Small business Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Tue, 05 Jul 2022 05:35:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Small business Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 How To Improve The Sales Strategy In The SMEs Ecosystem Tue, 05 Jul 2022 05:35:25 +0000 Optimizing sales, invoicing more, and generating more profits is the mantra of SMEs in 2022.

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Optimizing sales, invoicing more, and generating more profits is the mantra of SMEs in 2022. The objective is not a small thing, considering the current environment in which the economy operates at all levels. But, Data experts have identified some simple techniques with which SMEs could approach the long-awaited goal of selling more and better.

Map Current Processes

It is a starting point. Taking stock of the current strategy allows successful actions to be valued. And identify those areas in which it is necessary to improve. Or delete. Mapping current processes determine if the steps and resources used are correct to drive business growth. And, in any case, to better understand the stages of a sale.

According to Data experts, this mapping can lead business managers to ask themselves some basic questions, such as:

  • How many emails should be sent?
  • How many calls do you have to make?
  • Who should be the receiver of emails and calls?
  • How are proposals made? Including? How long does it take to prepare and ship them?

Making a balance of the fundamental aspects surrounding the sales process makes it easier to design a more adjusted sales strategy. And, with it, boost the financial development of the business. A business process can be reduced to key steps: attracting potential customers, sending proposals, negotiations, and sales confirmation.

But, to these critical processes, we must add other “complementary” functions that can lead to the success or failure of any sales strategy: a good selection of products/services, the optimal definition of prices, adaptation to the client, the identification of the profitability indices by product/service, by the customer, by geographical area.

And, of course, functions such as the optimal delivery of orders, billing, and collection-payment processes, claims management, etc. Designing an adequate strategy and putting it into practice with the necessary tools will enable companies to fulfill their commitments. Guarantee the service. And increase loyalty rates. That is, sell more and better. How to improve the sales strategy in the SME ecosystem

Rely On An ERP Business Management Software

With the evolution of technology, many business management applications have evolved rapidly. It is especially introducing new features and improving the user experience. As Pablo Couso, commercial director of Data, explains, “one of the greatest revolutions in the commercial ERP environment is the introduction of analytical functions. An ERP with native BI provides SMEs with an unprecedented analysis capacity. Facilitates decision-making. And it guarantees precision in all performances.”

Operating or deciding based on the knowledge provided by the Data is key for a commercial strategy to be successful. The predictive capabilities it provides and the simulation and anticipation options it offers mean that SMEs that support their commercial management in an ERP with native BI are better prepared to succeed than those that use essential management tools. Simplifying processes saves time. Automating tasks also helps increase the accuracy of the results.

It makes processes fluid and rigorous. And it makes it easy to track the implemented actions. And with it, its evaluation always operates under the best practices scheme. And in a mode of continuous innovation and permanent improvement. In addition, having centralized information and having the entire process carried out via ERP, even integrated with other applications -CRM or e-commerce- gives greater security and confidence to the business process.

KPI or Performance Indicators

KPIs help improve organizational performance. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to them. It was defining them correctly and making a detailed follow-up of their evolution. The information provided by the performance indicators helps to understand, for example, the average time and cost to make a sale. Or the profit margin of a customer or a product/service. Or the waiting time between when the customer places the order and receives the product/service. Using the appropriate technology also impacts the definition and monitoring of KPIs. Centralize information, automate calculations and send alerts. Everything applies when analyzing business KPIs.

Print Speed To The Process

Responding quickly to a customer’s or prospect’s request for information is key to accelerating the sales process. Mainly due to the image of solvency that the organization provides. And also, in an environment where the client is oversaturated with information, standing out for speed, simplicity, and transparency is a plus to be taken into account in the SME environment.

For this reason, when using a commercial ERP, SMEs opt for solutions that guarantee the solidity of its operation, functional coverage, and, very significantly, those applications that provide speed and flexibility responding quickly and applying directly to the quality of service offered to the customer. And, therefore, on their level of satisfaction and connection with the brand.

