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Together Instead of Alone – The Cooperation of Information And Production

We keep stumbling over the expression “digitization”; it feels like it’s on everyone’s lips and, as far as possible, is also being implemented in many areas. But what does digitization mean? It’s about more than switching from paper to paperless or not allowing us to meet in person. No, it’s also about connecting interfaces, simplifying processes, and making communication faster. The coupling between two areas, large areas of responsibility and locations, is facilitated by uniform digitization.

But How Do We Create Digitization?

The easiest way is to introduce an adapted information system in your company. This way, appointments, tasks, agreements, goals, and results can be coordinated, and work processes can be more easily understood. Especially across departments, information is only lost or available once the relevant colleague continues to work on the task. A dynamic process that takes both employees’ and tools/production steps into account can be taken into account by an appropriate system. The knowledge of each individual is therefore also more critical, and cooperation becomes more effective and closer.
Increasing requirements due to legal or cultural demands play a decisive role in digitization and the connection of systems. The process documentation must be guaranteed, and a complete obligation to provide evidence must be observed. Digital documents are independent of time and place; they do not follow working hours or are not dependent on the presence of colleagues; a more flexible work design can also be created as a result. The most up-to-date information can always be called up at any time, which plays a decisive role in production.

A Case For Change Management

It is advisable to start a new project to implement changes in digitization in a company. Accepting the employees and accessible resources are crucial in a larger project such as digitization. Change management ensures that everything runs smoothly and that the associated adjustments are made during ongoing operations. Constant information collection provides an excellent opportunity for evaluation and can filter out hidden potential. In the case of product changes in particular, it is advantageous if data can be exchanged and workflows can be adapted immediately.

Digitization Does Not Stop At Industry Either – Industry 4.0

Digitization is essential in manufacturing companies. Digital collaboration can only be guaranteed by a software solution that connects all company areas. Specific processes can ensure seamless use; reducing errors and associated costs is only one advantage. Paperless management, automated processes, up-to-date information, and the distribution of tasks are just examples of the benefits of digitization in the industry. Industry 4.0 is on the rise, and you should also live it.


Take yourself and your company further, and use the possibilities and opportunities of digitization to professionalize and restructure your internal processes. With digitization, you are independent of location, not tied to any time of day or dependent on the presence of colleagues. Digitization brings greater flexibility, primarily when the company operates globally and colleagues work across multiple time zones. Take advantage of the opportunities and take your company to the next level of digitization.

Also Read: 6 Daily Habits For Success

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Why Is Automation Essential For Efficient Marketing, Sales, And Customer Service Management? https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/why-is-automation-essential-for-efficient-marketing/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/why-is-automation-essential-for-efficient-marketing/#respond Fri, 12 May 2023 12:29:53 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=7140 In an increasingly competitive world, companies need to efficiently manage their marketing, sales, and customer

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In an increasingly competitive world, companies need to efficiently manage their marketing, sales, and customer service processes to stay in the market for the long term. Automating these processes is essential to achieve this since it improves the efficiency, profitability, and quality of customer service. In this article, we will explore how automation can help companies improve their performance in all three of these areas.

Automation of Marketing Processes

One of the main goals of marketing is to attract new customers and generate leads that can be converted into sales. However, the lead management process can be complicated and requires constant and accurate follow-up to achieve effective results. This is where marketing process automation comes into play.

Marketing process automation allows companies to efficiently manage the lead generation process, from the initial acquisition of potential customers to their follow-up and conversion into sales. This is achieved through the use of automation tools, which can help companies to:

  • Use SEO, SEM, and online advertising techniques to attract more traffic to your website.
  • Capture the attention of visitors through relevant and attractive content.
  • Identify and manage leads efficiently by segmenting them based on different criteria.
  • Personalize attention to potential customers by sending relevant information and offers based on their profile and behavior.
  • Automate the follow-up of leads and the management of marketing actions through workflows and automations.

