money Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Tue, 14 Feb 2023 08:13:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 money Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 4 Reasons Why Some Crypto Traders Sell Crypto for Cash Tue, 14 Feb 2023 07:47:02 +0000 Do you want to discover why some cryptocurrency users opt to sell crypto for cash?

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Do you want to discover why some cryptocurrency users opt to sell crypto for cash? You are at the right place. The reasons why some cryptocurrency traders sell their holdings in exchange for cash will be discussed in this article.

What Are Reasons Why Some Crypto Traders Sell Crypto for Cash?

The following are reasons why some cryptocurrency users sell crypto for cash. Let’s investigate them.

1. An urgent need for cash

Cryptocurrency traders and investors sell their crypto for cash for a variety of reasons including an immediate need for cash. Unexpected events might arise that require a cryptocurrency investor to pay cash. At the time of the incident, a crypto trader might not have any cash on hand, and they might not have any other options for getting cash than selling some of their crypto coins. In either of these two situations, the seller might decide to sell their crypto for cash, which is why some cryptocurrency users choose to do so.

2. Quick transactions

Any cryptocurrency transaction involving a cash payment is completed relatively quickly. This is due to the fact that network issues that impact other forms of payment do not affect cash transactions. This explains why some cryptocurrency traders opt to sell crypto for cash. All that is necessary in this scenario is a face-to-face meeting between the buyer and seller. And if you want to sell to a physical crypto exchange office, all you have to do is go to the branch that is the closest to you, let them know what you are planning to do, and give them the information they need. Then the process will start.

3. No account with the exchange is necessary

There are two ways to exchange cryptocurrency for fiat money in person. The first is to agree upon an actual meeting place with a buyer where you will conduct business. Alternatively, you might also go to a real cryptocurrency shop like one operated by NakitCoins. You do not need to have an account with an exchange to use either of the two methods. Unlike online centralized exchanges, which demand that you create an account, this one does not. Some cryptocurrency users choose to sell crypto for cash over other choices due to this benefit.

4. Greater protection when you sell crypto for cash

When compared to other methods, selling cryptocurrency for cash is safer. This is due to the fact that anytime you wish to sell cryptocurrency using a different payment method, you must provide some personal information about yourself such as a form of identification, account information, an email address, etc. You run the danger of losing money if this information is utilized to steal your identity to impersonate you or to hack into some of your online accounts. However, you are not required to disclose any information about your financial accounts while accepting a cash payment. Instead, the buyer will provide the address of their crypto wallet. This makes the likelihood of being duped remote.


The four factors listed in this article are only a few of the many reasons why some cryptocurrency users choose to sell crypto for cash. However, these are the most significant ones. Other reasons why cryptocurrency traders sell their crypto for cash include a desire to diversify investments and the convenience of the personal help offered at in-person exchanges that use cash.

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The Industry Gamechanger – The Impact of Blockchain Technology Mon, 13 Feb 2023 05:51:12 +0000 Intuitively, the term blockchain is associated with cryptocurrencies. That could be because digital assets were

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Intuitively, the term blockchain is associated with cryptocurrencies. That could be because digital assets were the first application for novel technology. However, the hype surrounding Bitcoin and Co. is almost over, and the virtual coins have now primarily established themselves.

But the experience gained with the fast, secure and anonymous transactions has shown something significant. There is much greater potential in blockchain technology that can and will revolutionize entire industries.

The Banking

The way people conduct financial transactions these days will undoubtedly soon be a thing of the past, thanks to blockchain. By this, we don’t just mean payments in cryptocurrencies, which are already officially recognized in some countries worldwide. The new technology will also fundamentally change traditional financial transactions because it offers something that banking has always lacked: faster and more efficient processing of all banking transactions. The reason is that a distributed data book enables the automation of financial processes. At the same time, the blockchain also offers enormous security due to the encryption used, which corresponds to the highest security standards of banking institutions.

The result is faster and also cheaper financial services. This will positively affect all customers of the banks, but especially billions of people in third-world countries. Blockchain technology will enable them to access banking services for the first time.

Optimal Management of Supply Chains

The decentralized recording of all transaction data characterizes blockchain technology and makes it unique. As a result of this aspect of the technology, all data sets can be managed remarkably securely while also being transparently available to all parties involved. Supply chains in various production branches of the economy can benefit from this because you can monitor the entire supply chain in real-time. Automatic processing also helps to reduce potential human errors to a large extent. Such optimal management naturally means lower costs. For example, using the blockchain, customers can trace the origin of the products they purchase back to their provenance. With this, it will be possible to ensure their authenticity and whether they have been produced following fair trade standards.

