jobs Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Tue, 20 Jun 2023 10:22:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 jobs Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 E-Recruiting – Simplify Your Recruitment Tue, 20 Jun 2023 10:22:10 +0000 The corona pandemic means many people work from home – including HR staff and applicants.

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The corona pandemic means many people work from home – including HR staff and applicants. This is why recruitment is becoming digital for more and more recruiters: e-recruiting is on the rise.
We explain what e-recruiting is all about, what advantages this type of application offers and which tools can support you as an HR manager.

What Is E-recruiting?

Many recruiters already used e-recruiting before the pandemic, but now it is more common than ever. E-Recruiting (Electronic Recruiting) refers to procuring personnel using special software. The search for suitable applicants, the selection of applicants, and the administration of the application process are mapped using e-recruiting software. With the help of e-recruiting, applicant management and recruitment should be simplified and, above all, made more efficient in finding the best candidate for the vacancy.

You Can Use E-recruiting For Yourself Via These Channels.

Job advertisements in newspapers hardly lead to success these days. As an HR manager, you can use various options to attract the attention of suitable applicants and simplify them with the help of e-recruiting:

Own career page

Many applicants have a dream employer in mind. To become one of these, you can score with your career page. In e-recruiting, this is an important point of reference for the first contact between the company and the applicant.  

Social networks

Where could suitable candidates be found? Where they spend the whole day: on social networks. Suitable applicants can also be found via social media. For example, more and more applicants are using Facebook’s job function to find suitable positions. Many e-recruiting software solutions offer direct connections to various social networks. You can find more about social media recruiting on our blog.

Online job exchanges

The classic for digital job advertisements: Online job exchanges such as Indeed are usually the first point of contact for people who want to make a career change. Most e-recruiting software solutions offer the possibility of creating job advertisements and publishing them on common online job exchanges with just a few clicks.

Why You, Too, Should Establish E-recruiting

Increased efficiency and time savings through e-recruiting software are just two advantages of e-recruiting for HR professionals. Use these arguments to convince your superiors of digital recruitment:

Increasing company attractiveness 

One of the most important advantages of e-recruiting is the increase in company attractiveness – especially for the up-and-coming Gen Z! Just imagine how pleasantly surprised an applicant can be when they ask for a short introductory video instead of a boring letter of motivation: you are seen as a modern and attractive employer. 

Creating a talent pool 

Even if an applicant does not currently fit an advertised position, thanks to e-recruiting, you can mark these applicants for the latest vacancies and create an internal talent pool. This way, you can save costs and resources when searching for applicants again. 

Adjust content quickly

Job advertisements in newspapers or trade journals are printed once and can no longer be changed. If an additional qualification is required or the list of benefits expands, new job advertisements must be placed. This expenditure of time and money can be avoided with e-recruiting. Job advertisements can be updated in real-time with just a few clicks – at no additional cost. 

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Digital Onboarding – Everything You Need To Know As A Recruiter Wed, 01 Mar 2023 15:56:28 +0000 The classic training of new employees is difficult during the lockdown and contact restrictions. HR

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The classic training of new employees is difficult during the lockdown and contact restrictions. HR managers face a challenge: How can the training be carried out successfully in the home office so the new colleagues feel they are in good hands? The magic word here is digital onboarding!

In this article, we will tell you how you, as an HR manager, can successfully establish digital onboarding in your company so that new employees feel well-received from day one. We also give tips on convincing your superiors of a digitized onboarding process.

What Is Digital Onboarding?

Every HR manager’s goal is to integrate new employees into the daily work process as quickly as possible and spend only a little bit of time on training unnecessarily- this is where digital onboarding comes into play. Digital onboarding is the induction of new employees using HR software. Therefore, the company entry is digital and possible from the home office without any problems.

Choosing The Right HR Software

Numerous e-recruiting software also offers an onboarding tool. We have already presented these to you on our blog. These tools have the advantage that all the steps required for onboarding can be processed in one place – however, these softwares also come with additional costs. In addition to the special software, tools that are already established in your company can also be used:

Microsoft Office 365:  Most people are probably familiar with the functions of Microsoft Office 365 because it is not for nothing that MS Office is the most used software by German office workers in 2020. Microsoft Teams offers numerous practical functions that you can use for your digital onboarding process. For example, you can hold live events or organize a presentation of the team via video conference. In addition, wikis can be used as guides, for example, and calendars can be synchronized. Microsoft itself shares more tips.  

Google Workspace: The former Google G Suite became Google Workspace and offered functions similar to Microsoft Office Teams. For example, you can use the Google Forms feature to create interactive documents, such as the Business Code Agreement. Google Docs also offers the possibility to create documents that several people can work on simultaneously. Google spreadsheets make it possible to create checklists for the new colleague’s first week at work. All files relevant to onboarding can be stored centrally and shared with new colleagues.

Trello:  The project management tool Trello also offers numerous options for designing the digital onboarding of new employees. For example, there is a template for an induction plan with various functions.

Slack: This tool primarily maps communication within the company and is a good alternative to Microsoft Teams. For this purpose, the new employee is invited and can exchange ideas with colleagues and superiors. These can, in turn, inform him about important dates or processes.

You Can Use These Building Blocks In Your Digital Onboarding.

Your company will certainly offer important information, such as a company portrait, for new employees even without digital onboarding. You can enrich the onboarding process with the help of HR software systems. We have created an overview of the options you should think about:

Digital company portrait:  In this, you can, for example, provide image videos of your company. There may also be a personal greeting from the Management Board to new employees. You could also offer digital tours through different locations so the new colleagues can get a perfect picture of their new workplace. 

FAQ:  At first, most new colleagues often have the same questions: What are the core working hours? Where can I find the works council? How do I behave correctly when I report sick? Collect frequently asked questions from new employees and answer them centrally. Think back to your first day at the company: Which questions would you have liked a direct answer to? 