Thanks to the automation of marketing processes, companies can significantly improve their efficiency in generating leads and converting them into sales. In addition, automation makes it possible to measure and analyze the results of marketing actions accurately, which can result in better decision-making and greater profitability in the long term.

Automation of Sales Processes

The automation of sales processes is another key aspect in the efficient management of companies. In this case, automation makes it possible to improve the effectiveness of sales teams, reduce costs and improve customer satisfaction.

The automation of sales processes is achieved through the use of information management tools and the automation of manual and repetitive tasks. Some of the benefits of automating sales processes are:

  • Thanks to integrating data from different sources on a single platform, improved information quality.
  • Automation of manual and repetitive tasks, such as reporting or customer follow-up.
  • Personalization of customer service through the management of relevant information and the adaptation of the offer to the needs and preferences of the customer.
  • The effectiveness of the sales teams is improved, thanks to the integrated management of information and the automation of tasks. This translates into greater efficiency in the management of sales processes and greater customer satisfaction, which can result in increased profitability in the long term.

In addition, the automation of sales processes also allows for greater collaboration and alignment between the marketing and sales teams, which can improve the effectiveness of marketing and sales actions and greater coordination in the conversion process. Leads in sales.

Automation of Customer Service Processes

Automating customer service processes is another area where automation can greatly help businesses. In this case, automation makes it possible to improve the quality of customer service, reduce costs and improve the efficiency of customer service teams.

The automation of customer service processes is achieved through the use of information management tools and the automation of manual and repetitive tasks. Some of the benefits of automating customer service processes are:

  • Personalization of customer service through the management of relevant information and the adaptation of the offer to the needs and preferences of the customer.
  • Automating manual and repetitive tasks, such as sending automatic responses or incident management.
  • Customer service teams improved efficiency thanks to integrated information management and task automation.
  • Improvement of the quality of customer service through the automation of monitoring and service processes.

In summary, the automation of marketing, sales, and customer service processes is essential for the efficient management of companies. Automation allows you to improve the efficiency, profitability, and quality of customer service, resulting in improved customer satisfaction and higher profitability in the long run.

Also Read: Ways to offer Excellent Service to Restaurant Customers

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ERP PLATFORMS AS DRIVERS OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/erp-platforms-as-drivers-of-digital-transformation/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/erp-platforms-as-drivers-of-digital-transformation/#respond Tue, 18 Apr 2023 06:19:08 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=7064 The best-known pioneers who spread their business models as platforms all over the world are:Amazon,

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The best-known pioneers who spread their business models as platforms all over the world are:
Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, Airbnb, Facebook, and Uber. Here, every provider can sell their products worldwide – Alibaba doesn’t even have its warehouse, AirBnB doesn’t have a bed, and Uber doesn’t even have a single car.
Facebook is one of the largest media groups in the world and broadcasts, prints, or distributes its media.
These platforms act as intermediaries between supply and demand, breaking all previous “rules of the game” in their respective markets. The platform economy is infinitely scalable, and the operators let others work and earn their money with commissions. They also market their services through advertising. And then, they sell their valuable user data to almost infinite users. Against this background, it is unsurprising that half of the top 20 companies in the world are already organized according to a platform model.

The Platform Economy Is The Driver Of Digital Transformation.

All platforms have in common that the market structures are breaking through disruptively and setting up new rules. From the customer’s point of view, the platforms offer a better overview of the variety of products. You can compare many offers directly on one platform. Providers benefit because they cannot set up or maintain their infrastructure. In addition, competitors also attract potential customers for their products. However, transparency also increases price pressure and speeds up innovation.
The platform operator thus provides an entire ecosystem that the providers, regardless of whether they are a group, medium-sized company, or individual entrepreneur, can develop for themselves. They must comply with the technical basics but can act fairly freely within this framework. Other examples of such platform ecosystems are Apple and Google. Every provider can develop apps for the smartphone operating systems iOS or Android and market them after certification. Platforms are, therefore, the main drivers of digitization, especially since the cloud has become firmly established.