Evaluate The Quality Of The Offer

One strategy that works best in the commercial field is evaluating the offer. Review the quality of the products/services that are marketed. This helps to identify the reasons why the market opts for our proposal or that of the competition. It is important to define the weak points and the strengths of what is offered to the market -says. This will help achieve more significant differentiation by enhancing the strengths. And it will facilitate decision-making regarding the areas for improvement identified. Either by investing more in particular products/services to boost their sales. Or, on the contrary, suspend its commercialization if the results do not accompany it.

Also Read: How Can We Improve The Computer Security Of Our SME

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Influence Of IoT In The Retail Sector Thu, 19 May 2022 05:41:06 +0000 How users make their purchases and search for information about the products or services they

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How users make their purchases and search for information about the products or services they wish to acquire has completely changed, making businesses have to adapt to these new market requirements. Therefore, it is essential to know the influence of IoT in the retail sector. Would you like to discover what solutions the Internet of Things can provide in the real estate sector? Stay and read this post, and we will show you everything you need to know next!


Wearables are electronic devices that users incorporate into their bodies as part of their clothing, which collect data and are linked to other types of platforms. The best-known ones that have experienced tremendous success in recent years have been smartwatches and bracelets. In this way, brands can use these innovations to send promotions to their target audience, indicate the way to the establishment, or facilitate new payment methods through contactless technology. Thus, the relationship between the individual and the brand will be intensified. Users will be able to find out more quickly what is new in the business, and the purchase process will be facilitated.

Smart Stores

One of the most relevant applications of IoT in the retail sector is the implementation of sensors that collect data on the behavior of users in the establishment of the brand. With this, we will be able to carry out a more efficient distribution of the store, placing the different products and exhibitors in the most suitable places. Likewise, intelligent stores will significantly improve the user experience, developing technological solutions that allow people to interact with the product and learn about all its characteristics and peculiarities without having to be physically fit.

Proximity Marketing

The Internet of Things can take advantage of information about users’ geolocation. As a result, we may send individuals near the business offers to encourage you to visit the store or report a restock of your favorite product. With this, we increase the chances that you will stop at the company and make a purchase. On the other hand, this technology’s personalization is so deep that we achieve a very efficient impact on the individual, improving the relationship of trust and loyalty with the brand.

RFID Technology

Online shopping continues to grow, making e-commerce figures more significant every year. For this reason, retail companies must be competitive in logistics and freight transport. Through the RFID system, it is possible to know the information contained in the labels of the articles or packages, making it possible for businesses to track their shipments more efficiently. Likewise, it will be more challenging to lose an order, and individuals will be happier with the service offered by the brand.

Efficient Storage

Finally, to learn about the influence of the IoT in the retail sector, we should not forget to mention its contribution to the storage of materials, resources, and products. Inventory control and the procedures corresponding to commercial operations become simpler and more reliable with the Internet of Things technology since the number of stocks can be known quickly, without the need for a person to inspect the items one by one physically. As has been observed throughout this article, the IoT allows companies to be more competitive, gathering information about the target audience and improving their experience with the brand, which will result in customer loyalty and the achievement of the business objectives.

Also Read: How Advanced Analytics Can Improve Operations In The Retail Sector

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How Does Technology Help SMEs To Move Forward Wed, 19 Jan 2022 14:57:29 +0000 Our society has been technologically transformed in just a year and a half. We have

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Our society has been technologically transformed in just a year and a half. We have all had to adapt to the new work models and we have had to train ourselves in digital tools to “survive” the health crisis. And, the same has happened in SMEs, although some have not been able to cope with this situation and after much trying, they have had to close their doors.

In a certain way, the crisis has accelerated the processes of digital transformation and the digital gap in organizations, so it is vital to bring technology closer to SMEs to stay afloat and be able to avoid any crisis that comes. Furthermore, technology is not only important to “survive” covid, but also to thrive.

We have seen this over the years, although the health crisis has strengthened the ability of technology to offer companies the necessary tools to increase revenue, improve business processes and allow the implementation of new tools within companies. organizations.