Form and document pool:  Whether vacation requests, occupational safety regulations, or documents for company pension schemes: Make the most important documents for everyday work directly available to new colleagues. Internal company guidelines on processes and SOPs should also be stored here. 

Feedback opportunity: Use the opportunity to absorb knowledge and feedback from a new employee. In this way, you can reduce the risk of operational blindness in the company and benefit from the fresh wind that new colleagues bring with them. You can also use these tips to improve your onboarding process constantly.

E-Learning: Some training courses are not necessarily subject-specific but affect every employee in a company. To remain efficient and not overfill the appointment calendar of the new colleague from day one, you should rely on e-learning. For example, record the data protection training video and make it available on the e-learning platform that most HR software systems offer. In this way, the employees can call up the information exactly when they have time for it – tests can also be carried out afterward via these platforms so that you can check whether the new colleague has understood the core statements of the training.

This Is How Digital Onboarding Succeeds: Preparation Is The Be-All And End-All.

In addition to choosing the right HR software or tools, you can take other measures to make the onboarding process as efficient as possible. With our tips, you, as an HR manager, are perfectly prepared for the virtual onboarding process.

To ensure a smooth first day of work for employees working from home, the right equipment must be made available. Ensure newcomers get their laptops, smartphones, and the appropriate access and passwords on time. Depending on the scope of work, you should deliver the hardware one week before the start of work so that the new colleague has enough time to set up the equipment.

You should also ensure that new employees know when, where and with whom to report on their first day. Here, too, take the newcomer’s direct colleagues on board. A phone call or video conference is best suited for this, supplemented by an e-mail with all the important information about the first day of work.

Convince Your Superiors of Digital Onboarding.

To convince your superiors to establish a digital onboarding process, we have summarized the most important advantages for you:

Cost savings:  Even if money has to be invested first to establish digital onboarding in the company, costs can be reduced in the long run. 

Time-saving:  This advantage is obvious with an automated process. The HR software can digitize workflows so that, for example, information only has to be provided once for the system and does not have to be handed out to each new employee manually. 

Flexibility:  Digital onboarding and the associated digital processes can be adjusted anytime. If, for example, a manager changes the organizational chart, this can be adjusted directly in the HR system and does not have to be printed out again for new employees. As a human resources department, you are much more flexible and can quickly communicate information.

Competitive advantage:  A modern and digital onboarding process puts you one step ahead of the competition and allows you to attract qualified specialists. Companies that use digital onboarding can retain up to 90% of new hires, but only 30% for companies that don’t. 

Induction plan: The more organized and efficient the digital onboarding takes place, the faster new colleagues will settle into the company. This allows you to work faster on tasks and assert yourself in day-to-day business. You can support him in this with a structured induction plan. Of course, you, as HR manager, are in demand here and the specialist department.


A digital onboarding process should find its way into every company because it saves time and money and ensures that new employees can start more quickly with what they were actually hired for: their new job!

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7 Risks Of Artificial Intelligence That We Must Face To Manage It Effectively Fri, 20 May 2022 05:07:52 +0000 According to an OECD report, 14% of jobs in the world could be affected by

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According to an OECD report, 14% of jobs in the world could be affected by the emergence of Artificial Intelligence. The percentage is somewhat higher up to 22%, although it is generally lower than expected. Not all jobs can be replaced because it will not always be possible or efficient.

Behavioral Impact

The first example we already see daily in many houses. Children treat virtual assistants rudely since Alexa or Siri obey without the need to ask them for things, please. The risk is that children can transfer these behaviors to their relationships with people, something that, as this Washington Post article warns, is already beginning to happen. More curious but less educated children.

Contrived Stupidity

It is getting harder and harder to fool the machines. But it is possible to do it. “We imagine that there is a small human brain inside the computer, but no, it’s just programming and mathematics,” explains Meredith Broussard, author of the book Artificial Stupidity. They are not infallible: there are makeup and costume techniques to fool facial recognition systems. As explained, work still needs to be done to achieve fully efficient Artificial Intelligence.

Bias And Lack Of Neutrality Of Machines

The artificial intelligence system used by judges in the US as an advisor has a bias and discourages black citizens from freedom more often than whites. The algorithm analyzes 173 variables —none of them is race— and gives a probability of recidivism from 0 to 10. The problem is not the machine but the risk that the judge delegates to it.

Artificial Intelligence Security

The video of Barack Obama insulting Donald Trump went viral a while ago in the United States. And yet it was false. Artificial Intelligence can become a great ally to manufacturing fake news if we do not use it with the appropriate ethics. In this specific case, the video is a creation of FakeApp, with the help of Adobe After Effects. This software uses machine learning to scan people’s faces in a video and impersonate them.

Unintended Consequences

In July 2017, all the alarms went off. Two Facebook chatbots had developed a language that their programmers did not understand. It was, however, a simple programming error. an expert in artificial intelligence at the CSIC, maintains that no machine has intentions, nor will they ever have them. “They can teach themselves to play Go and beat a champion, but they don’t know what they’re playing. If we put that same machine to distinguish photos of dogs and cats, it would forget everything else.

Robot Rights

Finally, the president of the Think Tank “We the Humans” asserted that robots should not have rights because they do not have responsibilities either. “Today a robot is not free, therefore it should not answer to anyone. It’s the people behind an intelligent system who will have to respond if the need arises,” he said.