ERP Platforms In The Cloud Are Revolutionizing Corporate IT

Today, platform operators in the cloud offer all the classic IT solutions that companies need for their business models. They only need a device with an Internet connection to use cloud services. With infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), or software as a service (SaaS), companies can almost do away with their own “on-premise IT.” For small and medium-sized companies, this is a great opportunity to organize their IT use more securely and, simultaneously, to control their costs. Because the price models of cloud services are usage-dependent. You have to pay for what a company uses and how many users. At the same time, they constantly benefit from the innovations that the providers are constantly developing and updating.

ERP From The Cloud Makes Companies More Agile

There are now platform solutions for every conceivable business challenge. Above all, they give medium-sized companies access to previously reserved applications for corporations. Today, enterprise resource planning systems pay off even for small manufacturing companies with fewer than 100 employees because they connect all business units, for example. Users can organize their entire operational processes in one central application from accounting, sales, human resources to production planning, warehousing, and logistics. With a solution based on an ERP platform, users create their digital transformation, work more agile internally and streamline their processes. And customers and suppliers also benefit from this.

Also Read: There Differences Between An ERP Cloud And An ERP SAAS

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Digital Transformation Of The Industry The Factory With A Future https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/digital-transformation-of-the-industry-the-factory-with-a-future/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/digital-transformation-of-the-industry-the-factory-with-a-future/#respond Thu, 09 Jun 2022 05:33:26 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=5980 Today’s factories face formidable challenges to maintain the competitiveness of their business in a market

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Today’s factories face formidable challenges to maintain the competitiveness of their business in a market that is increasingly demanding in terms of delivery times, product customization and quality, lower prices, and real-time information. End users transfer this requirement with a bullwhip effect to the entire goods and services supply chain. This fact leads us to review what market phenomena force factories to undergo a series of significant changes to become Factories of the Future and to be able to evolve towards Factories with a Future through a process of digital transformation of the Industry. Discover what characteristics make the Industry a Factory with a Future!

Challenges Of Industry 4.0

The factories, in their essence, will continue to operate to transform some inputs into outputs through key operations in a specific time called Lead Time. How the Factory is managed and operated will generate particular results that will provide competitive differentiation in the sector.

In this mission, manufacturing industries must face industry-specific challenges:

  • Improve product and service quality levels
  • Improve production times and delivery times.
  • Maintain the level of motivation and skills of people
  • Improve the profitability of your production and logistics operations
  • Improve productivity and overall efficiency
  • Achieve a high commitment to social and environmental sustainability.

What is The Factory Of The Future

Since the essence of the factories must be maintained, what is called the Factory of the Future? In our opinion, the Factory of the Future results from a metamorphosis where these operations of transforming inputs into outputs are maintained, but with structural, physiological, and behavioral changes towards an improved evolution aligned with the social, technological, and economic transformation of the world. The environment surrounding the business. 

This metamorphic change must adapt to the evolution of the demand profile of the end-user and must be enabled by working on 3 axes:

  • Continuous improvement of processes towards the creation of value.
  • Technological Innovation towards Industry 4.0.
  • Management of the change of people towards the Employee 4.0.

These lines that enable the metamorphosis of our factories must respond to VUCA and BANI environments concerning:

  • The fragility and volatility with a coordinated and hyperconnected adaptation of the entire value chain.
  • Anxiety is caused by uncertainty with empathy, attention, and trust in people.
  • The non-linear behavior between causes and effects and the world’s complexity with a systematic vision, data management, and artificial intelligence algorithms.
  • The lack of understanding of the existing ambiguity with collaborative work, information transparency, and intuition development.

As can be deduced from the above, the Factory of the Future is synonymous with change, a rhythmic change that the Factory must follow like a score of ups and downs in pulse, accent, notes, and compass so that at any moment of silence in that staff one can reflect that You have a Factory with a Future.

