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That’s it, your project is launched, and you are proud of it! 

You arrive at the crucial and essential step before the launch of your brand, which is exciting and terrifying at the same time: the creation of your logo. No stress; we will explain everything to you! 

As you know, the logo is as important as your brand name. It allows you to be visually identified and remembered. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Hence the importance of having a relevant logo! 

In this article, we explain the importance of having a logo, and we advise you so that your logo is at the top and carries you to heights. 

Why Create a Logo For Your Brand?

Ah, the famous question. Before you even start creating your logo, it is essential to understand why your brand logo is an important issue. 

The logo, in general, allows you to showcase yourself and increase your notoriety and visibility to your target. 

The logo will complement and solidify your professional identity; here are the reasons: 

  • The logo must translate your image and your identity graphically while reflecting the values ​​you place on your project. 
  • The logo allows you to distinguish yourself from the competition, make a place for yourself, and mark and enhance your identity in the eyes of all. 
  • The logo attracts the eye and arouses the curiosity of new customers and, therefore, of your target to learn about your brand and offer. 
  • The logo also serves to retain your customers. The logo should be reassuring and comforting and bring pride to your customers. A satisfied customer who is proud of your collaboration is guaranteed positive word-of-mouth. A boost for advertising at a lower cost, what more could you ask for? 

Your unique visual identity allows you to attract attention and develops a feeling of reliability and credibility in the professional world. It will bring you the power of seduction of differentiation while developing and creating a personality and relevant added value for your brand.

The logo finally responds to two major issues that are important to you: to be recognized and remembered. It will also participate in the formation of your brand image. You can read our article “Why is brand image important?” to find out more. 

Now that you know why the logo is important for your brand, we give you tips for creating your logo. 

Four Tips For Creating Your Logo

Your logo must be coherent, sought after, and deeply in tune with your brand. 


Creating a logo is a challenging task. Above all, ask yourself the right questions and think about your needs. 

Think about where you want to take your brand to lay the groundwork. The important thing is to have a well-defined brand upstream: your values, your vision, your mission, your ambitions, your targets, and your objectives, even before starting to create a logo.

You must therefore define your project in detail, taking the time to define your brand platform. This upstream work is a great help for this logo creation step. 

This preparation step, along with framing your brand identity, will optimize the creation of your logo. The graphic choices will thus be relevant and coherent for your brand. 

The idea is that your logo looks like you and has a special meaning, looks like your brand, and matches your goals and targets. 

Get inspired

Take inspiration from what already exists. We are not going to reinvent what already exists. Right existing things, mix ideas and create a mood board of visual inspirations to help you project yourself. 

Search, search to make a list of inspiring visuals: look at the fonts, shapes, graphic elements, colors, and creative ideas that can direct you to the creation of a logo that suits you. 

This research work will allow you to identify logos that work and start in the right direction with relevant creative leads from the start. 

Hit Your Target

Define your goals. An essential step.

Obviously, with your logo, you want to reach your target. But how do you want to touch it? What emotions do you want your target to feel? 

Different approaches are possible, and you can combine them. 


How to seduce your target at first sight? That is the question. 

Your visual identity should reflect how you want your brand to be perceived and the message you want to convey and should be consistent with your brand image. 

Your brand’s visual identity is its appearance, and it is also the first thing your target will see of you. It would help if you made a good first impression. In any case, unfortunately, you will not be able to please everyone. 

Your logo will follow you everywhere: website, print communication media, social networks, quotes, invoices, everywhere. So, as much as you and your target like it. 

It must be able to challenge, attract attention, and communicate your values. Moreover, companies are often judged on their appearance rather than what they do (it’s a shame). Hence the importance of having an attractive logo. 


You need to stand out and differentiate yourself from others. It’s the best way to remember you. 

Avoid clichés, ideas that are too obvious. The idea is not to illustrate your company or what you offer but to convey your values. Your logo will be successful if it is distinctive, unique and in line with your personality. 

Sometimes simplicity can be a source of differentiation. No need to get lost in too many details and complications that could harm you and cause misunderstanding. 

If your logo reflects the experience you offer, customers will tend to trust you. 


The number one rule that you absolutely must respect is: do not follow trends! 

As its name suggests, it is a trend. As you know, trends are fluid and change very quickly. 

Your logo must therefore have the ability to age well over time by going through the years without getting tired and becoming old-fashioned. 

Timelessness will allow you to develop a strong brand image that will optimize your memorability and your credibility.

Timelessness: that’s the key! 

Create or get help.

This is surely the hardest part, we must admit. Several choices are available to you: either you tackle this graphic design task alone by creating the logo yourself, or you call on a graphic designer to help you with this heavy task. 


The choice to create your logo can be relevant if you have a clear idea of ​​what you want to do and you feel capable of creating your logo on your own. In this case, do not forget to use free or paid production software to have a professional rendering. 

Once the logo has been created, you will be able to decline a graphic charter which will help you in the realization of other communication media. 


The middle choice is to use an online generator. There are many sites where you can create a logo with just a few clicks. This solution is economical, but it means taking the risk of finding someone who has the same logo as you. 

You then lose credibility and authenticity. 


The last choice is to call on a communication agency or an expert graphic designer. By making this choice, you will surely have a quality, professional logo in your image and tailor-made. 

After explaining your needs, the graphic designer can create your desired logo. He can also easily decline all communication media in graphic coherence with your visual identity. This will allow you to have standardized, harmonized and professional communication.

The experts have a creative spirit, experience and skills that will be made available for your project to convey your values ​​through a differentiation strategy. 