The Internet of Things (IoT) Network

This promising application for the “distributed ledger” technology, as the blockchain is also called, is quite apparent. Because blockchain technology is decentralized, and that will be of particular benefit to the billions of network-enabled devices. The public ledger does not require a central location to manage IoT device communications. Direct data exchange between the individual participants in such a global network is simply in its nature. As a result, one can realize a huge undertaking that has pushed every other network technology to its current limits.

Elections And E-government

What until now has sounded like a political party slogan will soon be a reality, thanks to blockchain. The prerequisite for this is, of course, that politicians have the necessary will to implement it.

Falsifying the election results will only be possible with the transparent processing that characterizes the blockchain. A register of votes cast visible to all voters and parties will ensure that changes or even removals of legitimate votes are noticed. Blockchain technology represents the future of electronic vote counting that is fair and impervious to any manipulation.

Another positive impact of the blockchain will be the significant bureaucracy reduction. The so-called e-government can automate administrative processes and make them much more efficient and, above all, more transparent. This will be a crucial step in the fight against corrupt activities.

Crypto: Entertainment and Arts

The potential applications of blockchain technology in the entertainment industry are so numerous that they can easily boggle our imaginations. Some of these have already become a reality. In the crypto casino, for example, you can deposit and place bets with digital funds. Passionate gamblers benefit from the enormous security of payment processing, whereby transactions also occur quickly. This is a big plus if you want to get straight to the point, i.e. if you’re enjoying the numerous casino games without the hassle of waiting.

The blockchain will also ensure that artists are fairly rewarded. The much-discussed intelligent contracts, also based on blockchain technology, will automatically eliminate any problems with artwork licenses. It will also allow musicians and other creatives to bypass record labels and intermediaries and get paid directly by their fans.

The technology, originally intended only for cryptocurrencies, has given birth to new works of art that only exist digitally and are inimitable. We will all admire art in the form of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) very shortly.
The effects of the blockchain on all possible areas of our lives listed here still need to be completed. Only the future will tell what great opportunities and surprises await us regarding blockchain.

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Should You Invest In Bitcoin or Gold? Take This Valuable Advice Sun, 19 Jun 2022 08:14:23 +0000 Bitcoin or gold has been a constant question in the minds of investors ever since

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Bitcoin or gold has been a constant question in the minds of investors ever since Bitcoin raised its head and made itself known to the world. This happened when global figures and business entities started taking a clear note of cryptocurrency. Since then, this question of which is a better investment option has always been plaguing the investors all over the globe. If you are really into Bitcoin trading, you might consider knowing how to Become A Expert Trader Without Experience.

But it is a known fact that although Bitcoins sound a better option as of today with its value crossing all limits, it is still considered to be in its infant stage where all investors are not very sure of the coin. It is a very highly volatile form of investment. You are never sure when you can make a huge profit nor can you ever be sure when your assets are going to crash.

So investors are definitely a bit skeptical and would thus love to invest part of their money into gold. Its owners get good enough support when the stocks come crumbling down. The policy of buying gold and stocking it for emergency times is an old method and it has proved itself by passing the test of time. 

But at the present Bitcoin is also proving itself by becoming a good form of investment for all who want to invest in it. 

Investing In Gold- All You Need To Know About

If you ask about gold, then the very first and most important thing that can be said about it is that it has been with man for centuries since it was discovered. Gold is a time tested tradable asset as it passed the test of time. It has already proved itself to be a safe investment for investors.

Gold has been around in the entire major financial crisis that has overtaken society. The best thing about it is that it has the backing of the governments of various countries. As per Edward Karr of U.S. Gold Corp, all institutions like central banks, governmental institutions, pension funds and renowned and well-established families will always set aside some of their resources for gold and investment in it.

Some investors even consider it to be an insurance against their money. And it has well been proven that in times of economic crisis and collapse in the financial system of a country people have always rushed to gold as their savior. According to John Carter of Simpler Trading, gold has over 5,000 years of history to back it. And this means that gold will not go anyplace any time soon. It is here for keeps. And this ensures its safety.

Gold is all the more worth it because, despite its volatility, it has managed to retain some stability. And you as an investor can make some benefit from it because it makes a good inflation barrier.

