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As a platform that is already popular with many users and companies in many countries, LinkedIn offers many opportunities to conduct effective marketing. The so-called LinkedIn Ads are particularly suitable for B2B offers. The platform has a specific user base and offers many options to target your audience efficiently. In this article, you will learn everything about LinkedIn Ads’ advantages and possible uses they can bring you.

Benefits of LinkedIn Ads

Knowing all the advantages of LinkedIn is important so that the decision for or against the platform is more informed. It is fine to rely on several marketing channels because potential customers can wait for you anywhere. LinkedIn Ads offers unique opportunities to ensure the measures bear the desired fruits.

Large and Specific Range

Companies can also access the international user base and thus address more than 610 million people in more than 200 countries. Marketing employees are amazed at these values because LinkedIn is constantly growing while Facebook hardly registers any new registrations.

In addition to a large number of users, LinkedIn has another decisive advantage: the type of user is very specific. Above all, higher earners and decision-makers are typical users of LinkedIn. The platform is for people who like to network a lot and communicate with each other on a professional level. As a result, LinkedIn has a very different user base than Facebook, for example. In order to maintain contacts or find new ones, a good self-portrayal on LinkedIn is therefore essential for many users. Therefore, users are willing to disclose a lot of data about themselves. This information can be used to target ads very precisely and target the exact audience that is most valuable to your business. Advertisers and users alike benefit from this wealth of data. While the former have hardly any wastage, the latter only see relevant and interesting advertising for them.

Lots of Targeting Options

With a good advertising platform, it is not important how many users it has but how well the existing users can be narrowed down. Because the largest user base in the world is of little use if I cannot target these users properly, and a lot of money is lost due to high wastage. LinkedIn Ads does not have this problem and gives advertisers plenty of opportunities to target their audience effectively.

The amount of data that LinkedIn users willingly share with others must also be available for optimal marketing. This is where LinkedIn Ads flexes its muscles and offers many options to address exactly the right users. In addition to the classic options such as country, language, age, etc., LinkedIn Ads can also target skills, interests, professional experience and much more. As a result, your target group is very well selected and reliably reached.

The options mentioned above can also be excluded to limit the already excellent targeting even further. An example would be: I want to reach all Marketing Managers except those interested in “Cars” and interested in “Smartphones”. As a result, the target group can be extremely limited in reaching the users who are most likely to convert with the budget spent.

Very High Conversion Rates

As mentioned, LinkedIn’s user base is very specific and has different characteristics than Facebook’s. While Facebook users mostly use the platform privately, LinkedIn is used almost exclusively for business. People on LinkedIn are more career-oriented and have a steady income. As a platform for networking, LinkedIn attracts a very specific type of person, who are all individual, but still “tick” at their core. LinkedIn represents a gold mine if this user group is interesting for a company.

The specific user group, in combination with the diverse targeting options, create a strong synergy effect: The more precisely a target group can be selected and restricted, the higher the conversion rate. If the targeting is set well for LinkedIn’s already specific target group, exactly those users will be addressed for whom the topic of the ad is most relevant. As a result, many of these users respond positively to the ad and take action requested by the advertiser. This reflects the average conversion rate of around 6% very well. As a small comparison: With GoogleAds, an average conversion rate of 2.58% can be expected. As a result, LinkedIn Ads achieve more than twice as many conversions on average.

LinkedIn Ads thus offer the possibility of advertising with a strong conversion orientation and reaching a small, specific group of users or attracting a larger group’s attention and achieving slightly fewer conversions. It doesn’t have to be an “either/or”. For example, two campaigns can be run to advertise brand awareness and conversion-optimized.

Also Read: Best Tricks To Take Advantage Of LinkedIn

Ad Formats And Placements Allow Room For Creativity.

