BIGDATA Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Sat, 13 Aug 2022 06:51:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 BIGDATA Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 Big Data And Cloud Computing The Future For Companies Mon, 07 Feb 2022 05:07:27 +0000 Big Data and Cloud Computing go hand in hand to democratize access to business intelligence.

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Big Data and Cloud Computing go hand in hand to democratize access to business intelligence. Since the Internet was created, we all have more information at our fingertips than we have ever had before in all of history. And on the other hand, more and more robust cloud storage is required.

Relationship Between Big Data And Cloud Computing

Big Data guarantees excellent possibilities for companies in the digital age. But to exploit the data correctly, it is necessary to work with certain technologies that help in its massive use. This is the case with Cloud Computing.

Big Data and Cloud Computing are two incomplete techniques to adapt to new technological changes and meet customer needs. It is essential to highlight that these methodologies are not exclusive to large companies. Regardless of its size, any business can use them to increase its profitability.

The data collected by companies must be stored, shared, and organized logically and coherently. To do this, these data need a technical infrastructure and specialists in the sector who apply their knowledge to extract their true potential and, therefore, facilitate decision-making.

This is where the cloud comes into play, also known as Cloud Computing, that invisible space in which we store all the information related to Big Data. The specific processes, applications, and software are launched to access the data and work with them.

Currently, there are three categories of cloud computing. Depending on the needs of the business, one or the other can be chosen, although all of them allow them to work in harmony in Big Data environments.

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Offers an Information Technology (IT) infrastructure on the network. It is related to computing that does not require a server.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS): The infrastructure and information are stored on servers of an external server, and the client can access them comfortably through specific software.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS): It’s between SaaS and IaaS. It is characterized by offering tools that are used to design, create and implement applications on the web with the guarantee of not having to use technical infrastructures.

Taking all this into account, it is easy to discover the common point between both techniques. Cloud Computing will offer us the infrastructure in the cloud and the necessary space to store all the information generated by Big Data.

Cloud Computing: Scalability for BIG DATA

If Cloud Computing is characterized by something, it is its scalability. An element that allows large volumes of data to be processed, thus helping to avoid 100% saturation of a storage system when working with big data.

Due to its quality of variety, Big Data requires large doses of scalability, and Cloud Computing is the best ally in this regard. Its processing management, cost control, and security makes this system the best combination for working with large amounts of data.

In addition, Cloud Computing allows working with data in real-time by dividing the blocks into servers. The aspect that reduces the latency time considerably.

What Benefits Combine Big Data And Cloud Computing In Your Business

The main benefits that we will obtain in our organization by combining these tools are the following:

Lower costs: Services to store large amounts of data are costly, preventing SMEs from including the Big Data methodology in their strategy. By keeping this data in a Cloud Computing service, you will pay only for the space used, representing a final saving.

Concurrency: Cloud Computing infrastructures allow multiple users to access Big Data at the same time.

Agility: Cloud Computing services facilitate the work of large amounts of data, as is the case of Big Data since it does not require large configurations for its operation.

Data security: One of Big Data’s main problems is its vulnerability to computer attacks. By storing this information in a cloud environment, we will increase the protection of the stored information.

Improve decision-making: if Big Data already helps us improve decision-making, having the data stored and structured in a cloud environment will make it easier for us to analyze this information and improve decision-making instantly.

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How To Take Advantage Of Artificial Intelligence Through Tools Designed For It Wed, 17 Nov 2021 07:29:03 +0000 Today, with the proliferation of technologies aimed at structuring large volumes of data (Big Data)

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Today, with the proliferation of technologies aimed at structuring large volumes of data (Big Data) and the development of solutions based on Artificial Intelligence, organizations have at their disposal an “intelligence” that allows them to obtain an advantage over the competition by extracting knowledge relevant to your business. These technologies offer multiple benefits, so below, we show you how to use Big Data and Artificial Intelligence through these tools you design for it.

Big Data And Pricing. Price Monitoring, Modelling And Management.

One of the main reasons consumers usually make their purchases online is to benefit from more adjusted prices than in physical establishments. This fact makes us think that having a price management and control tool on the Internet is an essential task to make decisions on online pricing strategies.

With a platform for price monitoring, uncertainty in decision-making around a pricing strategy can be reduced. There are tools such as the net price that collect many fees and information about products and services, both internal and from the competition (big data), for subsequent analysis of their fluctuations thanks to their artificial intelligence models. This facilitates a better understanding of the market and allows us to anticipate demand, thanks to alerts of both opportunities and threats concerning the prices of our products/services.

Why extract prices? The massive extraction of fees (in some cases more than 150 million prices per month) and its modelling to detect those threats and opportunities should require the attention of any company. This price monitoring allows focusing the effort only on those prices (own and those of the competition) that can impact the company’s income statement.

