training Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Tue, 04 Jul 2023 06:25:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 training Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 Differences Between Online Training And Distance Training, Advantages And Disadvantages Tue, 04 Jul 2023 06:24:59 +0000 Today we are all used to hearing about online or distance training, but most people

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Today we are all used to hearing about online or distance training, but most people use both terms interchangeably. And this is a mistake; the reality is that there are some differences between online training and distance training. Therefore, today we are going to tell you the main differences between both modalities and the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

What Is Online Training?

We can define online training as those studies done remotely, using an internet connection and electronic devices such as computers or tablets to carry them out.

This allows, among many other things, that the student can study from home or from another place as long as they have an internet connection.

So that the student can carry out their studies and the different tasks, the training center has what is known as a ” virtual campus, “that is, a platform where the student can access the didactic material, carry out and deliver their activities and even go to virtual classes, this is always available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

In addition, this serves as a communication tool between the center or teacher and the student since it facilitates contact without depending on working hours or restrictions.

Online training has different types, such as e-learning, b-learning, or m-learning.

We are going to analyze how the profile of the online student who studies with this type of training tends to be; what are the characteristics it meets?

  • Organizational capacity: it is essential to carry out correct planning and comply with the training calendar since the tasks have a start date and a delivery deadline.
  • Knowing how to use electronic devices: it is necessary to have basic knowledge of how to use the Internet and different devices.
  • Have good motivation and be proactive.
  • Responsibility is another important characteristic in online training since it is necessary to be constant in the tasks.
  • Communication skills are also something to highlight since, in this type of training, it is essential to know how to participate in different forums and debates with colleagues.
  • Also Read: The Five Best Online Training Cycles

Advantages of Online Training

Online training presents a series of advantages that makes it very attractive to opt for it:

  • It allows for greater time flexibility: thanks to the fact that the student can consult the training material 24 hours a day, he can decide to carry out the activities, view classes, or other theories at any time.
  • It allows the student to study from almost anywhere, which is one of the advantages that makes it more attractive since it is unnecessary to be in person in any classroom.
  • This advantage is related to the previous one. There is a saving in transport costs, money, and time since displacement is avoided and time is used much more.
  • Every day the number of courses available in online training increases more in terms of the variety of topics.
  • Many companies opt for this type of training to give their workers since they avoid displacement and loss of working hours.
  • Thanks to the “virtual campus” platform, students have in the palm of their hand the ability to communicate with their tutor and other classmates, share ideas through forums, writing in assignments, and much more.
  • Various learning activities are given, from PowerPoint to images, videos, and many audiovisual resources.
  • One of the most outstanding is the price of this type of training, which is very affordable due to its characteristics.

Disadvantages of Online Training

If we now talk about the drawbacks of online training, we find the following:

  • It is necessary to have an internet connection that supports the online loading of the course and its resources.
  • It is necessary to have previous knowledge of the use of technologies.
  • If the material and the course, in general, are not explained easily and understandably, many of the students will likely drop out of the system.
  • It would help if you had a high level of involvement to take the course.
  • It is necessary to look for information about training since the variety is comprehensive, and there is a wide variety of courses with and without official certification.

What is Distance Training?

The main difference between distance training and online training is none other than that, in the distance modality, there is no digital learning platform through the Internet. In the distance modality, the center provides the student with the necessary materials through, for example, postal mail. These materials include books, notes, notebooks, or basic multimedia materials.
It is also important to mention that tutor-student communications in this type of training are done by phone, postal mail, or email.
Thanks to the training center’s materials, the student can learn in a self-taught way and has a tutor who helps him and solves his doubts at any time.
One point in this type of training is that the variety of materials and resources is much more limited than in online training.

Advantages of Distance Training

Among the advantages that we find in distance learning, we must highlight the following:

  • Flexibility for the student when studying, as occurs with online training, in distance learning, the student has complete organization to look at any time and place.
  • It saves transport costs and time since you do not have to go in person.
  • As with online training, the student has a teacher to resolve doubts.
  • Having office or technology knowledge is unnecessary to pass the course without any inconvenience.

