digital transformation Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Fri, 26 Aug 2022 06:55:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 digital transformation Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 The Value Of Wi-Fi In Digital Transformation Fri, 26 Aug 2022 06:55:06 +0000 What categorizes the business world today is digital transformation. Acquiring capabilities based on technology to

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What categorizes the business world today is digital transformation. Acquiring capabilities based on technology to stand out and adapt to the new era promotes companies’ growth and expansion. This reality shows how relevant it is to have the advantages of the Internet to promote a commercial project. To consolidate around the preferences of the consuming public, acquiring the tool that contributes the most to change.

Digital transformation is a global phenomenon that links all the fundamental aspects that govern the company-client relationship. To include your business within this dynamic, you must identify the value of WI-FI in the general scheme. Effective digitizing all operational processes requires a technological tool that drives your marketing strategies. In this context, social WI-FI has become an essential ally because it provides a secure connection to the Internet and social networks.

Discover the value of WI-FI in the digital transformation of your business; by now, we know that digital transformation affects all business models, without exception. Consequently, only the incorporation of new technologies will help you generate growth opportunities. Therefore, the integration of WIFI is vital because the changes, at present, are related to connectivity. The Internet, in a hyperconnected society, has an essential commercial value. Next, we help you discover the reasons.

Digital transformation brings you closer to the customer; today’s customers are not the same ones you met a few years ago. Currently, they can see all the options from their mobile device and tend to decide on the one that best suits their expectations. In this context, You can get key information and find out what the customer wants. Consequently, you can study it, measure its needs and acquire the ability to personalize the offer. You can also make him feel valued and important. This is decisive when entering the orbit of buyers’ preferences and improving the user experience.

WIFI optimizes productivity and improves logistics in the digital transformation, and WI-FI is the key element and a differentiating factor. This tool is what makes possible innovations in the area of ​​customer service. Thus, the provision of this tool leads to simplifying processes and marking a roadmap in the employee’s work dynamics. In post-sale follow-up, the implementation of interaction strategies after the purchase is facilitated. An example of this is automated shipments via mail marketing likewise, the generation of surveys to know the sensations of the consumer regarding the product and service.

Also Read: What Is Wifi Analytics And What Is It For

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How Digitalization Has Changed the Casino World Forever Fri, 06 May 2022 15:48:22 +0000 If you wanted to play slots or table games, in previous years it would have

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If you wanted to play slots or table games, in previous years it would have meant a long trek to the local casino or spending time at the bar where an ad-hoc game may have been in progress or depending on where you lived, some sort of primitive machine would have been available.
However, in the last decade and a half (but most particularly in the last five years), the ability to play online casino games has revolutionized the industry and made it more accessible for those who want to play (more on that next) and put players more in control of when and where they do it. It has also led to an increase in the number of options available.

It has created a more genuine experience

This also means that you are not playing some badly put-together mockery of what happens on the casino floor, but instead are getting a more genuine experience than you could several years ago. Many online casinos are affiliated in some way with a land-based establishment, so they know exactly what a customer expects from their time on the site.

Made online casinos more accessible

As mentioned above, if you wanted to play genuine casino games of any description, you would have to travel miles to do it or go on vacation to destinations where that activity was possible. This was expensive and when you got there, regardless of how you felt, you would feel like you had to make the most of the experience and play.

Nowadays almost everyone potentially has an online casino in their pocket in the shape of their mobile device or cell phone. You can find exactly what you are looking for, so if you are looking for online slots while in Paris or the best Goa casino online, it’s just a Google search away, or you could use an online casino comparison website to do the hard work for you.

Removed the need to travel

Digitalization means that you don’t have to travel. Before, as mentioned above, you might have to travel to play casino games, that would at least mean the price of a full tank of gas and possibly an overnight stay as well. If you balance that with the ability to play a game for ten minutes on the bus on the way to work in the morning, it’s easy to see why more people are playing online casino games.

Because people can turn these games on or off at will, there is pressure on designers to create games that are more spectacular so they get more out of playing the games than ever before, which can only be beneficial to the player.

A few final thoughts

Overall, the digitalization of casinos has made them more accessible to more people across the world wherever online gambling is legal. It has removed the need to travel, but also improved the experience of online casino games making them better and more enjoyable.

Also Read: Can We Make Games on WordPress?