Digital Transformation Of The Industry The Factory With A Future

To evolve towards a Factory with a Future, it is necessary to implement a digital transformation process in the Industry. In this way, the Industry will be able to aspire to the characteristics of Factories with a Future:


You must mark a strategy, objectives, and expected key results. It is necessary to align people, technology, processes, and business properly through an agile and straightforward reorganization in its operation.


Changes must be led towards a digital mindset, enhancing soft skills, building for change and innovation, collaboration, and teamwork, while promoting intrapreneurship and empowerment.


Base decisions on real-time data with artificial intelligence systems help us obtain business indicators and search for the prevention, prediction, and prescription of events.


With processes and production, logistics and information flow optimized to meet the market’s time-to-market and working in PULL on demand to maximize the income statement.


IoT sensors, fixed and mobile robots, digitalization of workstations, and automated quality controls in the production plant allow for fast, flexible, and efficient processes.


Vertically integrating all the information layers of the industrial pyramid and horizontally departments, industrial plants, and the entire supply chain to have information and systemic traceability.


They were connected to the entire value chain, collecting information from all product life cycle stages. To do this, machines must be attached and cooperate with devices, men with men, and men with machines, in addition to creating product-service networks.


Intensifying ecodesign to create products and manufacture through increasingly sustainable activities in terms of proper use of materials, reduction of energy consumption, promotion of circularity, and attending to occupational health and safety (OSH).


People, machines, and systems were adaptable to changes in the environment and demand. Thus, it is possible for manufacturing to follow the pace set by the BANI environments of the market. Adapting a famous quote from Charles Darwin: It is not the most robust Industry that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one that responds best to change.

Also Read: Why Is Digital Transformation Important? Discover How To Adapt To New Technologies And Market Opportunities

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Marketing Automation Will Be Key To Improving The Digitization Of SMEs https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/marketing-automation-will-be-key-to-improving-the-digitization-of-smes/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/marketing-automation-will-be-key-to-improving-the-digitization-of-smes/#respond Fri, 27 May 2022 06:10:11 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=5938 There is more and more competition and aggressive sales environments. In this sense, small and

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There is more and more competition and aggressive sales environments. In this sense, small and medium-sized companies can be at a disadvantage in key aspects such as advertising and online sales. For this reason, SMEs must integrate new marketing strategies to compete and bet on the latest technologies to optimize their results. In addition to increasing sales, the possibility of automating personalized advertising will be a fundamental competitive advantage in terms of customer experience since, thanks to the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, companies will be able to understand users better and adapt to their needs by generating predictive models that make it possible to create personalized recommendation engines.

Within large companies, marketing automation is more than consolidated. 63% of marketers will increase the budget invested in automation in the coming years. Automation is one of the fastest-growing software industries, and investment is expected to exceed 25 billion by 2023, according to Statista, so all companies, including SMEs, must step up in this regard to compete. In the market. And it is that we must not forget that 90% of the business fabric is made up of small and medium-sized companies that have begun their digitalization upon realizing that it is a fundamental factor in maintaining their level of sales, increasing their efficiency, and offering a customer experience at the height of what consumers are looking for today. Also, Digital Kit is aimed at small businesses, micro-businesses, and the self-employed, and thanks to this, they can promote the digitization of their businesses. A professional profile trained in Marketing Automation will be key in any company.

Given this scenario, a professional profile trained in Marketing Automation will be key in any company, which means that its demand is growing exponentially and an employment-oriented specialization that requires experiential training. The Valley experts emphasize in their Marketing Automation Diploma the need to work with the main no-code tools and be familiar with the leading cloud marketing solutions such as Salesforce, Adobe, and Hubspot. And it is a booming discipline to train the most demanded profiles in marketing: Marketing Automation Specialist, Marketing Cloud & CRM Specialist, Inbound Specialist, and Growth Marketing Manager.

But what advantages does marketing automation have in the business strategies of SMEs?

