prove that an algorithm is biased
  • Check that it complies with legislation and ethical rules
  • The issue of transparency
  • Set up thresholds for validations. The human must remain the decision-maker, and the AI ​​must only propose solutions.
  • The problem of personal data
  • Create tools that help prevent AI from collecting and encoding personal data.
  • The problem of responsibility
  • Create a new legal status for robots and AIs 
  • Define and apply ethical charters
  • The environmental and security issue
  • Improving AI abilities by 1% consumes a lot of energy and produces a lot of waste.

Most Common Threats In Online Education

  • Malicious codes or malware (viruses, worms, Trojans, etc.).
  • Threats related to social engineering.
  • Phishing: method of attack through email.
  • Smishing: attack method through SMS messaging.
  • Vishing: phone call scam.
  • Contact predators online.
  • Online grooming: online sexual harassment or abuse involving an adult’s interaction with children or adolescents.
  • Cyberbullying: includes sending, posting or sharing harmful content about another person through any digital device or media.
  • Sexting: sending content (photographs and videos) containing images that show or describe sexual activities.
  • Access to potentially harmful or illegal content.
  • Exposure to false information, content that threatens the integrity of children and young people, or that incites violence, suicide or other risky behaviours.

What NOT To Do

  • DO NOT share personal information.
  • DO NOT post daily activities on networks.
  • Please DO NOT send photos of our privacy to unknown people or share them on social networks.
  • DO NOT open emails or attachments from unknown senders.
  • DO NOT share passwords with third parties by any means.
  • DO NOT install malicious code on other people’s computers or devices, as recommended by WebUpdatesDaily.
  • DO NOT intimidate, harass, threaten other people, or make teasing or comments with negative connotations.
  • DO NOT arrange meetings with strangers or agree to do so if a stranger requests it.

What To Do

  • Respect the privacy of others.
  • When interacting with others online, use an alias or alternate name as a username.
  • Inform parents, guardians, teachers or trusted adults about harmful content, threats or negative situations.
  • Apply privacy settings to social media accounts.
  • Connect only with known people.
  • Report on websites or social networks any abusive, offensive and threatening situation, as well as inappropriate behaviour.

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What Are The Main Threats To Corporate Cybersecurity In 2022 Sun, 20 Feb 2022 08:01:58 +0000 The digitalization of companies and administration, remote work and hybrid environments, a greater use of

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The digitalization of companies and administration, remote work and hybrid environments, a greater use of IoT (Internet of Things) devices, the dependence on mobile devices and the 24/7 connection to the Internet or the use of more digital services, are some of the elements that will mean that by 2022 the cybersecurity threats not only continue to occur but also increase in number and intensity.

Although no one will be completely safe from threats to computer security (unless one decides to completely disconnect from the Internet), it is the companies and public administrations that are most exposed to this type of attack and those that will suffer the most from its consequences. economic and reputational.

Supply Chain Attacks

In 2021 we have already seen some of the most notorious supply chain attacks, such as those suffered. The danger of these attacks lies in the fact that they not only affect the service provider company, but also those that depend on them, thus spreading the attack throughout the chain and affecting countless companies, public entities, and individuals.

These attacks, sophisticated and with the potential to cause serious damage to countless victims, could lead (or should) governments to create much stricter and more demanding regulatory frameworks with the security measures of companies, to protect vulnerable networks and avoid failure or interruption of essential services.

Security Breaches

Digitization, especially that which had to be done quickly and urgently when lockdowns were imposed by Covid-19 and the need to telework to continue operating, have increased to security breaches. This leads companies and administrations to have to invest more money not only in preventing these breaches but also in recovery protocols, including the need to pay a ransom if they have been victims of ransomware and face possible administrative sanctions.

Ransomware Rise

Speaking of ransomware attacks, they have already featured in many of the news about computer attacks during 2021 and the trend, according to experts, is that this type of attack continues to increase. They have become a lucrative source of income for various groups of cybercriminals since they not only get money in exchange for unlocking encrypted systems but also for not publishing the information that they have managed to exfiltrate during the attack processor for selling it on the internet. dark web.

In addition, ransomware has become one of the products offered on the dark web as MaaS (malware as a service or malware as a service), which means that cybercriminals with less technical knowledge can also use this type of attack.