Investing In Bitcoins- Points To Note

When you talk about the supply aspect of gold it is not limited like that of Bitcoin. The supply of gold is erratic, but according to the U.S. Geological Survey, only three-fourths of the world’s gold has already been mined. And one-fourth is still left. But the supply of Bitcoin is capped. This cannot change and thus its supply is finite which makes this a very valuable option also for investment. It will always remain at 21 million Bitcoins.

Some consider it to be a better investment opportunity because it can easily be stored which is not the case with gold. You can easily divide one Bitcoin to eight decimal places but you cannot divide one bar of gold to pay for anything.

Final Words

Finally, at the end of the day, no matter how many comparisons and similarities you find between Bitcoins and gold, you will always be at a loss to come to a conclusive conclusion that might point to one as the better investment option as against the other. So, when it comes to investment with gold or Bitcoin it is ultimately one’s own call and where to invest.

Also Read: Measuring Trade Promotion Effectiveness and ROI of Promotional Campaigns using Machine Learning

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How Should You Invest In Bitcoins? Sun, 19 Jun 2022 07:43:42 +0000 Bitcoin is a popular asset for today’s investors. Its proponents argue that it’s the currency

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Bitcoin is a popular asset for today’s investors. Its proponents argue that it’s the currency and trade of the era, while its detractors argue that it is a risky investment strategy with minimal returns. Bitcoin’s value has increased by over 753 percent in only one year, far outpacing conventional stock market gains. It’s also developing as a global, decentralized currency and an excellent payment network. You might also consider the Benefits of BTC Offer to Society.

What do you need to start a bitcoin investment?

  • A bitcoin exchange – You can find a centralized exchange or a peer-to-peer exchange.
  • Personal identification documents – If you’re buying bitcoins through a broker, they may not need to get any financial details since the broker will most likely have it on file.
  • Your bank account’s information
  • Internet connection on your mobile or computer that is both safe and dependable

Steps to follow

1. Participate in a Cryptocurrency Exchange

You must choose an exchange to start buying bitcoin. There appears to be no formal “Bitcoin” corporation since Bitcoin is an open software technology, however, there are several platforms that accept Bitcoin transactions. Find a good exchange that provides you with all the trading facilities.

2. Open a bitcoin account

Now, you have to register with the exchange. There a small verification process is done. It doesn’t take much of your time. After registration, a bitcoin account will be opened. This is the account from where you will trade.

3. Purchase a Bitcoin Wallet

You should have a bitcoin wallet where you store your security pins or keys. Those keys are the only access to your bitcoin holdings. You can buy a wallet online. Otherwise, some exchanges provide wallets for their users. Whatever you choose, try to have a cold wallet that doesn’t require an internet connection to be safe from scams.

4. Connect a Bank Account with Your Wallet

For transactions, you must link your bitcoin account to a savings account. And then, you have to transfer some funds like fiat money to your bitcoin wallet.

4. Buy the Bitcoin

After you’ve linked it to a direct deposit, you’ll need to keep an eye on bitcoin pricing and make informed decisions. You can buy bitcoin in two ways. One is called a market order while the other one is a limit order.

How to follow the performance of bitcoin investments?

Following your purchase of bitcoin, you can engage in day trade with your coins, which is manipulating the market cryptocurrencies with some other Bitcoin owners via a cryptocurrency exchange. Keep the bitcoins for perhaps a long time if there is a chance for a price hike. Make online purchases with your bitcoins.

What should your initial investment be?

To start investing in cryptocurrency, find the best crypto site for you. Remember, investors always say to just invest less than 5% of all your life savings in crypto trading because risks are involved here. Also, make a diversified portfolio with bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and also with some stocks and gold. Taking into consideration, you won’t waste more than 9.5 percent to 11% of your investment portfolio on crypto coins.

Is it for you?

Bitcoin is a dangerous investment, so consider your objectives and approach carefully before making a decision. Although Bitcoin’s price has risen considerably over time, not everyone who has purchased it has reaped the benefits. Because cryptocurrency markets are so unpredictable, finding the “perfect time” to purchase or sell is practically impossible – the price could surge moments after you sell or fall seconds after you buy.

Discover more on how to make investments if you’re unfamiliar with them. If you do decide to buy bitcoin, you’ll have to make certain technical and logistical decisions.

Bitcoins are digital assets that also are usually created using blockchain, an encrypted computer networking technology that allows them to be exchanged without the need for a centralized power like a bank. Cryptocurrency is traded on major exchanges, but they are not regulated in the same way that shares and other conventional investment products are.