We have already examined in detail that LinkedIn offers many options for selecting the right target group. Now come the ads. Here, too, LinkedIn Ads is generous with options to achieve the set goal effectively. Advertisers have a choice of five different formats in which to broadcast ads. Probably the most interesting and efficient option is the so-called “Sponsored InMail”. Here the advertising text appears directly in the user’s mailbox. If these ads are well written, users will only recognize at a second glance that this is no ordinary message. This is exactly why this ad format has the best click-through rates.

However, the other ad formats also have their strengths and purposes. Depending on the goal (brand awareness or conversions), some formats are better, and some are worse. The good thing, however, is that each format has its placement. “Text ads” are usually very short ad texts at the top of the page and attract little attention, while “sponsored content” appears in the user’s newsfeed and is seamlessly embedded in the organic posts. Depending on the existing image material, the planned amount of work, and the goal pursued, advertisements that are well-adapted to your needs and wishes can be created.

More Performance Data and Better Tracking Thanks To The Insight Tag

We have clarified that targeting and ads can be chosen precisely to achieve optimal results. And it is these results that need to be reviewed and tracked to identify effective and underperforming ads and calculate ROI. Again, LinkedIn has a good solution that provides advertisers with valuable information because tracking is extremely important to control advertising measures and determine performance, and ultimately to be able to optimize it.

With the Insight tag, LinkedIn provides an easy way to determine all user data, which can be used to optimize the campaigns. LinkedIn does not forget the GDPR and anonymizes the collected data. This information is incredibly valuable for optimally setting up the campaign so that the budget is used as well as possible. The insight tag can determine the interests, skills, etc., of the users who clicked on the ad. For example, it can be seen that users with an interest in “cars” click on the ads most often. If such trends are identified, then the campaign can be optimized accordingly.

For Whom Are LinkedIn Ads Suitable?

LinkedIn Ads are suitable for many applications. Advertisers are offered many opportunities to promote various things. Advertising is flexible and can be individually adapted to your wishes and goals.

LinkedIn is particularly suitable for companies active in the B2B sector. Because on LinkedIn, besides many people who network and maintain contacts, there are also those decision-makers in companies that every advertiser wants to reach. Here LinkedIn Ads can help to expand your customer base and open up new markets significantly. However, it is also important that your company has a LinkedIn account not to affect the performance of the advertisements.
In addition to advertising your service or product, LinkedIn Ads can be used perfectly to search for employees. Nowadays, many companies need help finding qualified and talented employees. LinkedIn Ads help HR workers worldwide and enable them to contact potential applicants. This makes it easier to attract the right people’s attention and convince them directly of your own company. This is not a guarantee for the ideal employee, but it makes finding and contacting the right people much easier. This makes the application process much easier for both companies and applicants since both already know through LinkedIn Ads.

Of course, LinkedIn’s unique and specific user base can also be used for “normal” product advertising because the users of this platform are mostly good earners and have secure jobs. If the interests and data of your target group are well known and if they match the typical LinkedIn users, an advertising campaign using LinkedIn Ads can certainly generate more sales. This is a good way to advertise lifestyle and high-quality products on LinkedIn. Their statements show LinkedIn users have about twice as much purchasing power as users on other platforms.
Overall, LinkedIn Ads are mainly used for the B2B sector and for finding new employees. However, ads on LinkedIn can also be used for products. If you need help determining whether and how to advertise effectively on LinkedIn, contact us for a non-binding consultation.

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ARE INFLUENCERS RELEVANT FOR B2B? https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/are-influencers-relevant-for-b2b/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/are-influencers-relevant-for-b2b/#respond Tue, 13 Jun 2023 06:25:11 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=7225 Definition of B2B As a reminder, B2B (business to business) refers to all commercial relations

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Definition of B2B

As a reminder, B2B (business to business) refers to all commercial relations between companies. In other words, this English abbreviation refers to all purchasing relationships between two companies.