Also Read: Tv With (AI)Artificial Intelligence, Discover The Best Models

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9 Proactive Ways to Get Your Business Career Out of a Rut Wed, 16 Mar 2022 07:31:00 +0000 Those working in the world of business can often feel like standing out takes a

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Those working in the world of business can often feel like standing out takes a lot of work. More often than not, many business professionals are required to do a wide range of general tasks, rather than allowing themselves to become a true expert or a specialist in a particular field. And while this can be a good way to learn a wide range of transferable business skills and figure out what you’re good at and what you enjoy the most, it can also make it difficult to determine your next career move. You might end up being left feeling like you’re fairly good at quite a lot of things, but you can’t pinpoint one particular thing that you feel is your biggest strength or interest in order to pursue it further.
For many people, the ultimate career goal is to make it into some kind of management or leadership position or to become a sought-after expert in a certain area of business. In order to ensure that you are able to achieve this, you will need to take control. Many people make the mistake of simply trying to be as good as possible at everything that they do and hope that their employer will notice them and offer a promotion. Sometimes it happens, but more often than not, it sadly doesn’t. Instead of leaving all the power in your employer’s hands, take back control of your career and shape it in a way that only you can, positioning yourself for success.
Here are some ideas that you may find useful if you want to advance your career in business.

Improve Your Knowledge:

Actively improving your knowledge is a step that only you can take, and it is also one that will earn you recognition and respect. Studying for a degree in an advanced business subject alongside your career will not only show that you are dedicated and determined to your career, but also that you are great at taking the initiative – a key characteristic that many employers are looking out for when it comes down to deciding who gets a promotion.

The good news is that improving your knowledge and your resume has never been easier. Online degree programs are now available from a huge range of different schools, allowing you to study from the comfort of your own home and at times that suit you best, meaning that they don’t need to cause an ounce of disruption to your current career. You can now take some of the most in-demand business degree qualifications in the world online from the comfort of your own home. Check out this post from Suffolk University to find out which business master’s degrees are most in-demand by employers.

Ask for More Responsibility:

Many employees are worried to ask outright for more responsibility in the workplace. This might stem from a place of anxiety or believing that their employer would have given them extra responsibility if there was anything available. However, this isn’t usually true. In fact, if you want to take on more responsibility at work, you will usually get the best results by simply asking for it. Employers are often looking for potential employees to promote, and being able to assertively ask for something that you want shows your confidence. Already, you are making a better impression as a potential candidate. Whether you ask for additional responsibilities that you can use to demonstrate further to your employer why you are the best person for the job or directly asking for a promotion; if you don’t ask, you won’t get.

Also Read: How To Incorporate Pinterest Into Our Marketing Strategy

Get an Online Presence:

If you have aspirations to become an expert in a certain area of business, the best way to go about getting started is to get an online presence of your own. Starting your own blog is the best way to do this; it gives you a platform to get your message out there and start publishing content relevant to the field you want to specialize in, to demonstrate your knowledge to the world – and more importantly, your potential future clients. And the best part is that starting your own blog is something that can be done in mere minutes today. Over time, a consistent blog that you update regularly can become a base for finding like-minded people and developing a reader base that you can put to work helping you get found or developing your personal brand.

Get Professional Certification:

While getting an advanced degree is always a great route to take, it’s not always a feasible option for everybody. The expense alone might be enough to put you off the idea of getting an advanced business degree, but the good news is that there are alternatives to consider that won’t break the bank quite so hard. Professional certifications can add a level of credibility to you as a business professional, and there are thousands of different certifications to choose from, which you can earn in every type of business career. Getting the professional certification could be all that your employer needs to see you do to offer you a promotion; you could be offered a new job in the process or you could simply use them to add further credibility to your resume when searching for your next position.


‘It’s not what you know; it’s who you know’ has never been as true as it is in the world of business. People can be excellent resources in the business field, whether they can provide you with information, advice, or actual opportunities. Networking can lead you to potential mentors, coaches, employers, or even business partners – so it’s a good idea to spend as much time networking with as wide a group of people as possible. If you’re not quite ready to jump into the world of networking in real life just yet, the good news is that online networking is getting bigger and bigger. Social media sites like LinkedIn and Twitter can be a great way to have conversations with other like-minded business professionals and build mutually beneficial professional relationships.

Write an eBook:

Another tip for those who want to eventually end up as a business specialist, consultant, or expert is to write an eBook. Even if you are not an amazing writer, you will be surprised at how quickly a book that contains the value to provide to the reader can sell. And if you’re concerned about your writing skills, don’t forget that you can always get somebody to ghost-write your ideas. Just like blogging, technology, and the internet have made it easier than ever for anybody to become a published author in very little time. Once you have written your book, you could pitch it to a publisher – or publish it yourself immediately on a platform like Amazon.

Also Read: Business Management Programs For Machine Maintenance

Take Online Courses:

Maybe you don’t like the idea of returning to college, or it simply isn’t feasible for you right now – but that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing else you can do to improve your knowledge and skills. Today, there’s an amazing number of online resources available to anybody who wants to learn something new or explore a different field. Coursera and Udemy are two top examples of websites where you can find free and very reasonably priced online courses on a wide range of topics with everything covered from basic business skills to business management and entrepreneurship. Believe it or not, but you can even learn advanced cardiac life support online and receive your certification in no time.

Share Your Knowledge:

Blogging and writing a book aren’t the only ways to share your knowledge; if you want to eventually get to a place where people pay you to advise them, a good way to get started out is by teaching classes. Sites like Skillshare allow anybody to become a teacher and share their knowledge and skills with students who want to learn. And, when you start teaching others, you will be more conscious of ensuring that you are providing them with the right information – and end up learning a lot more than you might have thought yourself. It’s a great way to easily start positioning yourself as an expert in your field.


While working for free might seem counterproductive to some, the truth is that giving up your time to volunteer your professional skills can be a very rewarding and enriching experience. While you might not earn cash in return, you will certainly earn things that money can’t buy, like increased confidence in your abilities. You’ll also be able to use volunteering as an opportunity to increase your expertise in your chosen field and work on a wide variety of different projects that you might not have the opportunity to work on in your usual career.