  • Closer to the consumer. Good automation will make it much easier for potential customers to feel close, and this factor always influences consumer decisions. Thanks to artificial intelligence, automation can be essential to provide much more personalized attention and get to know users better. On the other hand, the customer experience improvement is accompanied by a reduction in costs since the use of chatbots can generate savings of 30% of the cost of customer service.
  • Design a personalized customer journey. Knowing the interests of customers allows us to offer a personalized experience. Having this data allows for designing automatic education and maturation processes thanks to which actions are carried out at the right time for each user. In addition, knowing the behavior of each client with the company makes it possible to create an itinerary between products similar to those that have already been interested and increase sales.
  • Increase profitability. Automation allows you to develop complex marketing processes and lower costs, and in fact, marketing experts say that investment in automation reduced advertising spending by 12.2%. In addition, it increases the efficiency of advertising and optimizes the return on investment made by using the data collected. Likewise, companies have greater control over marketing actions and more detailed monitoring of their impact, a fundamental aspect for segmenting and focusing on those that work best and are most profitable.
  • Improve the productivity of marketing teams. Automating specific tasks allows a better investment of human resources available to companies’ marketing teams. Implementing tools that allow the automation of actions thanks to technology avoids having to allocate hours of work and saves time and money while improving team efficiency. In addition, the growth of this sector will generate an employment boom that will be beneficial for greater specialization of the marketing teams of SMEs while at the same time creating a very high demand for profiles that need this specific training to be able to implement the best automation strategies and be able to carry out a follow-up that allows their constant optimization.

Also Read: Social Marketing Automation Strategies That Convert The Most

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How Digitalization Has Changed the Casino World Forever https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/how-digitalization-has-changed-the-casino-world-forever/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/how-digitalization-has-changed-the-casino-world-forever/#respond Fri, 06 May 2022 15:48:22 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=5823 If you wanted to play slots or table games, in previous years it would have

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If you wanted to play slots or table games, in previous years it would have meant a long trek to the local casino or spending time at the bar where an ad-hoc game may have been in progress or depending on where you lived, some sort of primitive machine would have been available.
However, in the last decade and a half (but most particularly in the last five years), the ability to play online casino games has revolutionized the industry and made it more accessible for those who want to play (more on that next) and put players more in control of when and where they do it. It has also led to an increase in the number of options available.

It has created a more genuine experience

This also means that you are not playing some badly put-together mockery of what happens on the casino floor, but instead are getting a more genuine experience than you could several years ago. Many online casinos are affiliated in some way with a land-based establishment, so they know exactly what a customer expects from their time on the site.

Made online casinos more accessible

As mentioned above, if you wanted to play genuine casino games of any description, you would have to travel miles to do it or go on vacation to destinations where that activity was possible. This was expensive and when you got there, regardless of how you felt, you would feel like you had to make the most of the experience and play.

Nowadays almost everyone potentially has an online casino in their pocket in the shape of their mobile device or cell phone. You can find exactly what you are looking for, so if you are looking for online slots while in Paris or the best Goa casino online, it’s just a Google search away, or you could use an online casino comparison website to do the hard work for you.

Removed the need to travel

Digitalization means that you don’t have to travel. Before, as mentioned above, you might have to travel to play casino games, that would at least mean the price of a full tank of gas and possibly an overnight stay as well. If you balance that with the ability to play a game for ten minutes on the bus on the way to work in the morning, it’s easy to see why more people are playing online casino games.

Because people can turn these games on or off at will, there is pressure on designers to create games that are more spectacular so they get more out of playing the games than ever before, which can only be beneficial to the player.

A few final thoughts

Overall, the digitalization of casinos has made them more accessible to more people across the world wherever online gambling is legal. It has removed the need to travel, but also improved the experience of online casino games making them better and more enjoyable.

Also Read: Can We Make Games on WordPress?