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Digital Services That Improve The Security Of Your Company Tue, 05 Apr 2022 05:17:20 +0000 The protection of people, property and assets are key aspects for the continuity of any

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The protection of people, property and assets are key aspects for the continuity of any business that can benefit from technological advances. For this reason, at Securitas, we believe that Security for companies must continue to evolve and apply the most cutting-edge technologies. Digital Services are supported by cutting-edge technologies identified by the Innovation department and reinforce security solutions. These are the 6 main innovations and trends that support these services:

Internet Of Things (IoT)

IoT or the “internet of things” basically refers to the interconnection and sensorization of different objects. The IoT offers a wide variety of applications that integrate with the rest of the security systems and surveillance services. It is applied in three essential services :

  • Indoor Positioning System (IPS): This allows the positioning of assets or people indoors and enables services such as access control without physical barriers.
  • Track and Trace: This service monitors and improves the protection of workers under challenging conditions (Isolated Man) and the transport of goods where it allows for protecting and managing entire fleets of vehicles.
  • Services based on  IoT sensors: The sensors can measure values ​​such as temperature or humidity, allow automatic or remote action and offer analytical information.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Machine learning and deep learning capabilities can also improve the Security of companies. This technology is applied above all in video surveillance systems and allows, for example, to identify abnormal patterns through image and sound analysis.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Automating repetitive tasks is not exclusive to the industrial sector (for example, in an assembly line); Managing large volumes of information is also a repetitive task that consumes time and human resources. At Securitas, we improve the efficiency of our internal processes and our services thanks to the incorporation of robots and programs that help ingest, process and produce results from data.

Data analysis

Data analysis and measurement through KPIs is a fundamental value for the Security of companies. The guards, security systems or sensors collect useful, representative and objective information that, combined with other relevant sources inside and outside the client, allows us to help you make optimal security decisions and even in other central aspects of your business.

Security In Digital Environments

Every company has an internet presence, so digital Security must be protected as vigorously as physical Security. But as in the real world, the risks of the digital world can often be challenging to anticipate.

Our Intelligence Services support decision-making by anticipating risks, threats and opportunities for the business. We analyze the information available on five key aspects of any organization: Security, reputation, digital footprint, digital risk and competitive or strategic intelligence. Securitas also emphasizes the digital protection of the networks themselves that support the electronic security subsystems and the OT networks.

Apps And Tools

Finally, advanced software solutions make it easier for companies to manage Security. These are some of the tools we have:

  • Management of visits and reservations of Securitas (VISEC) allows you to manage reservations for visits and events through a pre-registration system.
  • Collaborative Security: based on a mobile application, it facilitates communication, recording, and monitoring of incidents.
  • Video Stream: Capture and stream real-time video, audio, and photos for mobile workers.
  • Time Management: time control service with the delivery of detailed and informed reports.
  • Coordination of Business Activities (CAE): allows companies to manage and control the work carried out by third parties following regulations.
  • Simultaneous translation: a virtual translation assistant for fluid and natural communication.
  • Smart Post: a complete solution for managing parcels, mail and bags for companies within corporate buildings.
  • Smart Key: custody control and management of keys and assets with sleek cabinets.
  • Marketing Analytics: an advanced solution for measuring customer behavior in a physical space (heat maps, busiest times.).

In short, the application of technological innovation represents a revolution in Security for companies. 

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The Challenges Of Companies In The Field Of Digitization In 2022 Sun, 09 Jan 2022 05:41:00 +0000 The outbreak of the pandemic made digital transformation one of the great objectives of the

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The outbreak of the pandemic made digital transformation one of the great objectives of the national productive fabric. In fact, both SMEs and large multinationals have verified the benefits that the digitization of production processes, work organization and corporate culture brings to their business. As a result, many companies were able to continue operating relatively normally even in the harshest months of lockdown. In case it was not yet, the virus has made it clear that digitization is positive and cannot be postponed. But it has also highlighted the digital challenges that companies were facing then and that still remain unresolved in a way that meets the demand rates of the current economy.

2020, therefore, was for many businesses the year in which they got serious about digital transformation. They also had to do it urgently to ensure the survival of the company. 2021, on the other hand, can be described as the year of consolidation. In fact, the training of professionals, the transformation of the corporate culture, the technological integration in the work environment and the strengthening of digital channels have been common in the strategy of many companies.

Looking ahead to 2022, and although much progress has been made and accelerated, the reality is that there is still much to do in the era of digitization, which is also characterized by constant changes. In order for companies to continue moving forward this year, The Valley business school has prepared a list of the most important business challenges of 2022 in the field of digitization that, for your interest, we transfer to this post. Lack of technologically trained professionals to meet demand. 