Your logo is a graphic element that will have a strong impact, follow you everywhere, federate your teams and your targets, differentiate you, and convey your message; and for all this, it is preferable to call on professionals to have solid communication bases. , relevant and effective.

Also Read: Top Tips For Creating a Stand-out Logo For Your Business

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Employer Brand – Why And How To Develop It? Sat, 01 Apr 2023 07:38:37 +0000 The employer brand is one of the subjects on which to communicate. Our decryption and

The post Employer Brand – Why And How To Develop It? appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

The employer brand is one of the subjects on which to communicate. Our decryption and advice are in this article.

The Employer Brand: What Is It?

Definition of The Employer Brand

The notion of employer brand refers to many criteria specific to the company. Indeed, it is about the identity, the culture, even the values ​​company’s values, the employee brand is an important element of human resources.” Indeed, the employer brand plays a decisive role in recruitment, the development of employees, and the overall reputation of the company.

Return an authentic and realistic image in its communication to engage its collaborators. Who knows? One of your future work colleagues is surely in the network of one of your collaborators. For this, it is essential to use an internal communication strategy as well as an external one.

To develop the employer brand, the company needs to highlight its main strengths and, in particular, the well-being of its employees.

Why Develop This Business Strategy?

With the development of digital and new technologies, companies must communicate the employer brand. In addition, new generations are increasingly attentive to what a particular company represents and its image online. Indeed, talents are now looking for “The Place To Be.”
We also return to QVT, an essential concept associated with the employer brand. As you will have understood, the company’s bad reputation could tarnish the employer’s image.
Thus, with each communication, it is important to think of the customers but also of the collaborators and potential candidates that your company would likely attract within its teams. This boosts your employer image, an essential characteristic for attracting talent. However, note that a good employer brand is not just about best practices when recruiting. Indeed, once you have succeeded in attracting talent to your ranks, you must succeed in retaining them. Moreover, we are talking about the “employer brand” and not the “recruiter brand.”

How To Make The Company More Attractive?

There are many strategies and techniques to implement to develop an attractive employer brand! If these are all applied optimally, then see the positive spin-offs and possible candidates arriving.

Social benefits: an effective lever for the attractiveness of the company

What could be more attractive than a company offering its employees meal vouchers? When two similar offers catch a candidate’s attention, what can convince him to join your company is the criterion of well-being at work. The favorite advantage of French collaborators is that the meal voucher has many arguments, especially if you choose Ticket Restaurant Edenred, the leading solution in the meal voucher market!

However, social benefits are not limited to meal vouchers. Indeed, some companies also offer gift certificates or even CESU titles to facilitate employees’ work/personal life balance.

Convey authentic values ​​to the company.

Yes, you should know that one of the main criteria for an employee looking for a job is a match between his values ​​and those demonstrated by the company. Moreover, this is an integral part of what is called the culture of the company.

Example: to communicate on the well-being at work of employees in your company, provide concrete evidence and share employee experiences.

Employees: the company’s best ambassadors

Indeed, to make your company known to your potential candidates, there is nothing better than communicating your employer brand! Your current employees will promote it and communicate it around them, be careful… guaranteed result.

For this, internal company platforms make sharing content accessible to all employees, who can re-share it with their network outside the company.

Communication: an essential element for top recruitment

It is honoring your employer’s promise to make it a subject of communication. Moreover, by doing this, you considerably increase your chances of attracting the best talent. Thus, the quality of your recruitment will be boosted and the company’s image at the same time!

The employer is always looking to the future.

As you will have understood, the employer brand is THE way to attract talent within the company. As such, be aware that 70% of millennials use social networks to measure the quality of an employer brand, against 58% for Generation X and 50% for boomers. The generations that follow will certainly be even more searching for information via this channel! Therefore, it is crucial to adapt your employer’s brand strategy to communicate with new generations via relevant channels, promoting arguments that correspond to their concerns.

Conquer Potential Candidates And Current Employees.

There are many channels to disseminate information to develop attractiveness.

To unearth certain talents, internal and external communications must be in line. Employers often neglect external communication, which is as essential as internal communication when it comes to the employer brand. For this, a digital strategy worthy of the name and in the image of the company can be developed via, among other things:

An attractive and quality website

This is the perfect place to communicate the employer brand. Indeed, the website remains one of the first means of contact between the company and the candidate. It is, therefore, preferable to build its interface properly, including all the essential information on a specific and dedicated page.

A presence on social networks

We told you about it above. Have you ever thought about communicating about your employer brand on social networks? It would be a great idea for your employer image to get started. Undoubtedly, the content offered by your company will convince the ideal candidate. Indeed, is it conceivable that a company in full development is absent these days? If only to manage the company’s reputation online, this is essential!

But then, how to support this online presence?

Analyze your brand and its target.

Indeed, some social networks are more or less preferred to reach an audience that may feel concerned or be sensitive to your speech.

Instagram is a virtual platform, especially for improving your brand image.

Depending on the target, it may be very relevant for the brand to be present on LinkedIn. Companies are swarming on this platform, and potential candidates are likely hiding there! In addition, LinkedIn not only serves as a social network on which to develop the employer brand, but it is also a recruitment platform that is gaining importance daily. A good hearer.

TikTok is THE social network at the service of content virality. Don’t get me wrong, this is certainly invested massively by the younger generations, but all age categories are now present. Indeed, what better idea than to attract candidates via video format? Plus, it can be a great way to improve company visibility and post employer branding content!

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