Disadvantages of Distance Training

But as with online training, distance training also has certain drawbacks:

  • Communication with other students is nil.
  • The tools used are less interactive.
  • The activities that compose it are not so varied and diverse.
  • A lot of involvement is required on the part of the student to pass the training.

Now that you know all the differences between the two training modalities: online and distance training, and all their advantages and disadvantages, you can choose the type of training that best suits your needs.

Also Read: Advantages Of Using A CRM In Training Centers

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How Companies Attract And Retain Skilled Employees Fri, 17 Feb 2023 06:35:01 +0000 The shortage of skilled workers makes it clear that many companies currently have problems finding

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The shortage of skilled workers makes it clear that many companies currently have problems finding suitable employees. On the one hand, attracting people to the company who meet the requirements is often impossible. On the other hand, many applicants do not offer the specialization and technical expertise that companies want. Or people with the desired profile can be hired but not retained for long: where there is no deeper connection, fluctuation is high.

In other cases, companies struggle with unmotivated, dissatisfied employees and complain about their lack of commitment to the company or about the employees lack of ability to adapt to changing requirements in their work area. All of this speaks for an approximate matching of companies and specialists in the recruiting process, which affects the corporate culture.

Professionals Have The Freedom of Choice.

In certain areas, the shortage of skilled workers is related to the changed demands of people in the context of a change in society: today, young professionals have much greater freedom of choice than the generations before them. They are better financially secure and have a broader range of options for shaping their lives: which profession they choose, which employment model they choose, and how they generally make money.

Where work is a less coercive and more free choice, people’s expectations of the work they choose voluntarily (rather than out of necessity) increase. Everyday practical demands play a greater role than before. The value “work” competes with values ​​such as free time and family, which today often have a higher value. Therefore, the corresponding compatibility of work with other aspects of life is increasingly expected. At the same time, the meaning of work has changed: work is no longer a means to an end for earning money, i.e., simply earning a living, but is becoming a meaningful activity that is based on intrinsic motivation is chosen and which, as a basic condition, must above all offer one thing: quality of life. Where there is a shortage of applicants, the attractiveness of the working conditions must always be asked about.

Employers Become Applicants

Today it is no longer enough to create the requirements profile for a desired candidate and go out there with it – with the safe expectation that the right candidate will get in touch. Where professionals can freely choose their job, HR managers can no longer wait for applicants and select the best from a pool. The logic has been reversed: employers must become workforce applicants. New methods in human resources, such as active sourcing and employer branding, show that there is already an increased awareness in personnel management of the need for stronger, multidimensional self-marketing. Measures such as motivation workshops and team building also show that companies try to pay more attention to their employees.

However, such measures must not remain an end in themselves. A human resources department that wants to strategically focus on hiring people who are happy to work for the company and who want to act sustainably, i.e., want to guarantee long-term satisfaction and loyalty, must use targeted company applications and maintain relationships. Only then will the right specialists come and stay. To this day, companies and recruiters make sure that applicants match their job profiles. In the future, they will also have to ensure that the company fits the ideas and demands of the workforce. So this is not about another criterion an applicant must meet, but the other way around. Companies must face the critical evaluation of people – and be able to reflect and question themselves.

Values ​​And Lived Values

A company’s attractiveness is determined even less by classic (status) offers such as careers, salaries, and incentives. If you want to avoid disappointments in the recruiting process caused by a clash of different ideas, if you want to prevent dissatisfaction and lack of motivation or even burnout among your (future) employees and prevent high fluctuation, it becomes a duty to create a working environment in which people feel comfortable and in which they can experience their work as meaningful. Only then can companies succeed in attracting attention and arousing interest. Only then are people approachable and open to job offers. And only then do people feel comfortable in a company and enjoy working there with commitment.

Our lifestyle typology and our future personas based on it show the spectrum and the now great variety of what is important to people today: Today, values ​​play an important role when choosing an employer. People perceive their work as meaningful when they can work following their convictions in their everyday work – i.e., when they can act according to their values. Only then is the intrinsic motivation of the employees awakened. Only then do they feel emotionally involved and are willing to commit themselves personally to the company.
Values ​​cannot be written on the flag arbitrarily: Whether they are really valid or only valid on paper is shown very quickly by whether they (can) be lived or not. And since young professionals today have grown up in a world of advertising, the mechanisms they have long since seen through, they question and examine extremely critically – and quickly learn to distinguish whether values ​​are only dictated or asserted. Pure marketing, or whether they are that good, is anchored in the company so that it can (or can) be translated into behavior. HR managers should, therefore, also deal with their company’s values, look inwards and get an idea of ​​what the company offers – and for whom the company profile could be interesting. Values ​​and corporate culture are two sides of the same coin: The actual values ​​that prevail in a company only become apparent when the corporate culture is lived.