Advancing your business career might feel like an impossible task when you are used to wearing a lot of different hats and never really getting the chance to become an expert in something. If this sounds like you, it’s time to take matters into your own hands and figure out what you can do to propel your career in the right direction.

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Pursuing a Career in Engineering – What You Need to Know Fri, 25 Feb 2022 05:50:13 +0000 If you enjoy undertaking engineering projects in your free time or as part of a

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If you enjoy undertaking engineering projects in your free time or as part of a hobby, then you will possibly want to take this further and turn your passion into a way to earn a living. A career in engineering can be truly rewarding, and it can allow you to realize your full and true ambition. Applying what you know and also applying your skill set to solve a problem, or overcome an obstacle, is something that you will do within any engineering role. If you love to be challenged, and if you enjoy variety – then an engineering path has the potential to be your dream career. To turn your dream into reality, what do you need to start focusing on, and what do you need to start working on?

Pursuing an Engineering Position

The engineering industry is diverse, and the position that you pursue will have a direct impact on how products or items are designed, manufactured, or produced. An engineering position gives you the chance to make a direct impact, and this is not something that you can always say or do in other roles or industries. Engineering offers you a role that guarantees no two days will be the same. For example, one day, you could be working on a small project for an individual client, and the next day you could be working on a design for a multinational corporation. The diversity that a role in engineering provides you also gives you excitement and enjoyment. If you have a love of problem-solving, and if you love to apply Maths and Science to gain solutions – then engineering is right for you. Engineers process and solve problems in a calculated way, and if this is something that you enjoy doing in your free time, it will be something that you enjoy doing as a career.

What Type of Engineering You Want to Focus On

So, before you go any further in pursuit of your dream career, you have to decide on an area of focus. As the area of engineering is broad it is vital that you establish what area you want to focus your attention on. For example, would you like to be an electrical engineer that perhaps focuses on developing machines? Or would you like to be involved in civil engineering working on roads and highways? Or, would you like to focus on automotive engineering, perhaps helping to shape and develop cars of the future? What is driving your role, and where does your passion life. When you know what type of engineering you want to pursue, you can then start to focus on personal growth and development to ensure that you secure the position that you want.

Self-Development and Self-Growth is Essential

As an engineer, you want to thrive in your role, and you want to be the best that you can be. To ensure that this happens, you need to focus on self-growth and on self-development too. Evaluating where your strengths and weaknesses lie and then taking corrective action will ensure that you thrive and succeed in any engineering role you undertake. So, when you look at the skills and attributes you have to offer, can you see any visible room for growth. Are you an effective and clear communicator? Or are you great at working on your own (but perhaps not so good at working in a team)? Behind open and honest about where your shortfalls exist is a crucial part of self-development and self-growth. If you are unsure about where your weaknesses may lie, then get a family member, friend, or work colleague to help you through the process.

Putting All Of Your Skills into Action

Any engineering role requires you to put all of the skills into action, and this can be one of the major perks of an engineering job. There are not many jobs that require the application of all of your skills, both mental and physical. When you put your skills into action, you get the potential to realize your ambitions, and you also get to see where you can make improvements. When you focus on putting skills into action or into practice, you gain experience. It is this experience that is going to be beneficial and advantageous to your career. Not all of your skills will be called to action at the same time, and it is important to take the process slow and steady. Introducing and focusing on one skill at a time will ensure that you perfect what you are working on before naturally moving on.

Advancing Your Knowledge

Engineers grow and develop, and as part of this, they focus on advancing their knowledge too. Advancing and increasing your knowledge should therefore be something that you focus on. There is always a lot to learn about the sector that you enter, and there are always opportunities to increase your understanding of how engineering works and how it can be applied. It is important that you are open to advancing your knowledge because, within the area of engineering, change, growth, and development are always happening. If you do not focus on advancing your knowledge, perhaps through studying a masters program, then you will not achieve as much as you can within your role.

Room For Career Growth

As engineers are in demand for almost every area of life, you will always find that there are plenty of opportunities for career growth and development. Career growth may come about through internal promotion, or it may be part of your structured career plan. No matter how career growth happens, it is important to realize that it is there and it is available to you. If you are very focused and career-driven and you want to make a difference, then it would be advantageous to study for a masters of engineering management program because this would allow you to then seek a management position. When you are in a management position, you get the opportunity to have a tangible impact on how engineering is applied and how it is undertaken within the company that you work for.

Continuous Learning and Growth

Within your role as an engineer, it is important to focus on continued learning and growth. Being the best engineer that you can be and working through a process of change, development and growth will ensure that you have a successful and varied career. When you see continuous learning and growth as part of the role of an engineer, you enjoy it a lot more – After all, as an engineer, you want to find the best solution to a problem, don’t you. Leaning and growth will help to shape you as an engineer, and it may even help to open up new opportunities too.

Local Labor Markets Need You

If you didn’t know already, engineers are in demand, and some roles are more in-demand than others. The demand for engineers is predicted to grow, and of course, this is only going to be beneficial to you and your career. You may find that you can find opportunities local to you. However, you also have to be prepared to look further afield too. Getting the best role for you is what you need to be focusing on. Local labor markets will always need you, but that doesn’t mean that they will pay the best salary or even offer you the best employment packages. Pay and salary will vary upon area and state, and it will vary according to your experience and skillset, so ensure that you get the best package by investing in yourself.

Competition Exists

There is a demand for engineers, and this is likely to continue over the coming years. However, even though engineers from all backgrounds and sectors are in demand – competition still exists, especially when you are going for an attractive or appealing position. To combat the competition and to land the role that you want, you need to establish what you can do or offer that will help you to stand out. What are you going to offer, and what are you going to give to potential employers that will make them choose you over another candidate? Do you have any transferable skills that would benefit your role, or do you have any voluntary work experience you can display? Competition for roles is healthy, and you can make it work for you. Developing a strong resume that sells you and your skills, as well as focusing on personal growth and development, are key areas that require both your time and your attention.