In those sectors with solid dependence on price search engines (e.g. insurance), the massive monitoring of prices, own and of the competition in these search engines, through the creation of descriptive and predictive mathematical models, allow a company to be ahead of the competition obtaining a differential advantage thanks to the knowledge that this modelling provides them.

Optimizing the price of the product/service is essential to maximize revenue. A tool like Net worth makes it easy for the commercial department to establish pricing policies based on Revenue or Yield Management techniques, or what is the same, to optimize its price management based on demand and availability of items. Having a platform with these characteristics has become a necessary element for obtaining total control of managing large volumes of prices on the Internet.

Geomarketing: Optimal Locations And Intelligent Consumer Segmentation

One of the advantages of joint analysis of demographic, economic and geographic data is the possibility of conducting market studies to make the marketing strategies carried out by companies profitable. The analysis of this type of data can be carried out through Geomarketing. As its name suggests, Geomarketing is a confluence between geography and marketing. It is an integrated information system – extensive data of various kinds -, statistical methods and graphic representations to give answers to marketing questions quickly and easily.

An example could be projected from different sectors whose objective is to create advanced geospatial models that allow predicting how certain elements (competition, attraction poles, demographics, schedules.) influence the billing of businesses to detect potential areas for improvement.

Also Read: Artificial Intelligence From Analysis To Creativity

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What Is Big Data Marketing And What Are Its Advantages Tue, 24 Aug 2021 06:14:24 +0000 Technologies have notably increased the amount of information that companies handle. In this context, organizations

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Technologies have notably increased the amount of information that companies handle. In this context, organizations use Big Data applied to Marketing to manage large volumes of information. Who is what is known as Big Data Marketing. If you want to know exactly what Big Data Marketing is, be sure to read this post.

What Is Big Data Marketing

We have already talked about Big Data and its applications in our blog, but what is Big Data Marketing? It is a new tool that combines, on the one hand, the management of information flows and, on the other hand, traditional marketing resources. However, in this case, these resources are adapted to the digital environment and new technologies.

Big Data Marketing refers to the set of information processing processes, techniques, tools, and technologies in large volumes of data carried out in a company to analyze user behavior and customize actions based on the needs detected.

The term does not refer only to the data itself but also to the challenges, capacities, and competencies associated with storing and analyzing data sets. This analysis, if done correctly, will help organizations develop personalized Marketing strategies that impact a greater number of users and enable sales growth.

What Is Big Data Marketing For

Users generate new data at every step they take on the network. Such data can be structured (obtained by clicking on a website, for example) or unstructured (such as which is generated by posting on Facebook). The use of Big Data technologies and analytical methods allows Marketing professionals to extract, combine and analyze the two types of data in real-time.

In this way, they can discover patterns and understand how the target audience interacts and triggers a purchase decision. This information is used to develop personalized marketing campaigns aimed at the individual preferences of each user. Therefore, with Big Data, we precisely approach the public, which goes from being a mass to a group of people with their own needs.

Advantages Of Big Data Marketing

The term “Big Data” describes the large volume of data that companies collect, data that comes from their business efforts or their interaction with customers. That information is the foundation of a successful marketing campaign. Hence the success of combining Big Data and Marketing, whose union brings advantages such as the following:

Good Planning

Planning is essential to combat market volatility. It also helps predict trends and changes in consumer behavior well in advance to develop a more efficient plan. The use of Big Data as the starting point of the marketing strategy also allows having a better vision of all the existing options. In this way, it will be possible to determine what works and what does not, so the probability of error will decrease.

Increased Customization

For a Marketing campaign to be effective, it has to be versatile. In other words, it must allow a product or service to be delivered at each step that adapts to the needs, tastes, and expectations of a specific customer.

Flexible Pricing

The adaptability of Big Data guarantees a broader scope since, although many people consider that higher-quality requires a higher price, the price is perceived as a great disadvantage on many occasions. In this sense, Big Data helps overcome this problem by providing useful data to understand the customer and get the price calibration right.

SEO Optimization

Combining Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Marketing automation ensures better results in user retention. Big Data Marketing is used to evaluate the habits of loyal customers and discover what the company did to attract them. Repeating the same process will achieve the expected balance between customer retention and attracting new users.

Tight Budgets

One of the problems when developing Marketing campaigns is related to budget allocation. However, by using big data in the business plan correctly, we will be able to calculate the ROI of a user with precision. In this way, who will reduce irrelevant and excessive expenses to allocate more resources to the important aspects of marketing campaigns.

In conclusion, the main utility of Big Data Marketing is to use the information to create marketing messages that connect with the target audience. When this happens, the campaigns are successful.

Also Read: Opportunity And Risks With Big Data In Companies

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Opportunity And Risks With Big Data In Companies Wed, 16 Jun 2021 10:37:12 +0000 Companies with Big Data can create a value proposition for entirely new customers based on

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Companies with Big Data can create a value proposition for entirely new customers based on the data collected. In addition, the information they collect from the different contact points with customers and users allows them to monitor and collate every aspect of their commercial products and services. Therefore, using and understanding big data is a crucial competitive advantage that translates into a host of new growth opportunities.