The Interest In Going Through Influencers For B2B

The influencer can be of great interest in fostering business-to-business transactions.
According to reports, “90% of B2B decision makers never respond to a sales prospecting call”. The influencer then makes it possible to pass the barrier of the “commercial prospecting” image. Before being decision-makers, these people are normal consumers researching and obtaining information on the internet and social networks.
According to the Harvard Business Review study, “90% of decision-makers begin their buying journey by gathering opinions from experts, peers and via social media”.
So, using an influencer that is credible in their eyes will give weight to your product or service and reverse the trend.

The Characteristics of Influencer Marketing In B2B

Journalists are considered the most relevant B2B influencers because they position themselves as informants, experts, and critics with a constructive point of view.
The journalist appears more like an adviser than a seller because B2B purchases are rarely spontaneous as can be those in B2C (Business to Consumer)
Unlike B2C, the size of the influencer does not matter. His expertise will take precedence in the selection because he must position himself as an experienced adviser knowledgeable in his field, whether from a technical or cultural point of view.

Still in opposition to the B2C influence marketing set up on Instagram or Facebook, B2B campaigns are recommended on Linkedin (professional social network) or Twitter (social information network).

Possible Strategies

  • Invite the influencer to a B2B event and let them create content related to the event.
  • Create content with the influencer, who appears as a thought leader.
  • Ask him to write a sponsored article.
  • Organize a training led by an influencer for your employees so that they become your ambassadors.

This is just one example of possible strategies, and as with all marketing, creativity is advised to stand out from competitors and attract more Instagrammers.

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6 Types Of Social Media Content Your Clients Will Love https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/6-types-of-social-media-content-your-clients-will-love/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/6-types-of-social-media-content-your-clients-will-love/#respond Fri, 28 Apr 2023 06:45:00 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=7093 Without social networks, it isn’t easy in today’s marketing era. More than 3 billion people

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Without social networks, it isn’t easy in today’s marketing era. More than 3 billion people use social networks worldwide. If you want to sell and build your brand now, you must refrain from regularly creating content for these media. Each has its specifics, maximum number of characters or image sizes. However, we bring you 6 quick tips daily, thanks to which you will win over your customers on social networks.

Everyone Loves Entertaining Posts.

Everyone likes to have fun, and everyone likes to laugh. Above all, don’t be bored. Surely you can do it too. Get inspired by some of these posts and tug at the corner of your customer’s face.

  • Memes
  • Jokes
  • Viral videos
  • Memories/Nostalgia
  • Comics
  • Supplements

Be Inspirational

Inspire your audience, capture their attention, and the time spent creating posts will pay you back a time or two. Use some of these tips in your communication:

  • Interesting facts
  • Quotes
  • Inspirational pictures
  • Success to you and your clients
  • Personal inspirational stories

Educate Your Future Customers.

Share your knowledge, experience and advice. Educate your audience and turn them into your customers. Thanks to your knowledge, you can build a position of authority and expertise, which will certainly help you convince the customer in the DO phase. These phases from the STDC Framework can be detailed in this article. However, try creating some of these posts for your audience:

  • Tips and tricks
  • Case studies
  • Industry surveys
  • Live video training/seminar
  • Answers to FAQs
  • Free resources

Remember Interactions.

Drive interactions with your audience with your social media content. Engage them in conversation, ask for their opinions or be bold and ask for help. Communication should not only be one-way. Such content will also help you with this:

  • Supplements
  • Questions for the audience
  • Voting
  • Ask for advice/opinions
  • “Tag under the photo…”

Connecting The Brand With The Audience

Build relationships with potential customers, and act like something other than a measured brand that only communicates something to them through social networks. Show your “face” and get closer to your audience. A brand is made up of a logo, people, processes, stories and various funny situations. Also, try the following:

  • “Behind the scenes” videos
  • Product ratings
  • Content from your daily life
  • Introduce your employees

Promotion Of Products And Services Must Be Included.