Currently investing in technology is no longer an option or a luxury that only large companies can afford, but rather a fundamental need for any organization to be up-to-date, ensure business continuity and maintain competitiveness.

Relationship Between SMEs And Technology

Time is an essential asset for companies, especially in such dynamic and changing environments where rapid adaptation is required to guarantee business continuity. We have already seen it with the pandemic. Small and medium-sized companies know first-hand the importance of doing more with less time, and with fewer resources than the large companies in the market. Fortunately, they have a great ally technology.

Technology offers SMEs solutions that can make a difference and give them the ability to work from any location, providing quick responses to the market in which they compete. If we look closely at our environment, we find new realities where tools are enabled to establish mobile work models that go beyond offices or desks. Investing in technology opens the door to competitive advantages and increases in productivity, which favors small businesses to carry out their digital transformation process.

Cloud-based solutions present new opportunities to mix and match functions according to specific needs, helping the evolution of companies to adapt to specific factors. At Microsoft, they continually try to unite SMEs and technology, reinventing new formulas and improving productivity. In this way, solutions are built so that small businesses can continue working in adverse conditions. Microsoft 365 is a perfect example of this.

Digital Solutions For SMEs With Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 is a platform that increases productivity in a company by combining Office programs with cloud services, making it possible to manage devices and have a variety of security and privacy controls. Another possibility offered by Microsoft 365 is the integration of the Microsoft Teams platform, which allows unifying work communication and collaboration. In it, you can make calls, meetings, chats, and collaborations in a single tool.

My analytics is also another digital solution that uses data updated every day to provide analysis on how each user spends their time, as well as advice on how to work smarter. Have you ever had difficulty connecting with any type of customer or supplier during these difficult times? Another Microsoft 365 tool that can help SMBs address these issues is Microsoft Bookings.

We are talking about a customizable calendar that is based on a web where clients can access specific times where they book the services they need, which helps in scheduling appointments. And one last tool that we want to comment on is Microsoft Forms, a simple application where you can create surveys, polls, or questionnaires that allow you to collect information and export it to Excel to perform a more in-depth analysis.

As can be seen, SMEs and technology can go hand in hand to make their way towards a modern and flexible transformation, making digitization a catalyst for change and facing the future more decisively.

Also Read: Why Is It Key To Integrate E-commerce And ERP In SMEs

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How To Enhance The Local Positioning Of An SME Fri, 19 Nov 2021 06:09:55 +0000 Working local positioning for an SME is an easy way to achieve more visibility for

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Working local positioning for an SME is an easy way to achieve more visibility for the business and, potentially, attract more customers. Therefore, we share five infallible keys to improve it.

What Is Local Positioning 

The local positioning is to work the search engine optimization (also known as SEO) at a local level. In other words, it is about applying a series of actions so that users looking for businesses in the vicinity of a company find it among the first results in the list provided by the search engine. Thus, local positioning is essential for companies with a physical location or those who want to deliver their products or services only in a specific geographical area.

How To Get A Good Local Positioning 

Create Google My Business Account

The Google My Business tabs, adequately optimized, are an easy way to achieve visibility among the first Google results and appear in the searches of Google Maps users. In addition to creating this tab, it is necessary to optimize it to improve the positioning in Google My Business.

Get Positive Reviews In Directories

A good image in the review directories not only boosts potential customers’ confidence in a business but also provides quality links to a company’s website, enhancing its positioning. In this sense, it is also helpful to appear in online directories, such as Yellow Pages.

Optimize Your Website For Voice Searches

Everything indicates that voice searches are growing dramatically. Thus, the contents of your website and the keywords for which you optimize must take into account that users who do voice searches use different terms and expressions than those they would type with a keyboard. 

Generate Local Content 

Content linked to local events or news (for example, on the corporate blog) indicates to Google that your website and your business are connected to that specific geographic location. 

Optimize Your Website For Mobile Users

The shift from computers to mobile devices to perform searches and, in general, to carry out online activities is happening at an incredible speed. What’s more, Google estimates that people who have a bad experience on a website because it is not mobile-friendly are 60% less likely to buy from a business.