Finding a Role That Suits You

When you start your job search, you may end up being very lucky in that you find your perfect role or position from the outset. However, this doesn’t always happen, and it is something that you need to accept and then learn from. You may find the perfect role for you within engineering, but you may find that you don’t work that well with the team of people that you are placed with. You have to enjoy as many aspects of your role as possible, and it is important to settle into a role that you are happy with. If you are not content or happy within a role, then you can make changes. Do not allow yourself to become stagnant in a position because this will stunt your growth and development.

Following Your Passion

You began the journey into engineering because it gave you the opportunity to follow your passion and your interests. It is important that you remember this at all times. If you do not follow your passion when choosing a role or when progressing, then you may end up disliking what you do, and of course, this is not what you want. Where you can, you need to ensure that you follow your passion and stick to what you want. This way, you will find a role that suits you, and that gives you a great deal of satisfaction and enjoyment too.

Realizing Your Professional Ambitions

Any role within engineering is going to be positive, especially as it is what you are searching for. However, what other ambitions do you have in relation to engineering? Where do you want your role to take you, and where do you want it to lead? What point would you like to get to, and by when? If you have big ambitions that you want to follow within the field of engineering, then you need to have a plan. Creating a career plan and then putting it into action will allow you to fully and wholly realize any ambitions you may have.

Job Security and Stability

Engineers are required in a variety of areas, from the aerospace industry, right on down to the construction and food industry. Engineers are valued, and they are valuable to all businesses. When a position is valued and valuable, it definitely has more security attached to it. It is because of this value that at any level, engineers of any discipline have a great deal of job security and stability. Robotics is being increasingly used and introduced in other areas of work. However, they are not yet a threat to a lot of engineering roles. Engineering requires a skillset that robots just do not have yet, and it requires a skill set that is made up of problem-solving abilities, Math and Science application, together with critical thinking.

Rewarding Projects

As an engineer at any level within your career, you have the chance to make an impact and change how things look, how they work, and of course, how they function. You should get a great sense of achievement from any engineering role because you have helped to make an improvement to how things work. Or because you have developed and advanced an existing product. A lot of jobs or careers can be rewarding, but within engineering, you get to have a sense of pride and personal achievement too, and this is not something that is guaranteed in other roles.

Also Read: The Inevitable Benefits Of Accelerated Digitization Of Education

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Take Your Freelancing Game to the Next Level with These Helpful Tips Tue, 08 Feb 2022 12:05:24 +0000 Finding work can be very difficult, all the way from job hunting to finally landing

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Finding work can be very difficult, all the way from job hunting to finally landing some interviews. This strain has compelled a lot of people to choose the freelancing life, which some find way easier. As a freelancer, you have the option of choosing what kind of companies you want to work for, the ability to define your work terms, and most importantly, earn money by doing what you’re passionate about.

If you’re a freelancer or are interested in becoming one, this article will provide you with solutions on how you can become a solid freelancer in no time.

1. Join Freelancer Apps

One of the most important things you can do as a freelancer is signing yourself up on freelancer apps that will provide you helpful resources like blogs and FAQ’s.

Apps like these make it easy for freelancers to network with organizations and fellow professionals you would like to work with and vice versa. You will have the opportunity to set up a fully detailed profile for your target audience including contact details for potential clients to find you.

2. Create a Personal Profile

One of the things that prevents freelancers from getting jobs is having an incomplete portfolio or none at all. You need to create a portfolio that tells your story, experience, training, and achievements in your field.

This gives you better odds of landing clients since they will have insight into you and your work. A good way of doing this is to create a website with your picture with information about your past work and use it to market yourself. 

3. Price Yourself Correctly

A mistake you should never make as a freelancer is underpricing or overpricing yourself. When you know your worth, you’ll be better placed at selling your services to clients who are on the lookout for fair pricing.

Pricing yourself will also help you identify your ideal target customer. Your pricing should accurately reflect on your quality of service and the people you are targeting.

4. Know Your Competition

A common mistake made by many freelancers is not scouting their competition. You could be good at what you are doing, but there is someone undercutting you for one or two menial reasons.

As such, identify your competition and study their work. Analyze their approach and find out what’s giving them that edge in the market. Doing this will push you to improve your skills and make you a better freelancer.

5. Insist on Referrals

One key factor that helps freelancers get more gigs is referrals. Once you have finished a job for a client, do not just end the relationship there! You need to ask them to refer you to other potential clients. You’ll find that this might help build your client base a lot.

You will be surprised by the number of jobs you would get out of word of mouth.

Winding It Up 

Note that as a freelancer, you’ll be acting as your own marketer. This means you will need to be on your toes as you look for new and brilliant ideas to keep your existing clients and find new ones. Hopefully, you’ll find this article inspiring enough to get and keep you on the right track.

Also Read: How Does Technology Help SMEs To Move Forward

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How To Get a Remote React Native Developer Job in 2021 Wed, 20 Oct 2021 06:08:25 +0000 There were more than 204 billion mobile app downloads globally as of 2019. The same

The post How To Get a Remote React Native Developer Job in 2021 appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

There were more than 204 billion mobile app downloads globally as of 2019. The same report also suggests that in the first quarter of 2020, customers spent over 111 billion dollars on mobile applications across all platforms.

With those staggering numbers in mind, businesses from all over the world are looking to harness the power of mobile applications, and as a result, businesses are looking to hire the best React Native developers to help them realize their vision. As a result, the number of remote React Native developer jobs in the market has skyrocketed.

React Native makes use of standard JavaScript abilities while allowing a developer to target both iOS and Android at the same time. A skilled React Native developer generally concentrates on the product’s front end, but they are also knowledgeable about the API services and infrastructure that the app must interact with. This article will guide you to grab the best remote react native jobs.