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Why Is Digital Transformation Important? Discover How To Adapt To New Technologies And Market Opportunities https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/why-is-digital-transformation-important/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/why-is-digital-transformation-important/#respond Mon, 02 May 2022 05:59:43 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=5802 As the years go by, it is increasingly common to see how companies take a

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As the years go by, it is increasingly common to see how companies take a significant leap to carry out Digital Transformation. A variable has been added to this process that has caused this phenomenon to take on even more importance: the pandemic. Many companies and businesses have had to transform digitally through new technologies. In addition, it is becoming more and more common for consumers to demand a digital service regardless of the product and the company that offers it.

What is Digital Transformation, And Why Is It So Important

There may be numerous definitions, but we can affirm that we understand Digital Transformation as the application of digital capabilities to products, processes or any other company area. In other words: substitution of traditional techniques for digital alternatives.

At this point, we can say that Digital Transformation is becoming more and more common and essential. Any business, whatever its target audience, must adapt to the digital needs of its customers to continue to be considered a valid option.

From the beginning, and without losing our passion and enthusiasm over the years, we knew the importance of providing added and differential value based on the intelligence that data offers. All these years of work in the sector allow us to show what attributes set us apart:

  • Experience: Pioneer company in Artificial Intelligence.
  • Technical Solvency: A well-known company due to the large projects developed.
  • Services: our services meet the needs of our allies, continuously training them to increase their productivity, efficiency and profits.
  • Adaptation to the client: We love to adapt to the needs and challenges that our clients and partners propose to us.
  • Customer service: All customers are unique to us, which means they receive personalized attention.

But to exploit all the advantages we offer, we need allies, and for this reason, we have a Partners Program. Through strategic alliances, to develop new areas of activity where Digital Transformation can provide differential value. To do this, we look for Partners whose desires and ambitions are similar to that. In addition, we like to work together under the same values, which are:







  • Thanks to complementing the portfolio with advanced platforms and services based on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, we will be able to increase sales and profits significantly.
  • We detect opportunities in the market in which we can collaborate proactively.
  • Acquire the most important knowledge and training regarding Digital Transformation.

Knowing that we are the company with the most significant differentiating factors, based on the values ​​that support the organization, it would only be necessary to know the steps to become our Partner. The first step would be to contact one of our specialists. In this way, the application for entry to the program would be carried out. The next step would be signing the agreement between the two parties.

Also Read: How To Succeed In Your B2B Digital Transformation

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Benefits of a Document Management System for Growing SMBs https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/benefits-of-a-document-management-system-for-growing-smbs/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/benefits-of-a-document-management-system-for-growing-smbs/#respond Sat, 16 Apr 2022 08:48:36 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=5740 Despite the economic downturn due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a new study by Adobe Acrobat

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Despite the economic downturn due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a new study by Adobe Acrobat explains the 82% increase in new business applications in 2020 and the rise of digital entrepreneurship. Improved access to digital business solutions allowed many to launch their own startups and small businesses from home. Now, enterprises, SMBs, and budding entrepreneurs alike utilize these tools to stay competitive in a digital business world.

What is a Document Management System?

A document management system, or DMS, is software that helps you keep track of all your essential files digitally. A DMS can store and organize your digital documents regardless of the file type or format. Document management solutions contain a series of tools that allow you to easily store, access, edit, share, and search your digital files. These systems were integral in the digital business transformation of many companies during the pandemic. Document management systems are essential for helping remote SMBs stay organized and running efficiently. Here are a few of the benefits of a document management system for digital businesses of any size.

Metadata & User Info

A reliable document management system will help you and your team track who uploaded what document, where, and when. There is always a clear user history, and previously edited versions of the document can still be accessed. Metadata tags documents as they are uploaded with important information, such as the document’s title and the upload date. The DMS will then index this information so that you can effortlessly search and sort your files once they’ve been uploaded.