Various cryptocurrencies are routinely developed for specific purposes. Bitcoins, for instance, were designed to be a payment system. Other cryptocurrencies, like Ethereum, are utilized for more complicated transactions.

Peer-to-peer programs allow you to buy bitcoins immediately from other Cryptocurrency owners, just like you would on Craigslist. When buying Bitcoin from individuals, exercise extreme caution.


So, if you’re considering purchasing Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency, consider the risks you may face and the advantages they can give you. In this aspect, application can give you a secure investment experience.

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What Is The SWIFT System? Sun, 17 Apr 2022 08:58:00 +0000 The US and the European Union partially expel Russia from the SWIFT system to stop

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The US and the European Union partially expel Russia from the SWIFT system to stop the attack on Ukraine. It is probably the sanction with the greatest economic impact that can be imposed on the country. But what is the SWIFT system? We tell you everything you need to know about this payment method and why, without it, Russian banks will not be able to make international transactions.

The disconnection of some Russian banks from the international payment platform known as the SWIFT system is one of the pressure initiatives that third countries are agreeing on to cause economic damage to Russia and dissuade its president, Vladimir Putin, from continuing with the invasion of Russia. Ukraine. In this way, Russia is partially economically isolated at the international level because all income and payments of the expelled banks are blocked, making transnational operations with entities that use the SWIFT system impossible.

What Is SWIFT System

SWIFT is the acronym for Society for World Interbank Financial Telecommunication, Society for International Interbank Financial Communications. It is an essential high-security payment system in international finance, which is used to exchange information through encrypted messaging, making the different banking movements between international entities possible and easier.

This cooperative group was founded in Brussels in 1973, thus offering the opportunity to create a common language between banks to carry out different financial movements. It currently has some 11,000 financial institutions in more than 200 countries and is run by a 25-member board. In short, it is a shared data network in which 10 million messages are processed daily, which enables international bank transfers.

Because It Is An Important SWIFT System

As we have seen, the vast majority of banks around the world belong to the SWIFT network, thus creating a fast and efficient system of communication between all of them with a common language. Each bank has a different code, which is made up of between 8 and 11 alphanumeric digits that contains:

  • Identification of the code of the country in which the entity is located.
  • Code of the same bank.
  • Additional data: location and type of branch.

In this way, with the SWIFT code you can know from where a transaction is being made.

Who Is Involved In A SWIFT Transaction

In order to carry out an operation with the SWIFT code, several key factors must be involved in the transaction. They are the following:

  • Originator: payer person or company that asks your bank to make a transfer charged to your account.
  • Issuing bank: entity that receives instructions from the payer. It is dedicated to checking the characteristics of the movement and, if it deems it appropriate, it issues the transfer through the SWIFT system.
  • Correspondent bank: it is an intermediary that appears when the movement to be carried out is made in a currency other than that of the country of the issuing bank.
  • Paying bank: this is the bank where the beneficiary of the transfer has the account where the money is received.
  • Beneficiary: the one who receives the payment in his account.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of The SWIFT System

This codified messaging system between banking entities is essential in the financial system because it has a series of advantages that few other systems can match, although it also has some drawbacks that we will mention later. Next, we show you the advantages that the SWIFT procedure offers you when carrying out any transaction:

  • Security: encrypted and codified messages so that the payment order cannot be broken.
  • Automation: messages sent through an international SWIFT network.
  • Speed: it takes just a few seconds to transmit the message to any bank in the world.
  • Standardization: simple communication that ensures the reliability of the message.
  • Irreversible: no one can stop the transaction once it has been carried out, not even the payer himself.
  • Low cost: it does not imply a high cost in commissions.

Regarding the drawbacks, the most notable is that the SWIFT system does not take care of the commercial risk of the collection. If we find ourselves in a situation where the merchandise has been delivered before the payment has been made, everything will depend on the ordering party to comply with the capital payment term.

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What Are The Best Cryptocurrencies To Invest In 2022 Sun, 10 Apr 2022 05:50:00 +0000 Cryptocurrencies have been booming for some years now, and more and more people are encouraged

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Cryptocurrencies have been booming for some years now, and more and more people are encouraged to invest in them to get benefits. Are you one of them? In that case, please pay attention to this post: in it, we tell you which are the most interesting cryptocurrencies to invest in during 2022.