What Are the Skills You Need to Be a Remote React Native Developer

With so many React Native coding bootcamps and courses to select from, the first step is to figure out which one is right for you. Learning online is a wonderful way to be ready for a remote job. Let’s get started with some of the best React Native online courses which would help you in creating Native JavaScript mobile apps.

1. The Complete React Native and Hooks Course [2021 Edition]

Even if you’re not familiar with the React framework, this course will help you learn the foundations of React, including JSX, props, state, and event handling. It will not only assist you in learning the fundamentals of React, but also the vocabulary and principles of Redux, another popular JavaScript framework for creating user interfaces.

2. React Native — The Practical Guide [Udemy]

This course will teach you how to create your own React Native apps, publish them on the Google Play and Apple App Stores, and dig deeply into the React Native ecosystem.

3. The Official Documentation

All additional learning resources are built on the official documentation, which is a wonderful location to get started and learn about react native in general.

4. Build Full-stack React Native Apps with Express.js Backend

Sometimes, the best way to learn something is to get your hand on it and learn along the way. The online course teaches you everything that you need to know about React Native. You will learn by building a full stack mobile application with React Native, Redux, and React Navigation. It’s all built with CLI to ensure everything is put together nicely.

5. Learn React Native

This free React Native course was created in collaboration with Expo and is ideal for anybody who has worked with JavaScript and React and wants to move into mobile programming. It is also relevant for mobile developers who want to extend their toolkit.

Some more tutorials to help you grab high-paying react native developer jobs


JavaScript Guide from Mozilla


ES6 articles from Mozilla


React tutorial from the official site

Learn React By Itself – a course by James K Nelson

React Native:

Official documentation

React Native tutorial by Christine Abernathy


Parse Server tutorials

Meteor tutorial


Official documentation

Full-Stack Redux Tutorial by Tero Parviainen


React Navigation guide by Spencer Carli

Official React Native Navigation documentation


A debugging guide by Gunnari Auvinen

Reactotron documentation


Learn how to test your React Native app

Appium guide by Chase Seibert

Improving performance:

Performance guide from the official documentation

The Remote React Native Developer Job Search

Jobs as a remote React Native developer come in a number of different forms — part-time, full-time, contract, and freelance developer positions. You should search for a full-time job position if you work best in a stable team atmosphere with employer incentives and a mentor. Remote work employment offers additional freedom, such as the opportunity to choose your own schedule, set your own timings, and work from the comfort of your home. However, it is difficult to find full-time remote employment, but this is where the Turing company comes in the picture. is one of the best platforms that offer long-term, full-time React Native developer jobs at top US companies to developers across the globe. Turing has the top remote React Native developer jobs that fit your React Native developer employment goals. Working on difficult technical and business challenges with cutting-edge technology will help you grow quickly. Turing helps you get full-time, long-term remote React Native developer jobs with higher salaries and career advancement by joining a network of the world’s top developers. Turing is really a worldwide firm, with 200,000 remote developers signing up from 10,000 places across the world.

Working with top United States firms, the developers at Turing make more than market wage in most nations. Turing’s commitments are long-term and full-time. When one project’s cycle of development is complete, we get to work on identifying the next one for you in just a matter of weeks.

Apart from this, you can also find remote React Native jobs through other platforms listed below:

  1. LinkedIn
  2. We Work Remotely
  3. Remote Ok
  4. Problogger Job Board
  5. Remotive
  7. Dribble

React Native was created by developers at Facebook, Instagram, and a number of other companies. React Native has become incredibly popular among the developer community during its relatively short existence. As of today, it ranks fourteenth on GitHub’s popularity chart, which tracks the most-starred projects on the site over time. Google Trends shows that “React Native” has been searched about more often than “iOS development” and “Android development” combined. If you’ve decided to become a React Native Developer, you’re joining a growing number of ambitious people who are putting their money into a massive wave to enhance their remote React Native Developer employment prospects.

Also Read: Apple Watch: Top Most Advantages With An Apple Watch

The post How To Get a Remote React Native Developer Job in 2021 appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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How to Prepare a Professional Portfolio Sat, 24 Jul 2021 14:34:20 +0000 Finding a job today requires more than just a plain CV. Most people looking for

The post How to Prepare a Professional Portfolio appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

Finding a job today requires more than just a plain CV. Most people looking for employment have to submit some information to their prospective employer on their work history.

This can range from simply listing work history and references on a job application form to a highly descriptive resume or curriculum vitae (CV).

However, the people working in the creative arena need to display their work by compiling them in a professional document. For this, you need to send in a professional portfolio.

The portfolio can be shared with prospective employers to help them understand your knowledge and expertise in your field. People like digital artists, writers and other creative people maintain a professional work portfolio carrying their best works.

What is a Professional Portfolio?

A professional portfolio is a collection of work that you can show to employers to give them an idea of what your work looks like. This particular tool can make or break your job search, as other applicants might have an equal or even more impressive employment pedigree.

With a professional portfolio, you have the capability of overtaking your employment competition based solely on the qualities of your work that the employer might prefer.

Steps on How to Prepare a Professional Portfolio

1.   Gather Your Files

This means gathering not just your images but items that you used to create your work. This can include notes, sketches, early drafts and more.

By showing your prospective employer how you work, you improve your chances of being considered, as they see more than the final product.

2. Organize Your Files

At this stage, you should gather a collection of your best work. It should be representative of your work quality without being cumbersome. The image quality that you start with should be of impeccable technical quality, with a resolution that lends itself to printing and being viewed on a screen, preferably no smaller than 300 pixels per square inch (ppi).

You will want everything to be in a uniform format for professional presentation purposes. That means you will need to convert any files that are PNG or JPG to PDF.

3. Convert Your Files to PDFs

There are several ways to convert files into PDF. The least expensive way is to use Adobe’s own JPG to PDF online converter. However, using Adobe Acrobat itself is a more streamlined approach, especially considering the next step.

