workfromhome Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Tue, 04 Jul 2023 06:25:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 workfromhome Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 Differences Between Online Training And Distance Training, Advantages And Disadvantages Tue, 04 Jul 2023 06:24:59 +0000 Today we are all used to hearing about online or distance training, but most people

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Today we are all used to hearing about online or distance training, but most people use both terms interchangeably. And this is a mistake; the reality is that there are some differences between online training and distance training. Therefore, today we are going to tell you the main differences between both modalities and the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

What Is Online Training?

We can define online training as those studies done remotely, using an internet connection and electronic devices such as computers or tablets to carry them out.

This allows, among many other things, that the student can study from home or from another place as long as they have an internet connection.

So that the student can carry out their studies and the different tasks, the training center has what is known as a ” virtual campus, “that is, a platform where the student can access the didactic material, carry out and deliver their activities and even go to virtual classes, this is always available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

In addition, this serves as a communication tool between the center or teacher and the student since it facilitates contact without depending on working hours or restrictions.

Online training has different types, such as e-learning, b-learning, or m-learning.

We are going to analyze how the profile of the online student who studies with this type of training tends to be; what are the characteristics it meets?

  • Organizational capacity: it is essential to carry out correct planning and comply with the training calendar since the tasks have a start date and a delivery deadline.
  • Knowing how to use electronic devices: it is necessary to have basic knowledge of how to use the Internet and different devices.
  • Have good motivation and be proactive.
  • Responsibility is another important characteristic in online training since it is necessary to be constant in the tasks.
  • Communication skills are also something to highlight since, in this type of training, it is essential to know how to participate in different forums and debates with colleagues.
  • Also Read: The Five Best Online Training Cycles

Advantages of Online Training

Online training presents a series of advantages that makes it very attractive to opt for it:

  • It allows for greater time flexibility: thanks to the fact that the student can consult the training material 24 hours a day, he can decide to carry out the activities, view classes, or other theories at any time.
  • It allows the student to study from almost anywhere, which is one of the advantages that makes it more attractive since it is unnecessary to be in person in any classroom.
  • This advantage is related to the previous one. There is a saving in transport costs, money, and time since displacement is avoided and time is used much more.
  • Every day the number of courses available in online training increases more in terms of the variety of topics.
  • Many companies opt for this type of training to give their workers since they avoid displacement and loss of working hours.
  • Thanks to the “virtual campus” platform, students have in the palm of their hand the ability to communicate with their tutor and other classmates, share ideas through forums, writing in assignments, and much more.
  • Various learning activities are given, from PowerPoint to images, videos, and many audiovisual resources.
  • One of the most outstanding is the price of this type of training, which is very affordable due to its characteristics.

Disadvantages of Online Training

If we now talk about the drawbacks of online training, we find the following:

  • It is necessary to have an internet connection that supports the online loading of the course and its resources.
  • It is necessary to have previous knowledge of the use of technologies.
  • If the material and the course, in general, are not explained easily and understandably, many of the students will likely drop out of the system.
  • It would help if you had a high level of involvement to take the course.
  • It is necessary to look for information about training since the variety is comprehensive, and there is a wide variety of courses with and without official certification.

What is Distance Training?

The main difference between distance training and online training is none other than that, in the distance modality, there is no digital learning platform through the Internet. In the distance modality, the center provides the student with the necessary materials through, for example, postal mail. These materials include books, notes, notebooks, or basic multimedia materials.
It is also important to mention that tutor-student communications in this type of training are done by phone, postal mail, or email.
Thanks to the training center’s materials, the student can learn in a self-taught way and has a tutor who helps him and solves his doubts at any time.
One point in this type of training is that the variety of materials and resources is much more limited than in online training.

Advantages of Distance Training

Among the advantages that we find in distance learning, we must highlight the following:

  • Flexibility for the student when studying, as occurs with online training, in distance learning, the student has complete organization to look at any time and place.
  • It saves transport costs and time since you do not have to go in person.
  • As with online training, the student has a teacher to resolve doubts.
  • Having office or technology knowledge is unnecessary to pass the course without any inconvenience.

Disadvantages of Distance Training

But as with online training, distance training also has certain drawbacks:

  • Communication with other students is nil.
  • The tools used are less interactive.
  • The activities that compose it are not so varied and diverse.
  • A lot of involvement is required on the part of the student to pass the training.

Now that you know all the differences between the two training modalities: online and distance training, and all their advantages and disadvantages, you can choose the type of training that best suits your needs.

Also Read: Advantages Of Using A CRM In Training Centers

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Smart Working Much More Than Telecommuting Mon, 31 Jan 2022 07:37:23 +0000 The pandemic has boosted teleworking since the “social distance” required to stop the virus has

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The pandemic has boosted teleworking since the “social distance” required to stop the virus has led many companies to opt for their workers to perform their tasks remotely. Specifically, almost three million employees work remotely. In total, one million more people have joined this way of working in the last year, precisely 74.2% more. This new way of working has numerous advantages for workers.