The Five Best Cryptocurrencies To Invest In During 2022

In 2022, experts suggest that the most profitable cryptocurrencies to invest in will be: 

Lucky Block: This cryptocurrency is particular in its operation, called the ‘crypto lottery’. This cryptocurrency is a digital lottery platform that is based on blockchain technology. In this environment, you can gamble with cryptocurrencies for quick and very substantial profits with more or less risk, depending on the investor’s wishes. Lucky Block acquired a big name in 2021, and in 2022 it is expected to continue to rise.

Solana: Solana is by far the fastest cryptocurrency for online trading. We must add that it closed in 2021 with record growth, rising and surpassing other, a priori, more powerful cryptocurrencies such as Ripple. It is currently experiencing a boom that, according to forecasts, will extend throughout 2022.

Ethereum: In 2021, Ethereum was the fastest growing cryptocurrency. This 2022 will launch its version 2.0, which will make Ethereum managed through a proof of participation system, added to greater speed, and a more efficient blockchain will increase the currency’s value. That is why investing in it this year can be a good idea. Also, being a well-known cryptocurrency, it is possible to buy and sell in multiple online brokers. It is easy to invest in it with euros, dollars and any other currency.  

Solana: Solana is by far the fastest cryptocurrency for online trading. We must add that it closed in 2021 with record growth, rising and surpassing other, a priori, more powerful cryptocurrencies such as Ripple. It is currently experiencing a boom that, according to forecasts, will extend throughout 2022.

Bitcoin: This is still one of the reference cryptocurrencies, one of the safest when it comes to investing and, without a doubt, the one with the most support. That is why it is very easy to buy it and make transactions. It is somewhat below its all-time highs, although it is expected to reach $100,000 this year. Therefore, it is a good option to invest in the future. 

Binance Coin: Binance is a decentralized exchange that allows trading and trading of a huge volume of cryptocurrencies. Thus, it has become one of the main cryptocurrency trading platforms with very low commissions. One factor to keep in mind is that, as Binance Coin will reduce the number of tokens in circulation, it will make an adjustment that will make this coin one of the most stable. 

To these main cryptocurrencies, others with a good forecast for 2022. In any case, keep in mind that cryptocurrencies are very volatile, and their value can change drastically in hours. Therefore, the outlook for one and the other may vary over the months. 

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Why Investors Are So Excited About SPACs Wed, 28 Apr 2021 11:03:07 +0000 For a long time now, IPOs have been the hottest game in town for investors.

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For a long time now, IPOs have been the hottest game in town for investors. These days, the investment world is buzzing with excitement about the potential of the special purpose acquisition company (SPAC).

Introducing the SPAC

The SPAC is a holding company that produces no original products or services. Instead, the SPAC exists for exactly one reason: to purchase up-and-coming private companies. Each SPAC is managed by a person known as a sponsor. The sponsor is typically an individual with a reputation for finding excellent business opportunities early and often. Though many sponsors are hedge fund managers, this isn’t always the case.

Technically, SPACs have been around since the 1960s. However, investors are now flocking to SPACs like never before. After a number of disappointing IPOs, retail investors are starting to get sick and tired of being left holding the bag. The best SPACs enable you to invest early in promising new companies. Getting in on the ground floor is a way to reduce your financial exposure.

Why and How You Can Invest in SPACS

The SPAC investing process is similar to that of purchasing any kind of stock. After logging into your broker account, search for the ticker symbol of the SPAC you want. Than type in how many shares you need and click to finalize the purchase. If you don’t have a broker account, you’ll find it easier than ever to open one. Thanks to disruptive investment companies like Robinhood, brokerage fees have nosedived in recent years.

Risks involved in SPAC Investing

No SPAC is legally required to disclose its acquisition target ahead of time. Therefore, investing in a SPAC means you are putting total trust in the SPAC sponsor’s investment abilities. According to the finance experts at Money Morning, “Not every SPAC is a winner. And paying a premium to get into them can be a big mistake.” That’s why you should be wary of any SPAC priced at more than 10 dollars per share. You don’t want to pay a premium for SPAC shares unless you are extremely confident in the SPAC’s sponsor.

Why SPACs Are So Hot Right Now

A SPAC isn’t legally required to disclose its acquisition target before sealing a deal. However, SPAC investors are protected by a number of legal safeguards. Once a SPAC is listed on the stock market, the sponsor has two years to close a deal and buy a company. If the SPAC misses this deadline, it must return every penny back to investors. Once the deal is made, the SPAC merges with its acquisition target, which neatly replaces the SPAC’s stock market listing. This is a relatively painless, simple way to get listed on the market,. That’s why many tech entrepreneurs are looking to partner with SPACs. Because tech companies add resiliency to the economy, SPACs are continually assuming a more important role in the investment world.