Security & Storage

All document management systems will encrypt your information and require authentication before access. The administrators of the system can select who has access to which documents. Protecting your company data is critical for sustaining your business. As you continue to scale your SMB, you will need a document management system that will efficiently and reliably store your accumulating company data. Adobe Acrobat’s document management solution will keep an encrypted version of each document in the cloud, so you always have a reliable backup and secure storage.

Collaboration & Workflows

To manage a successful remote team, you need efficient workflows and collaboration tools. Document management systems can help your team establish workflows and streamline tasks. You can automate documents to be sent to other team members once completed and keep track of each edit and version of the document, even as entire teams collaborate on a file at once. Collaboration tools help your team stay in communication and work creatively together. Comment, edit, share, sign, copy documents, and always have a backup if something goes wrong. These team features of document management systems can seriously improve the efficiency of your remote team.

Remote Accessibility

Adobe Acrobat reports, “More than 3 in 4 adults would rather apply for jobs that offer remote work options.” Remote work is essential for scaling a successful business in 2022. Launching a startup from home or managing a remote team requires accessibility so you can stay in touch with the day-to-day in real-time. When selecting the digital business tools best for your company, consider the importance of mobile accessibility. A document management system that you can access through an app on your smartphone no matter where you are may prove integral for your work-life balance and management style. Some DMS apps, such as Adobe Scan, can even create digital versions of actual documents by scanning them through your phone camera.
A document management system is critical for the success of digital businesses of any size. If you’re considering launching an online startup or working with a remote team, check out your options for a DMS that will make your day-to-day business efficient and collaborative.

Also Read: Businesses Increase Use Of Cloud Backup Solutions

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Digital Services That Improve The Security Of Your Company https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/digital-services-that-improve-the-security-of-your-company/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/digital-services-that-improve-the-security-of-your-company/#respond Tue, 05 Apr 2022 05:17:20 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=5711 The protection of people, property and assets are key aspects for the continuity of any

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The protection of people, property and assets are key aspects for the continuity of any business that can benefit from technological advances. For this reason, at Securitas, we believe that Security for companies must continue to evolve and apply the most cutting-edge technologies. Digital Services are supported by cutting-edge technologies identified by the Innovation department and reinforce security solutions. These are the 6 main innovations and trends that support these services:

Internet Of Things (IoT)

IoT or the “internet of things” basically refers to the interconnection and sensorization of different objects. The IoT offers a wide variety of applications that integrate with the rest of the security systems and surveillance services. It is applied in three essential services :

  • Indoor Positioning System (IPS): This allows the positioning of assets or people indoors and enables services such as access control without physical barriers.
  • Track and Trace: This service monitors and improves the protection of workers under challenging conditions (Isolated Man) and the transport of goods where it allows for protecting and managing entire fleets of vehicles.
  • Services based on  IoT sensors: The sensors can measure values ​​such as temperature or humidity, allow automatic or remote action and offer analytical information.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Machine learning and deep learning capabilities can also improve the Security of companies. This technology is applied above all in video surveillance systems and allows, for example, to identify abnormal patterns through image and sound analysis.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Automating repetitive tasks is not exclusive to the industrial sector (for example, in an assembly line); Managing large volumes of information is also a repetitive task that consumes time and human resources. At Securitas, we improve the efficiency of our internal processes and our services thanks to the incorporation of robots and programs that help ingest, process and produce results from data.

Data analysis

Data analysis and measurement through KPIs is a fundamental value for the Security of companies. The guards, security systems or sensors collect useful, representative and objective information that, combined with other relevant sources inside and outside the client, allows us to help you make optimal security decisions and even in other central aspects of your business.

Security In Digital Environments

Every company has an internet presence, so digital Security must be protected as vigorously as physical Security. But as in the real world, the risks of the digital world can often be challenging to anticipate.

Our Intelligence Services support decision-making by anticipating risks, threats and opportunities for the business. We analyze the information available on five key aspects of any organization: Security, reputation, digital footprint, digital risk and competitive or strategic intelligence. Securitas also emphasizes the digital protection of the networks themselves that support the electronic security subsystems and the OT networks.