With all this fun, remember why you are on social networks. You want to promote your products, services, and brands. There are many activities and tactics to help you do this. We have selected some of them for you:

  • Webinars
  • Discounts for fans
  • Products/Services
  • Client ratings
  • “Lead magnets” (newsletter,…)

These tips will help you create successful content on your social networks. Build a quality and relevant audience that will sustain you even in difficult times. You will see that the investment in building customer relationships will pay off. If you need help with social media management, be sure to write to us; we will be happy to help your brand as well.

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Why It Is Important To Get More Reach On Instagram https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/why-it-is-important-to-get-more-reach-on-instagram/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/why-it-is-important-to-get-more-reach-on-instagram/#respond Sat, 11 Jun 2022 05:08:00 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=5983 This platform is considered one of the most relevant in the digital environment. Therefore, increasing

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This platform is considered one of the most relevant in the digital environment. Therefore, increasing the visibility of your account is a great digital marketing strategy to increase your brand’s visibility. Getting good engagement and increasing your reach on Instagram will help you make an effort to make your Instagram account more worthwhile. In this way, more people will be able to see your publications than those who are your followers, but it will also help you to be discovered by other people who do not know your brand.

Get Users To Interact With Content

There are different interactions that users can carry out, and they are the following: likes, comments, save publication, and share, although lately, this platform gives more importance to these last two. In the case of the save post interaction, it is important to make it happen by creating valuable content. Instagram will see that this post wants to be remembered at some other time and, therefore, is beneficial. On the other hand, getting the user to share the publication both in stories and directly to other users will generate an effect similar to the previous one. It will let Instagram know that this publication has something unique and that, therefore, it should be seen by more people.

Set The Correct Frequency

Several studies say that if you have little reach on this platform, it is important that you make a daily publication if you have between 1,000 and 5,000 followers. From 5000 followers, it is recommended that you upload 2 to 3 daily publications, among which you can include the stories. On the other hand, you must frequently review the analytics to know at what time of day your followers are most active, and for this, you must configure your Instagram account to “Company account.”

Manage Your Hashtags Correctly

To correctly manage the hashtags that you are going to add to your publications, you should look for trending tags related to your content and your audience so as not to lose brand identity. Another way to know which hashtags to use is by analyzing your most relevant competition.

It would help if you didn’t overdo it when using hashtags, as we recommend that you use approximately 10 in each post and add them below the full description. Finally, you must know that you can add hashtags to your stories, with which you will be able to gain visibility if you use them correctly because the reports will be added to the hashtag collection for 24 hours.

Include Geotags In Your Posts

Another technique to improve the reach on Instagram is to add geotags. When you put one on your posts or stories, they will appear in the collection automatically created with the posts that users have tagged with that exact location. Thanks to this, your content will be able to reach all the people who enter the geotag and look at the publications there are.

Combine The Different Formats

Instagram Stories

According to statistics, 70% of users check the stories when entering the application, and therefore, it is a fast, interactive, and different way of contacting users. This format can help gain reach, although you must bear in mind that in addition to uploading valuable content, you must increase the flow of stories to position yourself in front of your audience at different times of the day.  

To get even more out of it, you can add stickers such as links, question boxes, or surveys to get more interaction with them and thus increase the reach. Finally, to achieve greater visibility in your publications, we recommend that you share it in the stories once you upload a magazine to redirect users to the original and thus achieve greater reach.  


This format generates more reach than static photos because the action of swiping to see the entire content has given greater participation to the user. The carousel allows you to add more quality content since it is not as limited as static posts, and thus, users will interact more with your content, either saving it or sharing it.  


It is the most recent format. In addition to being widely consumed by the audience thanks to its versatility and, due to this, Instagram has given it greater relevance in terms of organic reach. 

Instagram live

With this format, you will be able to get closer to your audience since you will interact directly with it, but you must take into account some aspects, such as: 

  • Plan well what you will say so as not to have breaks or interruptions. 
  • Create a calendar of live publications to be clear about the days on which they will be made and thus be able to communicate it to the audience in advance. 
  • If you do a shared life, make sure the person you’re doing it with is of interest to your audience or has something to do with your account. 

