roi Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Wed, 08 Jun 2022 08:33:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 roi Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 Measuring Trade Promotion Effectiveness and ROI of Promotional Campaigns using Machine Learning Wed, 08 Jun 2022 08:33:13 +0000 As per Nielsen’s studies, 55% of the trade promotion budget fails to increase the company’s

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As per Nielsen’s studies, 55% of the trade promotion budget fails to increase the company’s market share or the category growth of its brand. There are certain metrics to measure trade promotion effectiveness, ignoring which cost businesses nearly 800% of returns on their marketing budget. If promotional activities do not fetch the desired results, companies need to return to the drawing board to start afresh with their strategies. Needless to say, many marketing heads struggle to find the missing piece in the promotion puzzle. 

A simple tip: one should begin by identifying the granular metrics used adaptively for a win-win bargain and optimize promotion as per demand. Let’s evaluate the key metrics for improving marketing strategies and measuring promotion effectiveness.

Important Metrics for Measuring Promotion Effectiveness

In order for your promotional campaigns to work as per your expectations, you need to measure the promotion effectiveness of past campaigns and resultant sales. Such insights are only available when you have certain metrics to measure; a few of which are elucidated below: –

Consider Empirical Data as Metrics for Measurement

Various factors impact the success of any promotional campaign; considering them for further evaluation can help businesses mint money with effective marketing strategies. Hence, careful granular data analysis can shed light on factors that boost or drop sales numbers. There are multiple sources from which such insights can be drawn effectively, such as: –

Tracking performance on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to identify the change in trends early or account for ambiguous factors, like a change in weather, that can directly impact sales. Such data can help businesses take measures accordingly to ward off any hurdles during campaigns and ensure the effectiveness of promotional activities as per expectations.

Frequent visits from representatives for measuring promotional effectiveness can easily arrest out-of-stock situations at retailers’ end before they occur. Simply put, if your retailers are running out of stock during campaign weeks, your brand stands to lose potential buyers attracted by the campaigns. But reps maintaining healthy communication with the retailers are better positioned to identify such discrepancies before they occur, thereby saving your business from losing customers or brand reputation.

Measure shelf space to keep the flow of customers to your retail outlets steady. Believe it or not, extra shelf space and extra stocks are enough to draw your customers’ attention away from the competitors.

Track and Compare Competitor Market Share

A simple question – why do businesses spend dollars running promotional campaigns? 

Firstly, to spread knowledge about the availability of certain products in the market matching the ongoing demand.

Secondly, to attract potential and prospective buyers.

Thirdly, to expand the market for your products.

Unless owners have zero knowledge about the market share of their business and that of their competitors, creating effective campaigns will result in zero output; forget about measuring the promotion effectiveness. Hence, tracking market share and comparing it with that of the other players is to smoke out competition from the market.

Measure Category Growth

Category growth is as important as the company’s market share. A campaign also works by expanding the market of your products and bringing in a new category of buyers that was never your targeted demography. For instance, a brand selling skincare products does not necessarily target female buyers only. They introduce a new line of beauty products for men to draw them as prospective buyers. Category growth simply means creating demand in the market for new product lines.

Prioritize PoS Data

Businesses often focus on tracking shipment data. How many of your products are sitting in the storage or on the shelves of the retail outlets is not enough to measure promotion effectiveness. Rather, how many products are leaving the store in the hands of your buyers should be the focus area for analyzing campaign effectiveness.

Analyze Incremental Sales as Marketing ROI 

Tracking PoS data also helps understand the additional sales that occurred following promotion campaigns. Monitoring incremental sales against expected figures can help you understand how much extra business your company has made due to a promotion.

The metrics mentioned above are crucial to measuring trade promotion effectiveness only when such insights are available in real time and shared just when needed. Manual tracking and measuring of such metrics are time and labor-intensive. And, before the insights reach your hand, you have already lost a good amount of time and business to your competitors. 

Many businesses today resort to tech-based solutions to speed up the data extracting process and make strategies on real-time inputs to arrest the valuable time lost. 