Everything related to family reconciliation stands out, and companies can benefit from a reduction in infrastructure costs, among other advantages. But teleworking also poses a significant challenge for organizations and requires a change in mentality, both on the part of employers and the number of employees themselves. In this context, the English term smart working resonates strongly, but what exactly does this concept mean, and what changes does it imply? Read on to find out.

Fusion Of Teleworking And New Technologies

The word itself expresses it; smart working means “working intelligently,” with a methodology that allows obtaining the best results by optimizing resources to the maximum. In the current context, it is about optimizing teleworking thanks to new technologies to offer the workforce all the necessary tools to achieve maximum professional performance anywhere.

Companies should no longer value as a parameter to measure workers’ performance the hours they spend sitting in their chairs in the office, but the work objectives that they meet. This change in the evaluation of employee productivity is closely related to a change in the business mentality, which focuses on “confidence in workers” and giving them more freedom of maneuver to work, from anywhere and anywhere.

New technologies play a fundamental role in intelligent working. First, all workers must have an optimal Internet connection and work equipment to carry out the different tasks and communicate with each other, with their clients, suppliers, etc. Secondly, workers must access a shared virtual desktop in the company’s cloud. They have access to all the necessary documentation and the programs they usually use in a simple way and with all the security guarantees for the organization.

This tool facilitates work at all levels, especially allowing collaboration between workers, who share a single space like an extension of the company itself, in which documentation and confidential data are safe. Read on to find out how a virtual desktop works and its benefits for businesses.

The Virtual Work Desk The Great Ally Of Companies

Having a virtual desktop makes it easier for organizations, whether SMEs or large corporations, to make the definitive leap towards intelligent working. Thanks to it, aspects related to mobility, accessibility, and flexibility at work are enhanced and ensure that communication and cooperation between work teams are not affected by physical distance. In this way, a kind of “virtual office” is built. Let’s look at them in more detail.

First of all, the virtual desktop makes it easier for company employees to carry out their work from any place and device. This fact must be highly valued at this time, in which teleworking has become a reality for many companies. This remote access to all the company’s tools and information makes work processes more flexible and promotes family reconciliation.

On the other hand, companies must consider that the fact that their employees work remotely means that they are physically distanced, both from their colleagues and from their superiors. This fact can cause, in some cases, the demotivation of the workers since they can feel “disconnected” from the mission of the company. Demotivation is usually linked to a drop in work performance, which can significantly harm the company’s results. In this sense, having a virtual desktop and having easy access to work tools and files facilitates communication and collaboration between employees and work teams.

Digitization is a critical element of smart working, and having the right technology to work is a key factor in increasing worker productivity and improving the efficiency of work processes. To do this, virtual desktops adopt the cloud, the practice of working “in the cloud,” and benefit from everything that this practice entails. Companies must understand that working from home is not just connecting to a computer but sharing a robust and secure workspace where everything flows.

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Looking For a Virtual Office Near Me? We Don’t Blame you – Check Out The Perks of This Flexible Option! Sat, 18 Sep 2021 07:26:17 +0000 If you are tired of having to drive to and from work every day in

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If you are tired of having to drive to and from work every day in standstill traffic, why not work from the comfort of your own home office or remote work location? Instead of wasting time, energy, and your patience sitting in highway traffic while you sip your lukewarm coffee, why don’t you just work from where you can be more productive? After all, spending time sitting in traffic is derailing your workday – you are losing precious time that you could be working sitting in a car.

Instead of giving away your precious time to go sit in a high-rise office building, where you can be distracted by other workers, lunch breaks, and annoying bosses, work from a virtual office near me. This easy and flexible outpoint is the best choice for freelancers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners who need to stay on top of their daily workload without going to a traditional office space

A virtual office has numerous benefits over more typical options. Visit the site to check out some of the best perks about finding a virtual office near me in your local area.

The best perks of a virtual office near me

If you are debating where or not you should sign up for virtual office services, the answer is yes – especially if you are starting a new business or you need help getting your business out in the world. Since competition is tough in all sectors, and everyone is now working remotely and digitally, you need to make your business stand out among the rest.

By using the services of a virtual office, you will be able to better broadcast your business, showcase your skills, and beat out the competition by making the clients understand why YOU are the best choice in the local area. Find a virtual office near me so you can utilize the add-on features that are essential to your business’ daily schedule.

The add-ons that you can use with virtual offices include virtual receptionist, call forwarding features, call answering features, and faxing services. By never missing a call, you can retain important clients, avoid sending people straight to voicemail and avoid important calls going to waste.

Not to mention, having a virtual office near me is the best way that you can keep your professional and private business separate – even if you are working at home in your pajamas. A virtual office can allow you to have office features, like meeting rooms, conference calls, a professional virtual address, and a business phone. This way, you do not have to use your home address and home phone number as your work phone – you can keep your personal and work life separate by using a virtual office phone number and address!


If you’re debating whether or not you should use a virtual address with your small business or entrepreneurial adventure, the answer is yes! Not only does the virtual office add flexibility to your daily life, but you can avoid wasted time sitting in traffic day in and day out.

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