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Metaverse The Future Of The Internet https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/metaverse-the-future-of-the-internet/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/metaverse-the-future-of-the-internet/#respond Wed, 06 Apr 2022 05:15:17 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=5714 Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook announced that it was renamed Meta, there are

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Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook announced that it was renamed Meta, there are many doubts about this new term and what it contains. But what is the metaverse and why has it become a prime target for tech companies?

What Is The Metaverse?

This new technology buzzword is used to describe the concept of a future iteration of the Internet. The concept also exposes the possibility of introducing ourselves in the first person in this virtual world through virtual reality glasses and other accessories that will allow us to interact with it.

The truth is that the future of the metaverse is somewhat uncertain since it may offer us the next great evolutionary leap of the Internet or simply remain in an attempt that does not progress. It is still very early, but it is true that today, the most powerful technology companies in the market are part of a fierce struggle to dominate it. Facebook, for example, is beginning to create the necessary infrastructure and the first prototypes of VR glasses to introduce us to it.

What Can Be Done In The Metaverse

Although as we have already said, the development of the metaverse is still very uncertain, many companies are investing in several important points:

  • VIDEO GAMES: Although online and multiplayer video games already exist to explore virtual worlds, in the metaverse, they will be immersive and interconnected.
  • COMPANY: Companies will be able to organize virtual meetings or combine them with the real world, work collaboratively and even set up businesses.
  • SHOPPING: People will be able to interact with brands to buy virtual objects, but also products for the real world.
  • SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS: By having personalized avatars and with the ability to reproduce our expressions and gestures, users will be able to interact with others and socialize.
  • LEISURE: In this virtual world you can attend concerts, shows and group meetings in an immersive way, as we do in the real world.

We still have a lot to look forward to from the metaverse and for the next few years it will be the most talked about topic in the media and in the world of technology. So, don’t be scared, take it easy and only the future will give us more clarity on this issue.

Also Read: Facebook And Instagram About To Create A Marketplace For NFTs

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Facebook AI [Artificial Intelligence] And Machine Learning Platform https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/facebook-ai-artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning-platform/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/facebook-ai-artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning-platform/#respond Thu, 24 Feb 2022 11:36:46 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=5531 Surely everyone knows Facebook and its social network. However, Facebook is not just a social

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Surely everyone knows Facebook and its social network. However, Facebook is not just a social network but is also one of the companies that do the most research in technological development and Artificial Intelligence. Facebook has quite a few AI and Machine Learning platforms. Many of these are still in development today and day by day they continue to improve to the point of seeking perfection. Unfortunately, this is still impossible, but much progress has indeed been made in recent years. As if that were not enough, Facebook also makes various AI platforms freely available to any user so that people become familiar and more people join in developing these AIs.

What Platforms Does Facebook Offer

Practically anything we need regarding Machine Learning we have at our fingertips included for free. Within their AI page, we can find various frameworks and tools. On the other hand, we can also find libraries and data sets, languages, discourses, and reasoning. Within each of these sections, there are various ML and AI platforms. Some of these platforms are even revolutionary in their sector, such as PyTorch, which is a Deep Learning framework which is a Python package designed to perform numerical calculations using tensor programming. It also allows its execution in GPU to speed up calculations.

The main advantage that PyTorch offers over other platforms is that it takes into account aspects of real life. To quickly understand this can be done with an example. If you throw two billiard balls, one against the other, the logical thing is that they collide. However, things like these are not contemplated on other platforms. They are in charge of controlling the movement of the ball, verifying its trajectory, and making sure that it remains a ball. However, they cannot take into account what would happen if it collided with something. In PyTorch, this can be done, since variables can be changed after a process has started. On the other platforms, you have to predefine all the possible variables at the beginning.