4. Bundle Your Files into One Larger File

In Acrobat, once all of your files are saved or converted into individual PDF files, you can then add and manipulate your other PDF files into a paginated larger PDF file using the “Organize Pages” feature. Once saved, you will have a master portfolio file ready to share.

Planning for the Future

It is crucial to keep in mind that a professional portfolio is an ever-evolving document, much like a standard resume. It needs to be updated regularly to display recent work and present an array of work to anyone who might want to hire you. A portfolio should also be fine-tuned and tailored for each industry niche that you may apply to.

Also Read: How To Stay Productive By Telecommuting

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3 Reasons a Training Program Can Help You to Increase Your Job Opportunities! Thu, 08 Jul 2021 17:18:27 +0000 If you are searching for a new job, you need to make sure you use

The post 3 Reasons a Training Program Can Help You to Increase Your Job Opportunities! appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

If you are searching for a new job, you need to make sure you use a certain program that can help broaden your horizons, make you attractive to potential employers, broadcast your resume, focus on your skills, and show you where to look on the job market. If you are a carpenter, you need to look in the right places, highlight your skills in the right way, perfect your resume, and hone in on your interview skills to make sure you find a job you are well qualified for.

A training program can significantly increase your opportunities in the job world – which is especially key today whether thousands of workers are applying for just hundreds of jobs! After the pandemic, there has been a strong influx in the number of workers looking for jobs so they can get back to normal, while the number of job openings is decreasing.

Ensure you can be one of the lucky few to secure a job while using a training program that helps you boost your resume, increase your networking skills and research, and helps you with interview preparation for your next job interview!

3 reasons a training program is beneficial to help you find a new job – and find one FAST!

A training program is one of the best ways in which you can adequately prepare to get a new job. Along with preparing your documents beforehand, a training program helps your personality and perfecting skills so you are completely confident and ready to grow when it comes to meeting employers in person during interviews or meetings.

Let’s see the top three reasons why those who are unemployed will benefit from using a training program, like the one you can find on Pathrise!

Improve your resume

One of the top benefits of using a training program, like the one on Pathrise, is the ability to boost your resume. Do you have your work experience but it’s all forms from a few years ago? Make sure you add recent work history, or a reason why you have not been working, so your employees can get a comprehensive picture of your experience and your life. Include the relevant jobs and qualifications you have for the open position.

Networking in the industry

The second reason why you should use a training program like the one on Pathrise is the ability to broaden your connections in the industry. By learning how to network properly, you can boost your connections, meet new people, and find others who are like-minded.

Interview preparation

The final skill of having a training program, like one on Pathrise, is the ability to prepare for an in-person or online interview. Ensure you feel confident and ready to answer all questions by going through the program and practicing ahead of time!


By using a training program, like the one on Patrise, you can be confident to answer interview questions, boost your resume potential, improve your networking power, and help with any other added parts of your job, like salary negotiation!

Also Read: What is the future of security engineering jobs?

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What is the future of security engineering jobs? Tue, 11 May 2021 06:55:42 +0000 Introduction As technology rapidly climbs the advancement ladder, things revolving around it change too. What

The post What is the future of security engineering jobs? appeared first on Web Updates Daily.


As technology rapidly climbs the advancement ladder, things revolving around it change too. What remains the same is the foundation they are built on. Similarly, cybersecurity basics will stay what they started as, even if the definition of advanced cybersecurity molds considerably.

Now, this is a crucial concept for the ones interested to start a career in the domain. They must learn cybersecurity from its roots, irrespective of the progress that the field is making. The basics matter and there is nothing like network security courses to prepare one for it. Cybersecurity, like all other fields tied to technology, is bound to evolve in the next 10 years. Needless to say, so will the jobs.

For anyone aiming to become an expert in the coming decade, it is pivotal to pay close attention to the various cybersecurity topics right now. And how to do that? By starting with the basics- getting a degree or taking a course.

Who is a security engineer?

A security engineer is one of the most important positions in a company, irrespective of its size. They are usually entrusted with the job of testing software, especially the ones that the organization plans to use for security, and monitors systems for threats and any potential data breaches.

Security engineers work closely with the management of a company to recognize security hazards and work to resolve them before much harm is done to their client’s systems.

What are the responsibilities of a security engineer today?

The cybersecurity concept is vast and is expanding every day with the addition of newer technologies. As hackers and viruses exploit the resources available to them, companies need to employ people who can defend them against such sources.

Cybersecurity professionals are specialists who work to protect their client’s networks against harmful sources. They have a broad spectrum of responsibilities and are paid handsomely to satisfy the purpose of their clients.

Here is a brief account of their role in an organization and what they are expected to do regularly.

Security engineers develop security standards

Cybersecurity engineers are responsible for designing the strategies that define the infrastructure supporting the security measures in a company. They extensively work with the management and collaborate with other departments to develop security standards that will work efficiently for the existing ecosystem without harming the established routine.

Also Read: RPA(Robotic Process Automation) Advanced Technology To Guarantee Cybersecurity

Security engineers innovate new ways to resolve issues related to cybersecurity

One of the major jobs of a security engineer is to innovate new methods of resolving issues. With technology evolving rapidly, malicious sources behind cyberattacks, like hackers and other troublemakers, are becoming efficient too. They are adept at using their intellects to trick people into falling for their traps. To handle such issues, a security engineer must think creatively, simply because most solutions in the books have already been tried and no longer work in modern scenarios.

They provide recommendations to better the security resources of a company

Technology is growing at a rapid rate. But this is also making the older versions expire faster. To beat this overlapping tenure, it is important to keep the security resources updated. While larger organizations with dedicated teams are keen on improving their systems, the newer ones with lesser capitals tend to neglect it or depend largely on cheaper alternatives. A cybersecurity professional can help in such cases.
While an organization might not have the strength to maintain a team, they must always hire an engineer to look after their security issues. One of the main jobs of such an individual will be to recommend any new addition to the existing suite of resources that the company might need.