Apps And Tools

Finally, advanced software solutions make it easier for companies to manage Security. These are some of the tools we have:

  • Management of visits and reservations of Securitas (VISEC) allows you to manage reservations for visits and events through a pre-registration system.
  • Collaborative Security: based on a mobile application, it facilitates communication, recording, and monitoring of incidents.
  • Video Stream: Capture and stream real-time video, audio, and photos for mobile workers.
  • Time Management: time control service with the delivery of detailed and informed reports.
  • Coordination of Business Activities (CAE): allows companies to manage and control the work carried out by third parties following regulations.
  • Simultaneous translation: a virtual translation assistant for fluid and natural communication.
  • Smart Post: a complete solution for managing parcels, mail and bags for companies within corporate buildings.
  • Smart Key: custody control and management of keys and assets with sleek cabinets.
  • Marketing Analytics: an advanced solution for measuring customer behavior in a physical space (heat maps, busiest times.).

In short, the application of technological innovation represents a revolution in Security for companies. 

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Importance Of Digitization For A Company https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/importance-of-digitization-for-a-company/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/importance-of-digitization-for-a-company/#respond Mon, 01 Nov 2021 06:17:06 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=4965 Digitization is a process that has become essential for all businesses, regardless of their activity

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Digitization is a process that has become essential for all businesses, regardless of their activity and sector, to respond to users needs and not remain stagnant. Therefore, it is necessary to know the importance of digitization for a company. Would you like to identify the factors that you can improve your brand thanks to digitization? Stay and read this post, and we will show you everything you need to know below.

Increase Business Productivity

One of the characteristics that we can highlight regarding digitization is automating tasks and minimizing downtime. On many occasions, workers must perform repetitive and laborious functions that occupy a large part of their day, accumulating the work carried out and reducing their motivation. Thus, automation allows them to focus on the essential tasks, which will also help improve their productivity and well-being within the organization.

Allows Adaptation To Market Changes

Among all the challenges that companies constantly face, the changes that occur in the market are the most dangerous. Thus, digitization allows addressing this challenge with tremendous success, providing the necessary tools to adapt to individuals’ requirements quickly. The response capacity of digitized companies is much greater than those that have not yet begun their transformation, which means that the latter are less competitive and less apt to lead the market. On the other hand, the adaptability of businesses will help their growth, expansion, and progression, almost entirely reducing the chances of failure or having to close the company.

Collect Valuable Information For The Company

Information is power and, through digitization, we can collect a large volume of data about the company, the sector, and the target audience. This will allow us to make better decisions, know what the market demands and respond more accurately to users’ needs. Similarly, we can enter and explore new business opportunities, expanding the company’s field of action and discovering new profitable market niches for the brand. Likewise, by analyzing the metrics obtained, we can design effective strategies where the actions to be carried out are determined to bring better results.

Boost Brand Efficiency

Another of the most notable benefits of digitization for businesses is the achievement of greater efficiency in the development of brand activity. In this way, thanks to digitization, we will be able to allocate much more appropriate business resources, making the production process more efficient. Likewise, the use of such resources will be the maximum possible, reducing the company’s costs and obtaining a more significant economic benefit.

Improve Contact With The Target Audience

Finally, within the importance of digitization for a company, we could not forget to mention the possibility of improving contact with the target audience. The digital area allows brands to use new communication channels to impact users, make sales, and establish relationships with potential customers. This will lead to an improvement in the brand’s positioning, more excellent knowledge of the market, and an increase in the results obtained.

In addition, having a presence on the Internet is essential today since more and more users prefer to make their purchases online rather than go to a physical establishment. As observed throughout the post, digitization has had a significant impact on business organizations, providing them with valuable resources to gain a deeper understanding of the target audience, offer more successful products and services, and increase their efficiency and productivity.

Also Read: The Digitization Of The Professional Office Four Challenges To Face

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