Another great platform is ONNX, which is responsible for representing Deep Learning models, which allows developers to move AI models between different platforms. ONNX supports many well-known frameworks such as PyTorch, Caffe2, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, and has added support for CoreML, TensorFlow, Qualcomm SNPE, Nvidia’s TensorRT, and Intel’s graph.

Now that we know different frameworks, let’s get to know other sections that are also very interesting. One of the available platforms is the translator. Every time we realize that there are more platforms of translators available. However, each one has sections that others do not have and it is always good to be able to compare different platforms and choose the one that seems best in practice. In addition to this, Facebook has a platform called ParlAI, which is compatible with PyTorch and TensorFlow. This is responsible for collecting voice-to-text data and understanding it, even being able to answer questions as chatbots currently do.

To finish, it is necessary to name a tool that will be increasingly necessary for the future. We are talking about the tool dubbed Hateful Memes. This is in charge of addressing a great challenge today, such as classifying memes according to whether they really try to cause laughter, or on the other hand, simply try to be hateful to some group of people or even directed towards a single person. The big problem with this is that memes are usually a photograph accompanied by text. It is easy for us to understand that photography and text go together to give it meaning. However, a machine would interpret them separately. That is why Hateful Memes has developed a way to classify memes into 3 different types:

1- Predominantly text

2- Predominant image and text

3- Predominant image

By cataloging them in these 3 groups it is easier to understand what the meaning of each meme is. Once the machine has been able to understand the meaning that is given to that meme, it is time to classify whether it is hateful or not, thus managing to eliminate posts that are harmful to various groups of people. To conclude, we must add that Facebook is doing a great job in developing its AI and highlighting how important it is to allow other people to try its AI for free and understand how it works. In this way more people will join the development of ML and who knows, maybe a decade from now we will have ML tools capable of performing tasks exactly as a person would.

Also Read: Trends In Inbound Marketing For 2022

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Twitter Adds Automatic Captioning To It’s Videos https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/twitter-adds-automatic-captioning-to-its-videos/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/twitter-adds-automatic-captioning-to-its-videos/#respond Fri, 17 Dec 2021 11:56:17 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=5149 Twitter adds automatic captioning on new videos. A gradual deployment was initiated very recently. Not

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Twitter adds automatic captioning on new videos. A gradual deployment was initiated very recently. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have good hearing. Some of us are born with hearing problems, and others have experienced events that caused hearing loss or decrease. When it comes to watching videos, the operation turns out to be delicate since these people cannot or have difficulty hearing what is being said. For this reason, in particular, the subtitles were invented. They offer users with hearing problems an alternative to enjoy their videos.

Twitter adds automatic captioning to new videos. Today, many services offer subtitles on their videos, whether they are added automatically or not. And now we need to add Twitter to this list. Therefore, the deaf and hard of hearing will undoubtedly be pleased to learn that Twitter has just started to roll out support for automatic captions. This means that videos sent to the platform will be captioned automatically.

A gradual deployment was initiated very recently. According to the platform’s statement, this feature will eventually be activated worldwide and support “most languages.” Depending on your language, the results will be pretty different, but in some time, all videos should be processed. That being said, according to The Verge, Twitter explains that automatic captioning will only be applied to new videos uploaded to the platform. This means that videos already published will not be entitled to it, which is a shame.

Also, there doesn’t seem to be any way for users to report wrong or simply inaccurate captions. Hopefully, Twitter makes up for this lack and adds the necessary functionality. Although subtitles were initially an accessibility feature, these can now be very useful if you want to watch a video without sound, which can happen regularly daily.

Also Read: Twitter Is Testing A New Shopping Section For Brands

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5 Cool Instagram Features For Stores https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/5-cool-instagram-features-for-stores/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/5-cool-instagram-features-for-stores/#respond Tue, 10 Aug 2021 06:29:44 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=4600 Instagram turned ten years old. A social network that was born with the firm purpose

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Instagram turned ten years old. A social network that was born with the firm purpose that users could share their photos, but that, over time, has become a revolution. Today it is one of the preferred social networks of many stores and businesses to sell. We will know precisely some of the essential Instagram characteristics when it comes to selling.