Measuring Promotion Effectiveness with Machine Learning

If we consider consumer goods companies as an example, statistics suggest that over 500 billion dollars are invested by them in promotion campaigns annually. If the campaigns fail to generate the desired outcome, all the efforts, time, and labor are completely wasted. Hence, measuring trade promotion effectiveness is paramount – something we have already covered earlier on.

The main challenge arises when sufficient data to analyze the effectiveness is unavailable in real-time. This is where new-age technology solutions like AI and ML can make a striking difference.

Many software solutions are present in the market today to address the challenge mentioned above. These platforms leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence to help businesses understand, measure and enhance promotion effectiveness. These tech-based tools offer the following features: –

Data Management: Data is the foundation for making game-changing strategies. Timely availability of granular insights can make all the difference, even while planning promotion campaigns. A tech-based software solution powered by ML capabilities accommodates data acquisition, cleansing, enriching, and harmonizing data across the supply chain. Based on such inputs, campaigns can be planned, executed, and measured for effectiveness.

Casual Modeling: Machine learning-based casual modeling understands promotion performance and identifies empirical factors silently impacting the overall effectiveness of promotions.

Simulation and Prediction Modeling: Both of these consider various ‘what-if’ scenarios to adequately understand how campaigns will perform when given a specific scenario. Companies can effectively plan the most optimal promotion to run under user-defined constraints based on the input.

Benefits of Using ML Tools in Measuring Promotion Effectiveness

Using such advanced technology aims to gain optimum visibility into factors silently influencing campaign performances. Those insights are further utilized for a recommendation of optimized promotion parameters.

The following are a handful of benefits businesses can enjoy with these tools: –

  • Gaining insights into promotion performance drivers
  • Evaluating promotion effectiveness and ROI
  • Optimizing campaigns based on real-time data

In a nutshell, promotion effectiveness helps enterprises measure, evaluate, and fully understand the effectiveness of trade promotions. But, in the absence of real-time insights, creating optimized promotions will remain a distant dream. Organizations will spend billions of dollars on campaigns that are incapable of generating enough business and adequate returns on investment. With the help of tech-based software solutions, the hindrance of data unavailability can be aptly addressed, accurate analysis across multiple metrics, like spend ratio, and volume uplift, amongst others, can be easily managed, and creating more optimized promotions will be possible.

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ROI – Technology A Great Ally To Increase ROI In Marketing And Sales Fri, 13 Nov 2020 06:37:27 +0000 Techniques for attracting customers to our business have evolved over the years. Now it’s also

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Techniques for attracting customers to our business have evolved over the years. Now it’s also the brands that are waiting to be found. To adapt to the present new digital dynamic, marketing experts have had to adjust their business activity to online channels and get in touch with centers, creating different strategies with the support of technology to maximize the results of investment in digital marketing.

Return on investment (ROI) is among the foremost essential metrics to live a marketing strategy’s effectiveness. It serves to understand the benefit of investment in marketing and sales and indicates where to continue promoting investments to be profitable in the future. Its calculation is extremely valuable to marketers, as they will make decisions faster by tailoring investments to the foremost efficient campaigns or channels for the business.

When evaluating the ROI in marketing and sales actions, two aspects have to be considered: digital media (lead generation) and human resources (planning and execution of selling stories and getting to results in close sales). To enhance ROI on both components, the key’s technology.

Technology To Optimize Lead Generation

Companies are starting to understand that buyers are omnichannel and buy through the most convenient channel for them. Today’s web channel is the main point of contact with customers and may be essential to distribute traffic to other media. But call centers still play a vital role in sales. Therefore the challenge for several companies is knowing the way to combine contact centers and digital platforms.

In this sense, creating dynamic and personalized pages, placing multiple conversion channels within the landing, or giving immediate attention to hot leads within the contact center, has been shown to extend the Conversion Rate in landing pages. Consistent with a report published in Harvard Business Review, if you are trying to contact the lead 5 minutes after they need to be left their details, there’s ten times less chance of reaching them and, therefore, closing the sale.