When it comes to investing, profits are never guaranteed. However, prudent investors who exercise due diligence can find SPAC investment very profitable indeed.

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Top Rated Personal Loan Private Finance Companies in India Mon, 05 Apr 2021 08:44:17 +0000 A personal loan is an unsecured loan that comes to the aid of individuals to

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A personal loan is an unsecured loan that comes to the aid of individuals to meet their financial requirements. Both banks and non-banking financial corporations offer personal loans at a competitive rate of interest. Now we shall discuss the top-rated personal loan private finance companies in India.

Money View emerged as one of the top rate private personal finance companies in India. Money View personal loans are fast, highly secured, and the entire loan application process is executed in a hassle-free manner.

Features and Benefits of Money View Personal Loans

Money view personal loans are jam-packed with potential benefits and features. This would ensure the process of obtaining a personal loan in a secured way.

  • Checking eligibility requirements: It would take approximately two minutes to carry out the process of loan eligibility. This requires submission of essential details thereby averting the problems of executing complicated computations to determine how much loan amount the applicant is eligible for.
  • Loan Amount: It is up to the applicants to decide the volume of loan amount required. However, individuals could apply for loan amounts between Rs. 10, 000 and Rs. 5 lakhs. Money view would mention the eligibility status and applicants do have the liberty to pick a loan amount.
  • Flexible Repayment Tenure: The money view empowers individuals to decide their repayment tenure. The repayment tenure of personal loans may exceed up to sixty months.
  • 24-Hour Disbursal: The entire loan amount is credited to your bank account within twenty-four hours of the loan approval process. This helps save the issues of carrying out multiple calls and sending emails to keep track of disbursement status.
  • Lower Rate of Interest: Budget-friendly rates of interest are offered at 1.33% per month by taking into consideration the financial constraints of an applicant.
  • Paperless Documentation: The whole process including documentation and repayment is executed in digital format. As a result, you need not even think about the submission of photocopies of relevant documents and multiple trips to banks.
  • Offering Loans on Lower Credit Score: Money view had recently launched an internal credit score model that rates creditworthiness based on data points. You could obtain a personal loan at a lower credit score. However, applicants must have secured a CIBIL score of 650 or an Experian score of 750.

Steps involved to obtain a loan from Money view

  • Complete the entire loan application form and upload it to the official website of Money view. It is budget-friendly and caters to the financial requirements of an individual. The interest rate starts from 1.33% per month and the loan processing charges are around 2% to 8%.
  • In the case of the Money view, part payments are not allowed and the availability of full prepayment after a period of three EMI’s.
  • No extra charges are levied in addition to the interest amount for the duration between loan cancellation and loan disbursement. Even processing fees could be retained.

Eligibility Requirements for Money view Personal Loans

Money view sticks to a broad eligibility criterion to make sure that each applicant could obtain a personal loan online in a hassle-free manner.

  • Salaried professionals must earn a monthly income of Rs. 20, 000 and the credit score should range between 1-299. The place of residence could be anywhere.
  • Self-employed individuals should earn a monthly income of Rs. 25, 000 and a CIBIL score must be more than 650 with an Experian score of 750.

In addition to the above-mentioned, applicants must be aged between 21 years and 57 years. The monthly income should be directly credited to the applicant’s bank account.

Documents Required While Applying for Money View Paperless Online Loan

Unlike other banks and similar financing companies who request lengthy documentation while applying for a loan. A major highlight concerning the Money view is that you could experience a complete paperless documentation process.

  • ID Proof: Government-issued identity proof that mentions the date of birth in the format dd/mm/yyyy is accepted.
  • Address Proof:— An authentic and 100% valid document displaying existing address pin code could be submitted as proof of address while applying for a loan. It could be an aadhar card, ration card, or utility bills such as electricity, water, voter’s ID, bank statement/passbook.
  • Income Proof: Salaried professionals must hold bank statements of the previous three months in PDF format. It mentions salary credits or previous three month’s salary slips will do. Self-employed individuals should submit the previous three month’s bank statements in PDF format. Or income tax returns of the previous two years will be more than enough.
  • Also Read: Secure Your User Accounts With Two-Factor Authentication

Ways to Avoid Rejection of Personal Loan at Money View

  • Lower Monthly Income:

At Money View, salaried professionals should earn a monthly income of Rs. 13, 500 and Rs. 25, 000 for self-employed individuals. Apart from that, there are additional conditions attached to the income. You have to make sure that you comply with those requirements.