The rise of Instagram in recent years has made many stores and businesses have chosen it as the social network par excellence to sell. It has various tools, resources, and features focused on businesses. So much so that many say that selling on Instagram can be more profitable today than doing it through an online store.

Interesting Instagram Features For Stores

Several Instagram features are very interesting for stores. You can use them to generate greater visibility or attract the attention of users.

Instagram Shopping

Instagram Shopping is the sales platform you should use on this social network when selling with your store. With it, you can tag products and add their prices in the photos that you upload to your store account. Product tagging is similar to organising your followers.

To use Instagram Shopping, you must have a Facebook page and the product catalogue integrated into the page. In addition, your Instagram account must be configured as a company profile. Finally, you need to have a minimum of 9 previous publications and sell physical products on an official website.

Instagram Ads

Instagram Ads is one of the best Instagram features for stores. Here what we have is the paid advertising of this social network. The ads that are made on Instagram are not text but images or videos. You can create them through the social network itself or the Facebook Business Manager. Well, the truth is that there is no set fixed price since this is determined based on the ad auction.

Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories is an excellent tool that will help you give more publicity to your products and services. You can upload stories of your store, of the most outstanding products or on sale, explanatory stories about using some of the products, the purchase methods, etc.

The idea of ​​these stories is to attract users’ attention to generate more followers and that there is interaction with them. But keep in mind that stories are only 24 hours old. However, if you wish, you can leave the most interesting ones in the  “Featured” category to always be visible in your account profile.

Use Hashtags

The hashtags are the tags placed in each social network publication so that users can easily find a content type. For example, if you put a hashtag in the photo of your product like  #dresses, it will appear to the user who puts in the search engine  “dresses girl”.

In this way, you get your image and your product to reach more people. But of course, you have to know how to use hashtags well to enjoy greater visibility. A very generic hashtag can encompass millions of images, and it will be challenging for them to see you. You have to try to be a little more original and creative.

The Geolocation Of Physical Stores

If you have a physical store, you can use Instagram and provide your location to followers. In this way, they can come to your store to buy the products. You have several filters to geolocate your physical store and tag the location in the image of the product you have uploaded.

With this feature, you can also position your images and videos to appear to the people who live where you have your physical store. A beneficial social network for your business and with which, indeed, you will enjoy more customers and more sales.

Also Read: The Best Tips To Take Advantage Of Instagram Ads

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Building Your Facebook Presence Business Page Essentials https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/building-your-facebook-presence-business-page-essentials/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/building-your-facebook-presence-business-page-essentials/#respond Wed, 04 Aug 2021 06:11:05 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=4568 If you want to run a business these days, you need to be on Facebook.

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If you want to run a business these days, you need to be on Facebook. But how do you make your mark amidst 200 million SMBs trying to do the same thing? Though you can create a Facebook Business Page in just a few clicks, it’s hard to know all the ins and outs of this giant social media platform. And for all the key terms that have started to flood the mainstream, Facebook is constantly evolving with web trends and algorithms generating new network-specific expressions all the time. To help you keep up, here’s our official Facebook Business Page glossary.

Audience: The people you want to reach. Just like every company, you have a unique audience based on your buyer’s “persona.”

You Are Boosting A Post: The creation of a paid ad on Facebook. You can expand a post’s reach and promote it to your target audience for a set fee. When you “boost a post,” it appears as “sponsored” in your followers’ news feeds.

Business Manager: A Facebook platform where you can manage your various pages.

A Chatbot (on Messenger): Software that uses a question-answer database to offer automated answers to your users’ questions.

Contest: Designed to inspire engagement, this fun promo event gives your audience a chance to win prizes and get to know your brand. Games are super popular and a great way to grow your community and build your brand’s connection with your clients. You can also host a contest on Instagram!

Edgerank: The algorithm Facebook uses to order, and class content in its users’ news feeds.