Greater Efficiency By Automating Tasks

The goal is to lose as few opportunities as possible and optimize human resource management, automating immediate responses to steer inquiries through omnichannel bots (thus having the ability to attend to a better volume and taking advantage of each opportunity), automating repetitive tasks or employing workflows to streamline the sales funnel. Using display remarketing segmentation strategies on leads that have expressed interest and were contacted but declined the deal within the first instance, it’s possible to recover (effectively close the sale) to twenty of them.

Test Before Investing

Using the A/B Testing tool during the launch of a campaign contributes to improving ROI since it allows you to continue investing only in what has been proven to figure (what call to action to use, what email subject, etc.). If the results of the tests are crossed with the segmentation of audiences, it’s possible to deliver appropriate content for every profile, increasing the chances of a sale.

Most Importantly Employ Comprehensive Sales And Marketing Technology

Using separate tools to execute digital marketing actions and sales makes it impossible to automatically get indicators from the integrated marketing-sales funnel and in real-time. Monitoring both areas separately is time-consuming and reduces efficiency, additionally to the frequent errors which will be introduced when performing manual integration processes.

Having a worldwide technology that integrates the digital marketing and sales operations from end to finish allows us to extract the essential indicators of selling and sales within the same solution and even match the associated operating expenses to get precise metrics of the return on investment. During this way, you’ll obtain KPIs in real-time for every one of the funnel stages from click to sale and make minute-by-minute adjustments in both investments in digital media.

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Data-Driven Marketing is Critical for Brands Tue, 21 Apr 2020 11:06:04 +0000 Over the last decade, we have witnessed tremendous technological advancements. Marketers can now collect data

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Over the last decade, we have witnessed tremendous technological advancements. Marketers can now collect data from various sources with the utmost ease. The availability of this data is transforming the marketing landscape. Marketers can now break down the data, analyze it, understand it, organize it, and use it to draw up effective marketing strategies. Nonetheless, data-driven marketing is critical to brands. And even though it has its merits, it also has its drawbacks. Before we delve into data marketing, let us first look at what it entails.

What is Data-Driven Marketing?

Data-driven marketing revolves around analyzing the available data and using it creatively to come up with marketing strategies. How is the data collected? It is collected from customer interactions on various platforms and touch-points. Some of these channels include social media and e-commerce platforms. The ultimate objective of data-driven marketing is to grow marketing ROI, improve customer experience, and drive sales. Research has shown that marketers are now spending over a whopping $6B USD annually on data-driven marketing.

Challenges that Come with Data-Data Driven Marketing Campaigns

Marketers are facing several challenges while setting data-driven marketing campaigns. Some of these challenges include siloed data. Since the data is not well-organized, some departments are failing to understand and use it effectively on their marketing journey. With the integration of the data undermines across the department, a lot of it is going to waste. While this is a problem for most marketers, working with some data marketing firms such as Tropare can help them overcome this challenge.

Another challenge that marketers are grappling with is organizing the data in a meaningful way. Data can only be actionable when all stakeholders understand it. Data can also be overwhelming. Marketers have to identify and collect the type of data that can contribute to their marketing endeavors.

Benefits of Data-Driven Marketing

Data-driven marketing comes with immense benefits when executed in the right manner. If you can learn how to take advantage of it, then you are bound to succeed.

· The personalization of marketing

As a marketer, you can use data to understand and meet the expectation of customers and then up-sell targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience incredibly well. Studies conducted by McKinsey show that personalized marketing improves your ROI. As you can see, this type of marketing is quite effective.

· Customer experience

Like we said earlier, data-driven marketing is the key to enhancing customer experience. If you learn how to leverage data, you can avoid guessing and run your campaigns with more accuracy. Such campaigns will undoubtedly deliver impressive results.
Marketers are now settling on data-driven marketing strategies, and even though it comes with a myriad of challenges, the benefits outweigh the challenges. Furthermore, the difficulties of data-driven marketing are not insurmountable. Given that the needs of consumers keep evolving, marketers must adapt. Data marketing has proven to be integral in meeting customers’ expectations. That said, marketers must pay more attention to this type of marketing.

Also Read: Top 5 Marketing Trends For The Financial & Insurance Sector

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