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3 Reasons a Training Program Can Help You to Increase Your Job Opportunities! Thu, 08 Jul 2021 17:18:27 +0000 If you are searching for a new job, you need to make sure you use

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If you are searching for a new job, you need to make sure you use a certain program that can help broaden your horizons, make you attractive to potential employers, broadcast your resume, focus on your skills, and show you where to look on the job market. If you are a carpenter, you need to look in the right places, highlight your skills in the right way, perfect your resume, and hone in on your interview skills to make sure you find a job you are well qualified for.

A training program can significantly increase your opportunities in the job world – which is especially key today whether thousands of workers are applying for just hundreds of jobs! After the pandemic, there has been a strong influx in the number of workers looking for jobs so they can get back to normal, while the number of job openings is decreasing.

Ensure you can be one of the lucky few to secure a job while using a training program that helps you boost your resume, increase your networking skills and research, and helps you with interview preparation for your next job interview!

3 reasons a training program is beneficial to help you find a new job – and find one FAST!

A training program is one of the best ways in which you can adequately prepare to get a new job. Along with preparing your documents beforehand, a training program helps your personality and perfecting skills so you are completely confident and ready to grow when it comes to meeting employers in person during interviews or meetings.

Let’s see the top three reasons why those who are unemployed will benefit from using a training program, like the one you can find on Pathrise!

Improve your resume

One of the top benefits of using a training program, like the one on Pathrise, is the ability to boost your resume. Do you have your work experience but it’s all forms from a few years ago? Make sure you add recent work history, or a reason why you have not been working, so your employees can get a comprehensive picture of your experience and your life. Include the relevant jobs and qualifications you have for the open position.

Networking in the industry

The second reason why you should use a training program like the one on Pathrise is the ability to broaden your connections in the industry. By learning how to network properly, you can boost your connections, meet new people, and find others who are like-minded.

Interview preparation

The final skill of having a training program, like one on Pathrise, is the ability to prepare for an in-person or online interview. Ensure you feel confident and ready to answer all questions by going through the program and practicing ahead of time!


By using a training program, like the one on Patrise, you can be confident to answer interview questions, boost your resume potential, improve your networking power, and help with any other added parts of your job, like salary negotiation!

Also Read: What is the future of security engineering jobs?

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Microsoft 70-486 Exam Preparation Guide: The Most In-Demand Study Materials (Practice Tests, Training Courses, Books) For Any Student Wed, 22 Apr 2020 12:57:08 +0000 It is a known fact that preparation is the most important part of passing any

The post Microsoft 70-486 Exam Preparation Guide: The Most In-Demand Study Materials (Practice Tests, Training Courses, Books) For Any Student appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

It is a known fact that preparation is the most important part of passing any certification exam. A thorough studying can definitely turn the tables on your side and bring you high results in your task.That is why each certification vendor offers its own options of learning, whether it is an instructor-led course or a study guide. Sometimes the providers offer more options than others, and you may ask,what resource should you use for your preparation process? Of course, it will be better to try all of them, but we all know that it is impossible. So, it all depends on you and your preferred style of learning. If you haven’t made up your mind yet, we can help you with this. In this article, we will talk about the most popular ways that the candidates can use during their preparation period for the Microsoft 70-486 exam. But, first of all, let’s look at some details of this test that you definitely need to know before you start.

What is the Microsoft 70-486 certification exam?

Microsoft 70-486 is one of three available exams for obtaining the MCSA: Web Applications credential. It is an obligatory test, and you need to choose one of the other two along with it. Thus, you can try to take 70-480 with 70-486 or 70-483 with AZ-103, 70-742  98-366 MS-300 MS-500  MS-900  MS-101 PMP  CEH  CCNP  CCIE  A+ 220-1002 AWS PDF dumps.