Engagement Rate: The percentage of people who have liked, shared, commented on, or clicked on your post after seeing it in their news feeds.

Facebook Live: Live Streamed videos you can film and broadcast simultaneously.

Fan: User who likes your page. Synonymous with “likes.”

Follower: A Facebook user who follows your page.

Interest Groups: A targeted group for a specific area of interest or activity. Beyond the typical general categories, you can create a “sub-group” with more varied and specific criteria for your audience.

Marketplace: Introduced in 2016, Facebook Marketplace is an online shopping platform that connects buyers and sellers via online ads.

News Feed: A constantly updating list of posts that appears when each user logs into Facebook. Content comes from friends, celebrities, brands, and sponsored ads.

Organic Reach:  A brand can reach fans through a regular post without paying for more visibility.

Page Roles: Users that manage or post on a page. Depending on the role, the delegated person can change the page, respond to comments and posts, go live, and create and delete posts.

Story: Photos and/or videos that are only visible for 24 hours.

Also Read: Facebook Marketplace Guide For Businesses

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Facebook Marketplace Guide For Businesses https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/facebook-marketplace-guide-for-businesses/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/facebook-marketplace-guide-for-businesses/#respond Tue, 13 Jul 2021 06:44:18 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=4459 Facebook Marketplace is today one of the most accessible tools for businesses of all kinds

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Facebook Marketplace is today one of the most accessible tools for businesses of all kinds to promote and sell their products. With more than 2,700 million users, Facebook is the most popular social network today and tries to offer the most functionality to companies.

Among these features is Facebook Marketplace. This platform allows businesses within this social network to boost their conversions and product sales, with a potential audience of 800 million people. Therefore, it is a platform to consider for any business looking for ways to reach potential new customers.

What Is Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace is a meeting point between Facebook users who want to sell products and others who wish to buy products locally. Before the launch of this section within the social network, users used Facebook groups to put their products on sale. Seeing this opportunity, the social network led by Mark Zuckerberg decided to expand the possibilities and make it easier to buy and sell products and services through Facebook Marketplace.

How Does It Work

Facebook Marketplace works simply: sellers expose their products for sale in their location, which are shown to users in nearby points or searching in that specific location. 

The potential buyer chooses the product and contacts the seller through a private message on Facebook Messenger. Through conversation, both parties agree on price and shipping. Thus, with Facebook Marketplace, businesses of all kinds can carry out the following actions: 

  • Show products for sale for free
  • Advertise the products to reach more users
  • Get in touch with interested users

However, Facebook Marketplace has not developed the capacity to make purchases through the same platform (users must agree on the payment method) or specify shipping methods. Therefore, although it can be a valuable tool to find and contact many potential customers, Facebook Marketplace cannot be considered one of the leading e-commerce platforms since it does not facilitate money transactions. 

Another limitation of Facebook Marketplace is that it is only available to users of legal age. For these reasons, many individuals often use it, and freelancers (artisans, photographers, creators) or small companies are looking for a way to add more sales to their physical business.

Also Read: Facebook AI Research Works On The Limitations Of Deep Learning Models

How To Sell On Facebook Marketplace Step By Step

Sign Up For Your Facebook Marketplace Account

To do this, it is first necessary to have a personal account on Facebook. Once logged in to this social network, look on the left of your homepage for a tab that says Marketplace or type “Facebook Marketplace” in the search bar. At this point, create a new account by following the steps indicated by the platform. 

Add Products

Products on Facebook Marketplace are composed of several main elements: photos, title, description, price, and category. To achieve sales, it is crucial to show the product with several quality photographs and present it truthfully. In the report, try to be specific about the condition of the product and its characteristics. Try to make the title include the terms by which users can search for your product or recognize it (for example, the brand).

Manage Your Sales

Facebook Marketplace includes a screen from which it is possible to manage and edit products and observe user reactions and possible messages from interested buyers.  

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