Ensure NAP Consistency

The NAP consistency is based on the name, address, and telephone company (NAP comes from ‘Name, Address, Phone’ ) are the same and are written in the same way in different parts of the digital environment. If search engines detect inconsistencies and errors in these three pieces of information, local positioning will suffer.

Advantages Of Local Positioning

  • Improve online visibility: Being in the first position of Google means that a website receives ten times more visits compared to the website in the 10th position. In other words, to achieve visibility, it is essential to work on local positioning to try to reach the highest place in the list of results.
  • Get more relevant traffic: Local positioning is also helpful to ensure that those who come to your website are users interested in your business. 
  • Get the trust of users: Appearing among the first positions of Google is an easy way to achieve the trust of users who, at first glance, identify your company as a leader.

More sales: all the above advantages translate into an improvement in sales.

In any case, any local positioning strategy for SMEs will benefit from having experts in web positioning who can carry out an analysis of business needs and apply the appropriate actions to make your business stand out on the internet.  

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Coronavirus Emergency Loans and Benefits for Small Business Sat, 05 Jun 2021 07:08:06 +0000 So many small businesses were hit hard by the safety measures and mandatory closures that

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So many small businesses were hit hard by the safety measures and mandatory closures that were necessary to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. The coronavirus emergency loan is a loan that is required to sustain ongoing operations.

List of Coronavirus Emergency Loans

Some of the coronavirus emergency loans include:


Nav through a small business grant contest is giving grants to a small business that tells a story of opportunity and preservation when facing an ongoing challenge.

Chamber of Commerce of the US

The Chamber of Commerce of the US came up with an initiative called Save Small Business Fund to offer grants of up to $5,000 to employers throughout the country.


Facebook is offering Grants totaling $100 million will be distributed to 30,000 small companies.

Main Street Lending Program

This supports mid-sized and small businesses that were doing well before coronavirus by offering them loans payable in 4 years.

Local and State Coronavirus Small Business Assistance

States have come up with ways to assist small businesses in their areas. The states are:


Businesses that were hit hard by the coronavirus are eligible for cash grants from the Denver Small Emergency Relief program.


Small businesses are qualified to get up to $20,000 in loans for zero-interest payments that can be delayed for up to 12 months if you use the Utah Leads Together Small Business Bridge Loan program.


SMEs are liable for loans with no interest via the SA, Emergency Loan Program. Micro Enterprises and companies that are in charge of providing jobs are eligible for emergency microloans.


Small companies in Chicago can qualify for loans of up to $50,000 with a five-year repayment period via the Chicago Small Business Resiliency Fund. Your revenue before coronavirus will be the determining factor of the amount of loan you can qualify for.


Organizations in Louisiana will apply for credits up to $100,000 with no interest and no installments for the initial half year through the Louisiana Loan Portfolio Guarantee Program.

New Hampshire

Small businesses can get funding from the Manchester Small Business Recovery Loan Fund. They can get loans of up to $25,000 with 2%interest rates.

New Mexico

Businesses can get loans that are repayable in 2 to 4 years with 3% to 10% interest rates from the New Mexico Recovery Fund.


Little organizations are qualified for zero-interest advances of up to $100,000.

New York

NY, City Small Business Continuity Fund offers 0% attributes up to $75,000 to little organizations to counterbalance deals misfortunes.


Small businesses can access loans of up to $100,000 with a three-year repayment period and zero interest rate.

New Jersey

Nonprofits and small companies in New Jersey can qualify for up to $100,000 in funding that can be deferred for a year.


The Washington SME Emergency Grant Program offers small start-ups up to $10,000 in loans.

North Carolina

Little organizations will get 0% premium advances up to $50,000 without any installments for the initial half year.


Little associations in Minnesota can apply for 0% advances of up to $35,000 through the SME Emergency Loan Program, which has a five-year reimbursement plan.


The Economic and Community Development Initiative of Kentucky will provide up to $3,000 in incentive funds to small businesses.