The technological professions are, without a doubt, the protagonists of a large part of the job offer that currently exists. Profiles such as Digital Product Manager, Product Designer, Data Scientist, Business Data Analyst or experts in digital business or Cloud systems. They are highly demanded by companies of all sectors and take up many of the offers on job portals. However, and despite the high demand for digital and technological professionals, there are currently not enough trained profiles, at a technical level, to assume these types of roles that guarantee employability. Therefore, one of the main digital challenges facing the business landscape in 2022 is to contribute to the training of professionals in everything related to digital skills and the use of digital tools.

The importance of soft skills in the age of machines. In an environment in which machines are assuming more and more new mechanical and repetitive tasks and processes, professionals stand out for their soft skills, or soft skills that differentiate them from machines and allow them to provide added value to companies. Thus, skills such as critical and analytical thinking, creativity to address new challenges, the ability to manage times and teams, emotional intelligence in the hybrid model, the strategic ability to lead projects or the predisposition to change, are just some of the skills that stand out the most in the current job environment, and that will allow professionals to be successful in this environment.

Beyond the digitization of processes, a corporate culture based on innovation. The digitization process goes far beyond integrating technologies in the day-to-day or the use of digital tools, being the redefinition and transformation of business culture, one of the fundamental pillars. The changes that have taken place in recent years have resulted in the need for a corporate culture based on innovation and in which flexibility, collaboration and well-being in the work environment are key to attract, retain and retain talent. Therefore, the challenge for companies is to adapt their models, processes and work methods to this new paradigm to promote a more innovative, efficient, productive and, above all, collaborative work environment. 

Whose essence is to train employees and make them part of the change. Adaptation of services, products and channels to the demands of the digital customer. Now, The challenge is to adapt products and services to the rhythm of digital customer demand, strengthen online channels and align messages to the new post-pandemic lifestyle, in order to remain competitive and relevant in the new environment.

Strategic alliances framed in digital transformation. To approach the digitization process in the most appropriate way possible, the ideal is to have the advice and accompaniment of experts in digital transformation. These strategic alliances will facilitate the companies that are going through the transformation process, everything related to the training of their professionals and the transformation of their corporate culture, the implementation of innovative work methodologies and the optimization of internal processes, in addition to help them increase their brand awareness and adapt to the new environment.

Also Read: What Is The Relationship Between Digital Transformation And Organizational Culture

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Human Resources Digitization The Electronic Signature Fri, 13 Aug 2021 09:20:17 +0000 How to gain efficiency in HR management? An electronic signature is a tool that helps

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How to gain efficiency in HR management? An electronic signature is a tool that helps to digitize the work of this business area and provide other very interesting aspects about the digitization of the company.

The Challenge Of Digitizing Labor Procedures

With increasing assistance, face-to-face procedures are being supplanted by digital management, thanks to the implementation of tools that allow them to be simplified and streamlined.

The replacement of face-to-face meetings with video calls, the exchange of online documentation, collaborative work based on digital platforms. Are all symptoms of a new way of working that, in the case of labor and HR management, has a great impact on the day today. Increasingly, and exacerbated by the impact of the covid on the management of the HR department, digitized labor management is imposed.

Finally, the high number of tasks and procedures in which the electronic signature can be implemented makes it a great ally in this new path: Its use ranges from the signing of a labor contract, protection of personal data, payroll, settlements, leave of absence, ERE s / ERTE s, control of the working day, or internal training, among others.

The Digital Signature Is Applied In HR

Within the digital transformation, The electronic signature has great advantages as a guarantee of authenticity and integrity, an important challenge in aspects such as maximum protection, cost reduction, and reduction of the time it takes to complete the procedures. 

But are there different types of signatures for HR? How is the process of digitally signing a document carried out? Let’s get to know the different types of signatures:

Simple Electronic Signature

It is used regularly for procedures such as assigning image rights or confirming attendance at a business event: in short, for those basic procedures that only require the employee’s agreement.

Advanced Electronic Signature

It is the most used type of signature in HR. The reason is based on the fact that it has a greater legal imperative: it is the one that applies in cases related to ERTEs, settlements, contract renewals, documents related to Social Security, etc. 

Its operating mode is extremely effective and intuitive: the employee can sign from their mobile after receiving an SMS that they enter at the time of signing. That has a specific period of validity. Its application is very widespread in the banking field, an aspect that makes it highly recognized and, therefore, highly effective.

Advanced Biometric Signature

Like the advanced electronic signature, the advanced biometric signature has a valid time to consolidate the document’s reliability and non-modification after it has been carried out. The main difference is that, in this case, the physical presence of the signer is required. It is biometric, so it implies that in addition to the signature, intrinsic aspects to the collection of the same are appreciated, such as those that show the movement or position of the pen.