  • Additional Financial Commitments:

The online loan application might get rejected if you have multiple lines of credit. Moreover, a major part of your monthly income is spent on clearing outstanding dues or EMI’s. It consists of home loans, car loans, and credit cards.

  • Poor Credit Score:

CIBIL score determines the creditworthiness of an applicant. Money view approves personal loans for those individuals who have secured a minimum CIBIL score of 650.

  • Submission of Incorrect Documents:

Accurate documents are mandatory to be considered eligible for the loan. Even though documents demanded by Money view are low, they require accurate and authentic ones.


Money view is a reliable online personal loan portal that offers flexible repayment tenure. Unlike other private finance companies, Money view offers personal loans to both salaried professionals and self-employed individuals at an attractive rate of interest.

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How To Make Money Off Sports Betting In 2021 Sat, 20 Mar 2021 05:57:36 +0000 Generally, sports betting could be a lucrative way of gaining financial freedom. This is why

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Generally, sports betting could be a lucrative way of gaining financial freedom. This is why sports betting has a huge market and also gaining more popularity across the globe. Punters enjoy sports betting on mobile platforms, which has caused many to ask for a wazobet app.

Today is a perfect time to be a sports bettor. The game comprises of male and female categories. It gives punters something to stake on every other day. From soccer to basketball, cricket and tennis, your favourite teams and players can now be backed up through sports betting.

Here, our author, Kate Richardson, reveals how you can improve your sports betting strategy. Improving your betting strategy or approach would have a ripple effect on your results accordingly.  Here are simple ways to make money off sports betting:

  • Thorough Research 

Hard work is a common denominator across all aspects of life. Doctors, sportsmen, sportswomen, golfers, and soccer players have to put in a lot of work to get the best results. Why should sports betting be any different? It would help if you did a lot of research to ensure your predictions are accurate.

Follow sports news, trends, breaking news about your preferred sports. This is the most accurate way to ensure your predictions aren’t tied to your emotions. Ideally, being an emotional bettor would only get you to the losing side twice as fast.

  • Check out several sites.

It’s essential to browse various sites before staking on sports. Sites differ in the offers they give to their customers. This difference is crucial and could be beneficial to your gambling journey. However, it would require you to search for such paypal betting sites to sign up on. For instance, on wazobet, there are fantastic options available that other betting platforms lack. With over 30 different sports, punters can select from a variety of games. Sadly, there isn’t a wazobet app at the moment, and you’ll have to visit the web or mobile versions of the site.

  • Avoid hero bets

Most punters fall into this trap of trying to regain their losses by taking more bets at once. Every bettor must be able to stay patient. These hasty decisions could get deep down into more losses. Reevaluate your methods, organise your thoughts and remain patient.

  • Line movement

To make money from sports betting, you need to be watchful regarding the line movement. Now, remember that you are not betting on the player. Instead, you are betting toward a number. Detach your emotions and pounce when you see that the game has changed. There are no favourites for golf betting, and you have to be logical with each bet to bag your wins.

  • Bet Responsibly

Betting has two sides at the end of the day. Either you go home with your wins or with losses. However, it is essential to bet responsibly. Apparently, not losing money can be thought of as gaining money. Do your research, place real bets and watch the result table.

Thinking of sports betting as an investment with ROIs may help improve your results. While you may engage in it for fun, it’s only entertaining when you win. This makes it essential to follow the latest news and updates in the sports world. While there is currently no wazobet app for punters, the web version works perfectly and features many excellent betting options.

Features Of Wazobet Sportsbook

As a soccer-loving counter, you don’t have to be dismayed by the lack of a wazobet app. you can always visit the wazobet website to wager on your favourite games. You should also be wary of schemers masquerading as wazobet agents or touting download links for the app. There is currently no official wazobet app. So what features should be expected from the mobile and web platforms of wazobet?

User-friendly website:

Both mobile and computer versions of the Wazobet sportsbook are well optimised and geared towards meeting punter’s needs. Bettors can choose between the “full” and “lite” modes depending on their internet speed and strength. Despite the lack of a wazobet app, the betting experience is smooth and pleasing.