Cyber Cold War

Tensions seem to grow between different countries in the international arena and this is also reflected in the digital plane; the so-called “cyber cold war” seems to be intensifying at the same time and that leads experts, by 2022, to predict that there will be an increase in cyber attacks sponsored by some States to damage key or critical infrastructure of other governments, such as gas pipelines, pipelines, and power plants.

Fake News

Fake news (false news or disinformation) is not exactly a cybersecurity threat, but cybercriminals do take advantage of it to carry out other types of attacks, especially phishing and other scams related to the theft of data credentials. An example of this is the disinformation surrounding Covid-19 and vaccines and the sale of false Covid or vaccination certificates on the dark web, some of them accompanied by malware to be installed on the devices of their buyers.

Deep fake

Deepfakes, thanks to the development of the technology that makes them possible, are increasingly sophisticated and difficult to detect, which means that cyberattacks based on them are going to become more common. We already have examples of this in 2021, with company workers who were deceived by a telephone deep fake, in which the cybercriminal, using the voice of a manager or superior, pretended to be that person to request money transfers. Deep fakes also have the potential to influence people through social media by damaging the image and reputation of their victims.

Cryptocurrency Target

Cryptocurrencies and other types of crypto assets, such as NFTs, are becoming more and more popular and reaching more people, who decide to invest in them. This has caused cybercriminals to also focus on them and design attacks to steal crypto assets from exchanges and user wallets. One of these attacks is carried out using free NFTs that are used as an entry vector to steal users’ wallets by taking advantage of security flaws or vulnerabilities.

Container Vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities, especially those present in containers and cloud services, are another target for cybersecurity threats in 2022 since more and more companies and public entities depend on so-called cloud services and, many times, these are left out of control. organization’s information security strategy. Cybercriminals know this and have started attacking and exploiting the vulnerabilities that these sites and services may present.

Hybrid Environments And Mobility

Remote work, both in its full format and in its hybrid format, has brought with it new weak points, especially related to attacks on remote desktop applications and mobile devices, so this trend is expected to continue to rise by 2022. In this case, the weak point is the employee who does not apply or does not follow the instructions and security measures implemented by the company and can leave the door open to all kinds of attacks whose objective is to penetrate the company’s internal network to achieve their targets, often related to ransomware attacks or exfiltration of sensitive information.

Malicious Use Of Defense Tools

Defense tools were designed to test an entity’s cybersecurity measures, however, cybercriminals also exploit them to their advantage and use them to launch much more efficient cyberattacks. It is a trend that has been increasing throughout 2021 and it seems that it will continue to grow in 2022 since it allows you to customize these tools to penetrate the defenses of entities “more easily”. As in other threats that we have seen throughout this article, they are mainly used to launch ransomware attacks and exfiltrate data.

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How To Protect Yourself While Browsing The Web Mon, 20 Sep 2021 18:33:44 +0000 Cyber security crosses the mind of very few people nowadays, and the reality is, that

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Cyber security crosses the mind of very few people nowadays, and the reality is, that people are far too trusting when it comes to how secure they actually are while browsing the web.

There are a plethora of events that could happen to you while browsing the web if you aren’t careful, and you could even end up with a nasty virus or getting some of your information stolen from an unreputable site. Because of this, protecting yourself while browsing the web is absolutely crucial.

In this article, we will be talking about all the different ways you can protect yourself while browsing online, as well as drastically reduce the chances that you ever fall victim to a scam or cyber attack.

Ensure Your Data Is Protected

When it comes to protecting yourself online, there are a plethora of ways you can achieve this goal. Although, no matter how careful you are, there are always going to be situations that are out of your control, and that’s why it’s so important to take the steps to protect yourself in the case your security is somehow compromised.

This can mean ensuring you have all of your essential data and information backed up, have some sort of antivirus software installed on your PC, or any other form of defensive steps you could take.

Even if you never fall victim to a targeted hack or something of a more serious nature, you’d be surprised at just how advanced and believable scams are now, and even the most reluctant among us can easily fall victim.

Sure, you may be an expert at telling whether or not something will give you a virus or take your information. However, it only takes one little mistake for everything to go wrong.

As well as all the above-mentioned steps, there are also things like Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) which is a more modern security service that can give you even more protection when paired with the other methods we stated.

Don’t Venture Onto Any Unsecure Sites

Preventing any sort of danger from happening is always preferable to defending an attack in the aftermath, and just by simply avoiding any unsecured websites, you can reduce the risks that come with browsing the web dramatically.