The Florida SME Emergency Bridge Loan Program Presents $50,000 in credits to little associations affected by coronavirus. The loans function as a stopgap measure before the company can secure alternative financing.


The state of Connecticut has a program that offers zero-interest advances up to $75 000 or three months of working interest.

Small businesses have benefited from the coronavirus emergency loan through being eligible for loan forgiveness, zero interest rates on the loan, and flexible repayment periods.

According to Lantern Credit, ‘Small business grants allow you to do these things and more. Because grants don’t have to be repaid, businesses can use them to invest in a company’s growth and profitability.’ Grants for small business from Lantern by SoFi have helped the business open new locations, add new product lines and hire new staff.

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How To Prepare Your Business Network For Microsoft Teams Telephony Wed, 21 Apr 2021 11:16:15 +0000 Teams are one of the most important and used collaborative solutions today. Its use has

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Teams are one of the most important and used collaborative solutions today. Its use has exploded in recent times, and everything points to it being one of the essential resources for most companies and organizations.

In the next post, we will tell you how to prepare your business network to integrate the Microsoft Teams telephony service. Keep reading Microsoft Teams is a collaboration tool in the cloud that has all the resources to cover the needs of any business or company.

Among all its features, it also integrates a comfortable and versatile telephone service with a complete suite of collaborative tools (instant messages, videoconferences, or file sharing). It also has a Microsoft Azure cloud service. A whole set of benefits so that companies want to have it integrated into their day-to-day.

However, before implementing Team telephony and having the total security that it will respond effectively, a series of essentials are necessary within the business network capable of providing us with the necessary capacity and performance (reliable audio and high quality on every call).

Hence, we must know first-hand what these needs are. First, for a business to get the most out of Teams, its network must be configured appropriately. It is vital to assess the network requirements (both capacity and quality).

It is not the same to use Teams to chat and share documents, as it is also a solution that gives us a full performance business telephony service. Here things change. Top issues due to poor network implementation to push Microsoft Teams telephony service.

Also Read: Physical And Digital Market Resources To Boost The Sales Of Your Business

Instability And Drops In Calls

In traditional on-premises PBX phone systems, audio quality is rarely an issue. However, using Teams assumes that calls are typically made from an IP phone, mobile device, or PC with a data connection to the corporate network. This means that the sound becomes small pieces of data that will not imply a large network capacity.

But must be fast and constant with optimal levels. If the network we have is not ideal and is insufficient to support the telephone connection, there is a risk that it may be affected by possible drops and be unstable. Thus, in addition to greater bandwidth, we must check the quality of the network itself.

Teams Routes Call From One Partner To Another

The priority in any business network is to transmit the Teams user data to the virtual PBX (in this case, in the Azure cloud) since this avoids possible data loss and reduces round-trip time. To go from the Teams user to the virtual PBX, calls often have to travel over the public Internet from the corporate network to the Microsoft Azure cloud.

How our company connects to the Internet can consequently affect the quality of the call. That is why implementing the Teams telephony option can lead to potential problems if the connection and the business network do not reach the minimum required performance.

So far, we have seen the possible risks and optimization problems that we can find in our company. In the next installment, we will analyze a series of recommendations so that our network is sufficiently optimal and reaches the performance expected with the implementation of telephony within a solution as powerful as Microsoft Teams.

Also Read: The Advantages Of The Cloud For Small Businesses | Teleworking

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The Advantages Of The Cloud For Small Businesses | Teleworking Mon, 05 Apr 2021 05:27:19 +0000 The coronavirus crisis has turned the way of running a business around. Companies have had

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The coronavirus crisis has turned the way of running a business around. Companies have had to jump on the digitalization bandwagon to telecommute, to be able to continue selling thanks to the internet or to maintain customer service. The pandemic has accelerated the roots of the digital consumer, who is informed by the internet, buys online, and is related to brands from social networks.

What Is The Cloud?

Cloud storage is a technology that allows access to software, storage, and data processing thanks to the internet remotely. Information and programs are stored and run on an external server. In other words, the cloud allows a company to use programs directly from the browser without installing them on their computer and working with their files from any device.