Variety Of Sports Betting Markets

This sportsbook is packed with several betting options, including regular sports and virtual sports. With over thirty available categories to choose from, your betting journey has only just begun. Luckily you may choose to sort the sporting events by date, popularity, league or country to avoid a clumsy view.

Live Betting

No bookmaker worth his salt today undermines the importance of live betting on matches. Live bets are often more thrilling and offer boosted odds. On the wazobet website, punters can wager upon live soccer events ranging from goals to corners and card markets. While you can view scorelines and in-game stats, wazobet doesn’t run a live broadcast of games.

Payments and Customer Support

You can expect an abundance of payment and withdrawal options on wazobet, depending on your country. Generally, the commonly available payment options on Wazobet include MasterCard, Visa, Skrill and local bank transfers. Businesses thrive with customers, and Wazobet’s customer support is top-notch. Featuring a live chat option and email support, wazobet agents are available 24/7 to resolve all of your punting issues.

As mentioned earlier, there is no mobile app for now. However, you can still wager soccer and esports bets on the wazobet website without hassle. Always remember that betting is risky and you should carry out due diligence when staking on events.

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7 Reasons You Must Hire A Mortgage Broker Thu, 20 Feb 2020 19:09:53 +0000 Are you thinking of buying a new property? If yes, you must hire a mortgage

The post 7 Reasons You Must Hire A Mortgage Broker appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

Are you thinking of buying a new property? If yes, you must hire a mortgage broker who will guide you throughout the process. However, many people dismiss the thought of hiring a broker, considering it as an added expense. They think they’ll have to pay a big commission to the brokers along with hiring charges. Thus, they opt to choose a mortgage of their choice.

Though you can deal with a bank directly to secure a loan, using a mortgage broker is still beneficial. Even if you find an offer at the best price, the rate of interest may not be in your favor. On the other hand, a broker acts as a mediator between you and the lender and works in your best interests.

If you are on the fence whether to hire a mortgage broker or not, here are seven reasons you should

Mortgage Brokers Do All The Hard Work For You

One big mistake that most of the property buyers commit is they don’t explore the options and settle for the first home loan they find. Thus, they end up leaving thousands of bucks on the table. If you use a mortgage broker, he will do the entire rate shopping for you, giving you sufficient time to do other important things. 

They Are Your Personal Loan Advisors

When it comes to searching for a mortgage, you may get overwhelmed with the complicated jargon your agent uses. Further, you are likely to get confused with the varying deals different providers offer. But, if you have a knowledgeable broker by your side, they become your personal loan advisors.

Much like a mortgage advisor, a broker gives you honest advice and helps you find a product that suits your needs. They know your financial condition and work closely with you to assess your requirements. Keeping all this in mind, they provide you with access to several loan options. You can compare, narrow down your options, and find the best one. 

They Are Experts In Their Field

Mortgage brokers have a good knowledge of the mortgage and financial system. They not only sell mortgages but also counsel people on their mortgage choices. They know the specifics with regard to the banks or financial institutions and guide you towards the establishment that suits your requirements. They will help you see the things clearly and accompany you through all the steps of the process.

You Can Reach Them For Constant Consultation

A mortgage broker will review your financial condition at least once a year to check if your borrowing structure is meeting your current needs. In some cases, they may help you to remortgage to a new provider who offers a more favorable deal. Remortgaging has a stack of benefits. It will not only reduce your monthly payments but also gives flexibility in how you pack back your mortgage.

Mortgage Brokers Work Independently

They don’t work for any lender or financial institution. This means they are neutral, unbiased, and work independently. Thus, you will get honest, impartial advice on which solution is the best for you.

They Are More Accessible Than The Bank Agents

As the mortgage brokers work for you and not the banks, they won’t get paid unless you decide to close off the loan. So, you can find a broker more easily than a bank agent.

They Help You Save Time And Money

Searching for the best mortgage solutions on your own is a bit exhausting and time-consuming. However, if you hire a mortgage broker, they run back and forth with different banks to get the best possible rates for you. Sometimes, they may help lenders with giving up fees on applications or appraisal. Thus, while you are on house hunting, leave all these tasks to your broker.


Now that you know why you must use a mortgage broker while buying a property, it’s time to hire a professional one. Even a small difference in the interest rates can have a profound impact on the amount you need to pay over a few years. So, get started with your research today and find the best mortgage solutions for your new property.

Also Read : ShareKhan – The largest Stock Broker

The post 7 Reasons You Must Hire A Mortgage Broker appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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