There are a plethora of ways you can tell if a site should be avoided, but the easiest out of all of them by far is to just take a quick look at the top of the screen, next to the search bar on any website you go too. If there is a padlock that is shown as locked, you are on a secure website and you can be relatively sure you are safe. However, if the padlock is seen as unlocked, this shows that the website is potentially unsafe, and it would be a good decision for you to avoid said website altogether.

Websites that are not secure could potentially have harmful viruses or AIs that are set up to steal your information, or it could even be a website that is deemed as a threat to the public.

However, most of the time you will be able to tell if a site is reputable just by looking at it, and you will not even need to look at the padlock. In reality, it’s the sites that are listed as “secure” which can be the real threat, in which case, you will have to just use your common sense.

All in all, if a website seems a little off or is asking you to give out some private information or download an untrustworthy file, it’s always best to air on the side of caution, and said sites should be avoided at all costs.

Don’t Hesitate To Use a Plethora of Different Passwords

Something that is rarely done by the overwhelming majority of people is the simple act of using different passwords for different accounts. Just by using a different password for every account you login to, you are drastically reducing the chance that anyone would ever be able to crack open your account.

Sure, having a different password for every single thing you log in to can take a little getting used to, and it can certainly be a bit frustrating at first before you get used to it. However, as long as you write every password down on a physical piece of paper to ensure you cannot forget said passwords, having multiple passwords will be more than worth the time and effort it takes to keep track of them all.

After going through and taking heed to every point we made throughout this article, you can safely say that you have done everything you can to take your cyber security into your own hands.

In reality, if you follow all of the advice contained within this article, is it very unlikely that you will ever face any sort of trouble while browsing the web, as you have taken every possible precaution to ensure you are not vulnerable.

Also Read: Android 12.1 The Previous Step Before Android 13?

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Importance of Investing In Cybersecurity For A Protected Business Tue, 29 Jun 2021 14:12:16 +0000 Computer security is a pending task for many companies. The digital transformation and the technological

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Computer security is a pending task for many companies. The digital transformation and the technological acceleration of recent years, which offers us so many advantages, has also revealed some shortcomings in terms of security, something that cybercriminals are taking advantage of only in 2020, the National Security Institute managed more than 133,000 incidents in this regard, 24% more than the previous year, and everything indicates that this percentage may rise. These figures alert us to something that many of us have been denouncing for some time: at a time when digitization and business success go hand in hand, cybersecurity is essential to ensure business continuity, and it is something we must not skimp on. resources.

Investing In Cybersecurity, A Priority For SMEs And Small Businesses

So far, it seems that those most affected by network security problems are SMEs and the self-employed, and 75% of cyberattacks are directed at them. The reason is that a priori, their systems have less protection, being more vulnerable.

Sensitization and awareness are essential to implement this type of technological solution efficiently. In addition, the democratization of the Internet of Things (IoT) or the emergence of the cloud, which improves storage processes, have made the prices of security solutions accessible to all audiences.

Some of the advantages of improving cybersecurity in your company are:

  • You will prevent your information from being filtered and used by someone against you.
  • You will increase the security of your customers and suppliers since their personal and banking data will be protected from possible hacks.
  • You can anticipate cyber-attacks. When we talk about security, we are not referring only to solving current problems, but to the possibility of anticipating those that may come in the future: technology advances very fast and we must be aware of cybercriminals.
  • You will be able to evaluate the level of cybersecurity of your company since this type of system allows you to carry out periodic audits and improve the cybersecurity of the company continuously. 

The question is: how should I digitally shield a company? What kind of systems do you need to implement?

Also Read: Hybrid Cybersecurity Artificial And Human Intelligence

Basic Cybersecurity Solutions

The name cybersecurity or virtual security encompasses all those mechanisms that make it possible to protect the information stored and processed by interconnected information systems from possible external threats. Digitally shielding a company depends on many factors, since each one will need a type of solution.

In addition, most cybersecurity systems are scalable and can be improved and expanded as our needs advance. Even so, some tools, such as antivirus or managed security solutions, are essential. Another common cybersecurity measure in companies is backup, that is, making backup copies and storing them in secure environments (physical or digital media). Both are affordable and are the first step in preventing cyberattacks.


Firewalls are solutions designed to protect computer equipment and that can be complemented or integrated into an antivirus. What they do is block unauthorized access. Firewalls or firewalls can be software, hardware, or a combination of both. This means that they can be applications that are installed on computers or devices that connect to them to control traffic and block intrusions.