There are many programs and applications that we use every day that work thanks to the cloud. The simplest example is email, although many other platforms use this system and allow you to work from any device in real-time:

  • Google Drive (spreadsheets and word processors)
  • Dropbox
  • OneDrive (file or photo storage)

Why Is It Helpful To Use The Cloud In An SME, And How Can It Help Digitization?

Hiring cloud services for companies allows access to handy tools to work from any device and place: ERP and CRM in the cloud, document management software, programs to manage social networks, or billing. Also, having cloud storage allows you to save a considerable amount of data safely.

1. Substitute An Initial Investment For A Periodic Payment

The cloud is contracted with an external provider, who is in charge of investing in powerful servers to process its data. Since it is a rental, SMEs do not have to spend large amounts of money to get this technology but instead make a periodic payment to use it for as long as they want.

2. Remote Access To Information

It is one of the significant advantages of the cloud. Since the information is stored on an external server, it is unnecessary to use the same device to access it. If you work with tools in the cloud, you can modify the data anywhere and on any device (computer, mobile, tablet.). 

All changes are updated automatically. For these reasons, it does not matter if the computer breaks or the mobile is lost: the information is safe on external servers. Access to these servers is done through an encrypted and secure connection. The client has a username and password to enter the service. From there, you can work and save information just like a regular computer hard drive.

3. Facilitates Collaborative Work And telework

Working directly in the cloud allows access to company data and programs anywhere. That makes teleworking possible since you don’t have to be in the office. Working in the cloud means that several people can have access to the same document or application. These are updated automatically, and all users can see the changes that others have made.

4. Backups

Any business works with a large amount of data throughout the day: inventory, invoices, customer lists. All that information must be well protected and up-to-date, and cloud providers take care of it. The company can choose how and when to make its backup copies, and the provider is responsible for storing everything on servers more secure than a private computer.

5. Avoid Assuming The Cost Of Storage Management And Security

The cloud service provider is responsible for protecting information and complying with all legal requirements regarding data protection.

6. Scalability

Every company pays for the resources it needs. If necessary, you can expand the storage space, hire more processing capacity, or increase the number of backups.

7. It Allows To Have Cutting-Edge Technology At An Affordable Cost

Access to the cloud does not require compelling computers, so it is possible to work with high-tech tools without investing in costly equipment. The processing power needed to run complex programs or tools is provided by the cloud, not by the device you are working with.

8. Automatic Software Update 

All platforms and tools that are used from the cloud are automatically updated. Cloud service providers are responsible for keeping their technology constantly updated, so SMEs will always work with the most advanced programs without buying each new version.

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3 Essential Apps to Protect Data for Small Businesses Mon, 22 Mar 2021 13:33:58 +0000 Small businesses and large corporations alike need to prioritize how to protect their teams and

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Small businesses and large corporations alike need to prioritize how to protect their teams and their business online. This article will share some quick and easy steps you can take to effectively enhance your digital security and safeguard your data. 

Information security is a critical issue to big and small businesses alike. As technologies develop and barriers to entry in hacking become lower, cyber crimes surge and cause significant damage. Hackers exploit vulnerabilities in businesses’ systems for monetary gains; the perpetrators are often difficult to catch and the damage costly to recover.  

In 2020 alone, more than 1,000 data breaches were reported, resulting in an average cost of $3.86 million for the victims. According to CNBC, 43% of online attacks target companies of smaller sizes. Small corporations could easily be driven out of business due to damages caused by cybercriminals. 

Safeguarding your devices from hackers is important to prevent disruption of business operations and grave financial losses. It is also vital to understand common threats to email security and quick ways to safeguard your devices from hackers, covering the best practices to enhance security for both the end-users and marketers. 

To help with your security efforts, here are 3 types of apps that could make data-protecting easier.

Email-encryption app

important data is often contained in and communicated through emails

Roughly 306.4 billion emails were sent and received each day in 2020, making emails one of the most preferred methods of communication and the biggest target for data theft. Hackers send phishing emails to trick users into installing malicious software that enables them to roam around internal systems.