Microsoft 70-486 is a certification exam that evaluates the individual’s knowledge and skills in designing, developing, and troubleshooting ASP.NET. It is a perfect choice for those professional developers who work with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 and have 3 years of experience. You need to be prepared for about 40-60 questions that should be completed within 120 minutes. The price for the 70‑486 certification testis the same as for many other Microsoft associate-level exams – $165.

What topics should you learn for Microsoft 70-486 certification exam?

There are certain exam objectives that you need to master in order to get the necessary skills. Let’s take a closer look at them.

  1. Application Architecture Design

This topic area takes about 15 to 20 percent of the exam content. You need to know the following:

  • Application layer planning;
  • Distributed application design;
  • Implementation and design of the Azure web app lifecycle;
  • Configuration of state management;
  • Caching strategy design;
  • Web socket design and implementation;
  • Interaction with the host environment;
  • Use of the pipeline to compose.
  1. Architecture Deployment

This domain takes about 10 to 15 percent of the entire exam and includes the following:

  • Server build strategy design;
  • Publishing strategy design;
  • Azure deployment strategy design;
  • On-premises deployment strategy implementation.
  1. UX Design

This objective also has about 15-20 percent of the whole test. Its subtopics are given below:

  • Creation of elements for a user in the application;
  • UI behavior and implementation;
  • UI layout design;
  • Responsive layout design;
  • Mobile UI strategy planning.
  1. UX Development

About 20% of the exam will cover this subject that includes the following areas:

  • Search engine optimization accessibility planning;
  • Planning and implementation of globalization and localization;
  • Design and implementation of MVC controllers and actions;
  • Routes implementation and design;
  • Use of MVC extensibility to control applications;
  • Serial and model binding design and implementation.
  1. Web Application Removal and Checkout

This is the biggest exam topic that you need to explore to succeed in Microsoft 70-486 as it can have about 25%. Please consider learning the following subtopics:

  • Removal of runtime errors;
  • Exceptional handling designing;
  • Web application testing;
  • Azure application debugging.
  1. Security Designing and Implementation

Please note that this objective covers up to 20% of the test.Its subtopics are as follows:

  • Authentication configuration;
  • Authorization configuration;
  • Claim based authentication designing and implementation;
  • Data integrity management;
  • Secure site implementation.

What preparation resources are best suited for Microsoft 70-486 certification exam?

At last, we can talk about the most useful and popular study materials that a lot of applicants use during their preparation phase. Let’s start!

  • Instructor-led training courses

This five-day course will help you gain knowledge and skills in developing ASP.NET Core MVC Web Applications and using .NET Core technologies and tools. You will focus on coding activities, which enhance the scalability and performance of the Web site app. You can choose an online version for self-paced learning or attend live classes with an instructor in person or remotely. This is one of the best and unique preparation ways. You can ask multiple questions to your tutor to easily remove any misconceptions and get detailed answers to your questions. Or you can get 3-month access to the course and study at your own speed.

  • Study guides

If you don’t like to watch video courses, for some reason, and you want to dig deeper into the exam content by yourself, then the official books are the best option for you. This type of preparation is chosen by not only the bibliophiles but also by other students. Study guides are good partners because you can take them anywhere and anytime. You can buy them a Ref 70-486 guide on Amazon or go for the one from the Microsoft platform.

  • Practice tests

In our humble opinion, practice tests are the best way to check your current level of skills and knowledge that you need for Microsoft 70-486. They are the files that contain the questions and answers from the previous exam to know its format, check if you can take your test within the time limit, and understand which topics need more attention. You can find these practice tests on the Examsnap website. They are updated and verified by the qualified professionals. You can take them via the exam simulator that is a peculiar feature of this online platform.


These were the three most popular study materials to use for Microsoft 70-486. You can always utilize them or find some additional ones. The most important thing is to get the required knowledge and be able to pass the test with flying colors. So, it is completely up to you to decide. Good luck with your decision and further learning!

The post Microsoft 70-486 Exam Preparation Guide: The Most In-Demand Study Materials (Practice Tests, Training Courses, Books) For Any Student appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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