Regarding the selection, how to choose which signature provider best suits our company? We must assess a series of key points that appeal to the signed documents’ security and reliability. We list the main ones: 

  • Tracing of communications and type of content: The tool we choose must make the entire communication and information exchange process as transparent as possible, with as much detail as possible. We must know if the recipient has received the content, downloaded it, signed the document, etc.
  • What is the status of the delivery and signature of the document? The complete solution is the one that will allow us not only to know the exact date and time but also more specific aspects such as the IP of the client/server.
  • What electronic evidence does the platform provide us? Both the browser and the protocol used must be reflected. Have a solution that incorporates the electronic signature in security matters, such as electronic evidence in XML format, something vital for the correct development of our HR department. 

Legislation On The Management Of Digital Processes

Which emphasizes the security and legal integrity of the management of digital processes as a whole and, specifically, in electronic signatures. On this issue, the normative criterion is clear by establishing the admission of three signatures that prove the signer’s identity, have a high legal component, and, therefore, are accepted to ratify the documents.

  • Simple Electronic Signature: This is the essential signature since the sender only has to verify and accept the document.
  • Advanced Electronic Signature: The tracing of the electronic signature indisputably ensures the recipient’s identification so that security remains unaltered.
  • Qualified Electronic Signature: Its use makes it necessary to have a digital certificate, and it is done using a device created for this purpose. It establishes criteria of integrity and legal guarantee at the highest level

Also Read: What Types Of Electronic Signature Can Be Done With A Mobile Device

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The Four Trends Of The Digital Acceleration Of SMEs Sat, 17 Jul 2021 06:46:42 +0000 Digital transformation is no longer an option to become a necessary engine for SMEs. Changing

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Digital transformation is no longer an option to become a necessary engine for SMEs. Changing consumer habits and highly high competition force companies to evolve and adapt digital ways of working that seek agility, resilience and, of course, growth.

But the digitization of SMEs is not without new challenges. As noted in the report ‘ The digital acceleration of business,’ prepared by the collaboration with Accenture, as small and medium-sized companies increase their investments in the digital field and prepare their staff, their operations and their models of business-facing transformation.

May also be more vulnerable to risks that you may not yet be aware of As a result of more than 1,350 interviews with executives of SMEs from 14 sectors in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, France, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the United States, the report describes four significant trends in the digital transformation process of small companies.

Mastering Digital Communications

As the study points out, digital customer experiences are essential for companies to remain competitive. In addition, customer expectations regarding products and services are constantly evolving and are heavily influenced by their interactions with brands. Amazon, Apple, Google or Alibaba, among others, are the benchmark for user experience and personalization.

In this sense, 45% of those surveyed indicate the delivery of products and services on demand as one of the two main business priorities. The other priority -46% – is the adaptation of products, services and communications for multiple generations. Despite the importance of personalized offers and demand, a quarter of the companies surveyed do not believe that the use of direct forms of communication with customers – such as social networks or real-time chats – will affect their results.

Harness The Power Of Data

As it becomes increasingly important to collect, analyze and use customer data to optimize sales, investments in data and technology become more essential to maintain growth plans and differentiate yourself from competitors. When it comes to harnessing the power of data, using the cloud is the top priority for businesses today. But looking ahead, the three-year priority for 75% of the SMEs surveyed is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its implementation in company processes. However, only a fifth of companies claim to have sufficient internal capabilities to implement AI, which is the main technological challenge for SMEs.

Support Employees

The irruption of Covid-19 in our lives has caused that, overnight, companies have had to adapt to support a workforce remotely. In this area, 84% of SMEs surveyed by Chubb and Accenture say that their performance may be significantly affected by a need for staff with new skills and technological skills. If we add cloud and AI technologies, personalization, and new forms of customer communication to the increased volume of teleworking, the need for technologically trained staff will continue to grow. In such a competitive environment, hiring and retaining workers with the right skills can also become a challenge for SMEs.

Be A Leading Player In The Global Market

For many SMEs, continuing to grow means seeking larger markets, either expanding into new geographic areas or developing partnerships with the leading players in the digital market, such as marketplaces. In this area, the main priority for small and medium-sized companies is to create opportunities to collaborate with the significant players in the commercial and social platforms, both now and three years from now. Many companies consider virtual expansion through, for example, Google, Amazon or Alibaba – as the best opportunity to survive and grow.

But working with those platforms can create challenges like scale, distribution, and fierce competition when it comes to profit margins. In this sense, risks for third parties, such as those related to data, are the most significant challenges for approximately 40% of the SMEs surveyed. Although partnering with large platforms can facilitate access to other markets, only 41% of companies currently prioritize offering products or services in foreign markets.

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