It is possible to manually block phishing emails by learning how to identify them. However, nuanced details could still slip our attention as we try to read through a high volume of emails in a short amount of time. To reduce the risk of accidentally clicking on malicious emails, anti-phishing apps could be very useful.

Anti-phishing apps filter emails by tracing the origin of phishing websites. One example is Netcraft, which automatically warns users about malware attacks and works with different web browsers for Android. MetaCert is another option for Apple users; it is an anti-phishing bot that detects fake URLs.

Another way to ensure information security is to rely on email encryption. Encrypting your email essentially restricts access to the data to only the sender and the intended recipient. Utilizing the public-private key pair, services like PreVeil and ProtonMail let users encrypt, store and share their files that enhance the security of your communication.

Netcraft is an affordable option for small businesses to enhance security on their emails

Password Manager

most of us are prone to using the same password combinations, which could put our security and data at risk

Most of us use a simple combination of characters as our passwords for various accounts conveniently. Recent statistics reveal that at least 65% of online users reuse passwords and 42% of companies were breached by a bad password. In other words, insecure login credentials could be a great cyber vulnerability to businesses.

Sticking with just the same password could be dangerous, but then memorizing several different variations of it for different sites is extremely difficult. One solution to this problem is getting a password manager.

A password manager is a software that creates complicated combinations of punctuation marks, letters, numbers and symbols alike for you. It also securely stores passwords and automatically fills them on login pages. It encrypts your data and prevents your accounts from falling into the hands of malicious actors.

Some of the password managers that offer free trials include LastPass and 1Password which let you manage and sync your login info across different devices and browsers. The Premium version of these apps also allows you to share the service and password with other individuals securely through multi factor authentication.

One other option is Passible, which offers a free download for iPhone and iPad users while promising to protect your information with encryption mechanisms. An equivalent for Android users is KeePass, which also stores your passwords in a secure database; users only need to remember one single master password to unlock it.

On the other hand, there are some drawbacks of password managers, which sometimes are not recognized by login fields. Some websites also block the autofill feature, rendering password managers useless. For those who prefer old-fashioned ways, buying a password book could be a safe back-up as well.

1Password is an account manager designed to safeguard and manage businesses’ accounts


Firewalls are software that detects unauthorized programs and prevents your computer from getting infected by malware. They don’t just protect data from attacks; they protect the entire computer networks from cyber threats. In fact, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) specifically recommends that all small businesses set up a firewall.

Installed in your PCs and other devices, a firewall serves as a protective barrier, monitoring the flow of traffic between networks and shielding your internal network from trojans and sniffers. It can also be customized to tailor to users’ needs: users can choose what apps they would make exceptions to software-based firewalls’ filtering process.

Some of the popular software firewalls include Bitdefender Total Security and Avast Premium Security, which offer a range of privacy protection options. Bitdfender allows you to install the software on up to 5 different devices, offering features such as anti-fraud, anti-theft and file encryption. Avast provides similarly extensive protections with an addition of anti-ransomware protection.

Bitdefender helps businesses filter malicious outsiders and deny access to suspicious sources.

While companies are advised to install firewalls as the first line of defense in an event of intrusion in private networks, there are disadvantages to this security device as well. For instance, a firewall cannot stop social engineering or insider attacks.

Business organizations should understand both the benefits and downsides to find the best practice for its cybersecurity.


These applications will help you secure sensitive information and data in your business better! 

Adding more layers of security to your networks is just the first step to running a long-lasting business. If you are interested in learning more beyond security apps, you might want to understand how you can manage your contact data intelligently. So, go ahead and explore some of these essential apps to upgrade your cybersecurity! It’s never too early to start protecting your business.

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Tell-tale Signs Your Water Bill is Bust Wed, 20 Jan 2021 15:33:13 +0000 With everything this past year has thrown at us, for anyone running a business, it

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With everything this past year has thrown at us, for anyone running a business, it has never been more important to get a grasp on bills and what you could or should be paying. If you’re running a business where there are less staff in or reduced customer footfall, you should have seen a sharp downward trend in how much water is being used.