Security engineers deal with firewalls and encrypt data for safe communications and transactions

Security engineers are responsible for establishing firewalls to protect their company from unauthorized access. A part of the process is to authenticate and encrypt data packets during their transmission to or from their systems. Such activities are essential to facilitate safer communications and financial transactions, two of the most important pillars of a running business.

Security engineers are responsible for installing and testing new products and procedures related to security

An active organization requires security engineers to install any required software to the system. They are the ones who ensure everything is compatible with the system being used. Security engineers are also responsible for testing new products that either the organization is about to use or has developed. Additionally, any procedures related to security are also taken care of by these professionals.

They scan networks used by their companies to ensure there are no vulnerable spots

Security officials have the regular task of scanning the office network to ensure there are no vulnerabilities. Weak spots or ‘cracks’ in the network allow viruses to penetrate the system and affect the connected computers. Keeping a keen eye on the traffic and what they are up to is work that security engineers must be good at.

Security engineers conduct penetration testing

Other responsibilities that a security engineer has in a company today.

  1. They keep a keen eye on the company network for security breaches and malicious activities
  2. Security engineers develop automation scripts to track unlawful events aimed at harming their networks
  3. They are responsible for noting irregular behaviors of their systems
  4. Security engineers help an organization or company develop its security strategies
  5. They also train the staff of other departments to deal with an emergency security incident
  6. They are responsible for recommending changes to the legal, regulatory, and technical frameworks of a company

Why is a security engineer important for business?

Cybersecurity engineering has become a popular course in recent years. Both universities and online institutes are attaching a lot of importance to this field and for a good reason.

The reader should imagine this to understand the answer to the above question: cybersecurity engineers are like the soldiers on a battleground. They are responsible for protecting their King (here, the company or the system).

The analogy should have made it clear that cybersecurity professionals are, in fact, one of the most important pillars in an organization.

Here is an elaboration of the reasons why they are specifically important to all companies across the globe.

  1. A company without a security engineer is under perpetual cyber threats
  2. A security engineer has a specialised role that cannot be easily achieved by others
  3. Periodic risk assessments will either be neglected or completely avoided without a security engineer
  4. Constant supervision is required to ensure there are no vulnerable spots in the network. Without a security engineer, these spots will remain exposed for exploitation
  5. Upon being threatened, there will be no immediate remedies available if there are no security engineers to take a quick step
  6. The core management team requires constant recommendations to update its security resources. Without a security engineer, this will take a backseat

What is the potential of a security engineer’s job?

The question: ‘what is cybersecurity?’ will demand a different answer 10 years later, owing to the expeditiously changing landscape of the domain. Currently, the job of a cybersecurity professional (essentially a security engineer) is limited by the technology that is being used globally. But as technology evolves and it is constantly evolving, the boundaries of requirements will expand, too. There will be more ways to hack into a system and advanced methods to compromise data. More and more scammers will know how to steal money from digital wallets because technology will be more widely available, and people will become more scrupulous.

As nasty as it sounds, this will increase the demand for cybersecurity experts since their education, knowledge, and perspective will be required more extensively by companies and organizations. It is needless to mention here that with the advancement in technology, the resources available to start and run a business will be in abundance, thereby increasing the employment rates of security engineers.

How will the job of a security engineer change in the next 10 years?

With cybersecurity engineering having a new definition, the job of a cybersecurity expert will change too. Here is how the next 10 years will impact the role.

  1. Hackers will have more ways to hack a system. Security engineers will be required to sharpen their intellects, too.
  2. The competition to enter the security market will become tougher since more knowledge will be required to get a job.
  3. The risk assessment will become more dynamic and thorough. This process will involve more security engineers.
  4. There will be a surge in AI-driven products. It will invite more vulnerability, hence, more security breaches.
  5. Security breaches will become fatal due to the amount of information stored in a system. Hence, avoiding them will be imperative.

Why should one become a security engineer now?

There are plenty of courses on why one should become a cybersecurity expert now. One of the most important reasons is online cybersecurity courses are the best to take right now. The syllabus is optimized to suit the present and future while also teaching things that may be redundant in a few years. The courses are a package like they never were, covering all the important aspects of the domain in their entirety.

There are other reasons too behind why a person should pursue the subject now. The list below outlines a few.

  1. More and more companies are looking to recruit security engineers
  2. Hackers are intelligent and will be dangerous in the absence of a security professional
  3. As the world gears up for total digitization, security engineers will be indispensable
  4. A security engineer will not go out of business in the next 50-70 years
  5. Great monetary capabilities await the job profile of a security engineer
  6. Cybersecurity will be complex and will demand more heads to solve a problem

How should one become a security engineer now?

The easiest and the most effective way to do this is to learn cybersecurity online. Online courses work like magic, taking care that their syllabi include everything important while also leaving room for the candidates to learn at their own pace.

The following methods explore the above-mentioned more extensively.

  1. Enroll on network security courses.
  2. Get a degree or diploma in cybersecurity from a college.
  3. Read additional books and watch videos on YouTube to become an expert.


One of the institutes that promise to provide abundant knowledge in the subject is Great Learning. Their courses are all presented in association with leaders in the industry and the best universities across the world. Hence, Great Learning online courses are some of the best in the country and often serve as references for other similar institutes. The cybersecurity course was designed in association with Stanford University. For enthusiasts across the globe, the University is a dream, and Great Learning is the platform that makes that dream come true. And the best part? With Great Learning free courses, one can concentrate on learning only, and not on the financial aspect of gaining that knowledge.

Also Read: Cybersecurity In The Times Of Edge Computing

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