Proxy Server

Proxy servers are hardware components that serve to filter the information exchanged by two connected computers, serving as an intermediary between them. Its main function is to act as a content filter and block unwanted outgoing traffic.

Proxy servers are also considered important cybersecurity tools for businesses because they act as the unique “public face” of your network. This means that, from the outside, all users of the company network are anonymous, and are hidden behind the IP address of the proxy. In this way, if a hacker wants to access a specific device, it will cost him work and it will be easier to detect it.

Other Measures To Take Into Account

Employees are the company security and must be aware of the need to use any protection system. Seemingly simple gestures like plugging in a USB or downloading a dangerous file can put the security of your entire organization at risk.

Finally, the systems, servers, and programs of the companies must be updated periodically to avoid obsolete versions and those that may have security “cracks”. Whenever possible, the advice is to contact an expert cybersecurity company that can offer you comprehensive solutions for your business.

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Windows Powershell An Attack Vector Increasingly Popular With Cyber Criminals Wed, 11 Nov 2020 06:48:43 +0000 The cyber threat landscape has seen a 117% increase within malware using PowerShell, thanks to

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The cyber threat landscape has seen a 117% increase within malware using PowerShell, thanks to the proliferation of Donoff malicious files. As a result, new malware using Microsoft Office is up 103% from the primary quarter numbers, including noticeable growth thanks to documents that enable PowerShell, namely Donoff. Microsoft Office Donoff files act as computer virus downloaders using the Windows command system to launch PowerShell and proceed to download and execute malicious files. Donoff was instrumental within the 689% increase in malicious PowerShell code in Q1 2020, consistent with McAfee.

Windows PowerShell may be a .NET class-based instruction shell and scripting language that helps system administrators automate managing operating systems. It’s a robust tool employed by many administrators and users to automate and control many OS functions. Such an influence to activate or deactivate the functions of the OS can only arouse the interest of the actors of the threat.

Stealth Attacks

Stealth is another popular feature of PowerShell attacks. Traditional attacks believe malware is developed as applications. These are executable codes that have got to be stored somewhere and executed, thus likely to trigger signature or behavior-based detection tools. In contrast, attacks without executable files reside in RAM to evade scanners and traditional detection methods. PowerShell, a legitimate tool, then provides a perfect cover to travel unnoticed. The attackers only need to download the payloads and begin the infection process.

Attackers also can use jamming techniques to evade detection. Remote downloading and code execution may be a powerful technique employed by malware to evade detection. Commands often want to run a script remotely without ever asking the user’s machine.

Which Open Up A Good Range Of Possibilities

Once access to the system is active, attackers have the right choice of possibilities because PowerShell gives them access to a mess of system functions and here are:

  • A robust scripting environment,
  • Direct access to network sockets,
  • The ability to activate or deactivate protocols,
  • The ability to dynamically assemble malicious binaries in memory,
  • Direct access to the Win32 application programming interface (API),
  • Direct interfacing with Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI),
  • The possibility of invoking dynamic calls and runtimes,
  • Easy access to encryption libraries, for instance, IPSec or hash algorithms,
  • The possibility of hooking the managed code,
  • Direct links to the COM model.

Propagation And Jamming Techniques At Work

Once inside the OS, attackers have the right choice of infection possibilities by utilizing malicious scripts. Privilege escalation may be a standard method of executing malware using PowerShell instruction. Although PowerShell cannot run scripts by default, there are several ways around this restriction by using the “-command” argument.

Propagation techniques believe running scripts, also as accessing network protocols and sockets. Encapsulated in email attachments with various extensions like .wsf, .html, .pdf, .js or the other desktop extension like .pptx, xlsx, scripts are wont to launch payloads. Another common propagation method is to use Office macros. This is often a specialized technique because the macro itself doesn’t contain the malicious code. Macros are integrated into documents in metadata like cells in an Excel table, for instance. The macro-commands are executed directly, and therefore the scanning of those by a protection tool wouldn’t detect anything abnormal.

The main problem with combating attacks through PowerShell is that it’s generally considered a trusted application by the security software since it’s a part of Windows. It’s therefore crucial that these techniques are prevented at the source. A direct approach is to possess PowerShell settings and secure execution processes and updates to the original recent versions of Windows and its tools.

Also Read: Tips To Avoid The Voice Hacking

The post Windows Powershell An Attack Vector Increasingly Popular With Cyber Criminals appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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