But are your water bills reflecting that? Have they gone down at the same rate, or is your water provider suspiciously quiet while bills stay the same? I’m no expert in water services, but I know some people who are. Thanks to the lovely people at Castle Water, here are some of the tell-tale signs your water is bust, and what to do about it.

Your meter is an old TV

Remember the days when your television was just as wide as it was long? And it had a seemingly indestructible glass front that could always be fixed by a quick knock on the side of the box? It wasn’t so long ago that we were in the age of analogue, and while there’s nothing wrong with a little nostalgia from time to time, you shouldn’t expect the same from your water meter.

If you have a meter which isn’t automatically sending usage information to you and your provider, you could be in the position of literally throwing money down the drain. Digital meters help provide accurate measurements and dramatically lower bills if you’re getting charged a hefty amount for assumed usage. Ask your supplier if they will update your meter for free or help provide financial assistance to get a new one installed.

Your bill is gobbledygook

Are you afraid of opening water bills, not because of what your total will be, but merely down to the fact that your bill has so many different charges and figures that you can’t work out what you’re paying for?

For me, this is the biggest red flag that a water company could be having you on. If you have the time, pull out recent bills and read through every single charge to see if it makes sense. Spot any recurring charges that you’re sure of, or have fees that look suspicious? Circle them and call up your provider, asking them to explain what everything means. You might find they are charges for services you don’t need or have stopped using, or that your wastewater fees are higher than they should be.

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You were never told what to do

Imagine ordering a pizza to get delivered, and the toppings all arrive separately for you to figure out? While it might be a great way to get a pizza just how you want, you wouldn’t want vital services provided in the same way. If your water provider is incredibly passive and never seems to assist, ask them why not. Most should offer complimentary services or the means to contact companies which can help improve water efficiency. Anything less than this is a cop-out on their end.

So your water bills could be better. What do you do?

Now that you know what to look out for, and you may be in the position where water bills are indeed a bit out of whack, I recommend visiting For any business in the UK, you have the right to switch water companies without any complaints or your provider dragging their feet. Have a quick chat with the team at Castle Water and see if savings are afoot!

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The post Tell-tale Signs Your Water Bill is Bust appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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Most Of The SMEs Rely On Artificial Intelligence To Gain Visibility Wed, 13 Jan 2021 10:30:10 +0000 AI enables small businesses to go one step further in planning their businesses and better

The post Most Of The SMEs Rely On Artificial Intelligence To Gain Visibility appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

AI enables small businesses to go one step further in planning their businesses and better understand consumers’ needs. Artificial intelligence is gaining ground in the business world. Although, until now, large companies were the ones that were most committed to the benefits of Big Data, small companies also want to connect with their target audience through artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence, together with Big Data tools, can analyze digital consumer information (preferences, interests, or purchasing habits) and allow SMEs to adapt their offers or messages to fit with consumers, impacting their affinity with the brand and promoting their loyalty.

Alleviate digital deficiencies already companies are using this technology to help smaller ones to boost their businesses. This is the case of a digital marketing company that combines AI and allows SMEs and freelancers to innovate through this area.

Through detailed planning and taking into account their specific characteristics, small businesses can alleviate their digital deficiencies and participate in an increasingly relevant online market

Small companies of all kinds have improved their visibility on the Internet and reach new customers through digital directories and featured sites, search engine positioning, social networks, and E-commerce tools.

Artificial Intelligence allows them to go one step further in improving the customer experience, as well as in the planning and creation of our solutions aimed at SMEs. Through different Machine Learning algorithms, we personalize services, predict customer behavior, and optimize our sales channels and customer service, thus helping SMEs to grow and connect with a more significant number of customers.

To do this, remember that AI can help businesses manage and automate these interactions, thanks to the use of chatbots. These robots can resolve part of the user’s queries and refer the rest to the responsible team, favoring a more precise and faster response.

The post Most Of The SMEs Rely On Artificial Intelligence To Gain Visibility appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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