Some come from expanding internal knowledge, others from direct interactions with customers. Although companies with Big Data do not struggle with having access to all this information in any of the cases, they also need to implement some data management strategy. For example, cleaning, profiling, and normalizing data lead to better business intelligence. Without these types of actions, visibility is significantly reduced, and the analysis may not be as reliable as it is based on duplicate, incomplete or inconsistent data.

How Can Big Data Add Value To Companies?

There are several ways in which knowledge helps the business. First, companies with Big Data see it promoted and, with this, they benefit from advantages such as:

  • Make Better Decisions: They gain in precision because the risk of error decreases when relying on objective data.
  • Understand Your Customers: When the vision is not biased or divided into silos, a global perspective facilitates this understanding.
  • Provide More Brilliant Services or Products: That is achieved by optimizing internal processes and, at the same time, incorporating the feedback that comes from the different points of contact abroad.
  • Improved Operations: The updating of information, the depth of knowledge, and the centralization of data favor efficiency within each area and interdepartmental alignment.
  • Generate Income: Companies with Big Data find the basis for innovation in data. Then, based on it and incorporating the latest advances in some cases, they develop innovative products and services.
  • Also Read: Concepts Of BigData That Benefits To Your Business?

What Are The Risks That Affect Companies With Big Data?

The benefits of using big data have to do with improved operational efficiency, improved customer satisfaction, driving innovation, and maximizing profits. But companies with Big Data are exposed to risks that do not affect others. Some of them have to do with:

  • Lack of organization of data 7 and a data management strategy.
  • Data storage-related problems.
  • Challenges derived from the analysis.
  • Data privacy and regulatory compliance issues.

In the future, we will see that more and more data sources are incorporated into processes. At the same time, it is noticeable that the capacity of IT equipment continues to increase, so it is to be expected that companies and other entities will depend on a broader source of data in the future. Today, artificial intelligence can extract data from sources previously unavailable to computers, making the ability to collect and process data on a large scale available to more companies. 

Tomorrow there will be more companies with Big Data, taking advantage of more data sources and accessing new opportunities. This also leads us to think that big data careers are another exciting trend to watch out for. Does your organization invest in training and development programs to equip the team with sufficient digital skills.

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How To Improve Your Company With Big Data Technology? Thu, 13 May 2021 10:15:26 +0000 When referring to Big Data and the massive volume of data, it is possible to

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When referring to Big Data and the massive volume of data, it is possible to think of tools that only large companies use. However, these solutions are helpful for businesses of any size. Data analysis is used to extract information and understand the operation of many processes at any level. According to IBM, 90% of the data in the world today has been generated in the last two years. Knowing how studying big data can improve your business is essential to start using the right tools.

Facilitates Decision Making

If we combine Big Data solutions and Business Intelligence – tools that transform information into knowledge to improve decision-making – we will have a greater predictive capacity since between the two, it will be possible to know ​​what is happening and see what may happen. In this way, it will be possible to make more accurate decisions based on relevant information.

Increase Financial Performance

When all the data generated by a company is collected, analyzed, and conclusions are drawn, it is possible to discover new business opportunities. From untapped markets to products and services that customers are demanding, but no one has yet offered. This will grow the company in a very concrete sense and make more profit.

And not only that, but thanks to Big Data solutions, it is possible to minimize risks since all the information is carefully studied and potential threats to the business are detected. It is also possible to optimize processes since the flow of internal communication within the company is improved. As a result, these processes can be simplified, and performance improved.

Build Customer Loyalty

If we correctly use the data obtained by the client, we will realize their tastes and ways of acting, we will know them even more, and we will be able to offer them personalized services. This will improve and retain the relationship with consumers who will place their trust in the company.

Although 8% of companies use Big Data solutions in their businesses, it may be because it is still unclear how to apply these tools in the industry. However, there are straightforward tools like the one IBM made available to its users: IBM Watson Analytics.

To use this solution, it is not necessary for a specialized engineer to take charge, but rather to use a natural language that makes us understand perfectly the conclusion that the large volume of data offers us.

Applying Big Data in a company can be very useful. To correctly manage the tools, it is necessary to have an excellent Internet connection. Therefore, if you want the best communication services for your company, do not hesitate to hire the best rate for companies.

Also Read: Concepts Of BigData That Benefits To Your Business?

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How To Build Big Data Applications With A Low-Code Platform Sat, 10 Apr 2021 10:13:00 +0000 When people think of low-code platforms, they often think that they are only good for

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When people think of low-code platforms, they often think that they are only good for building simple applications. They believe that a developer with programming experience will not be able to create business applications. And that developers and technology professionals only use low-code to create simple applications, such as forms or simple procedures.

But really, that is not so. The low-code platforms can create complete and powerful applications that can handle large amounts of data, what is popularly referred to as Big Data. The processing of large volumes of data is an upward trend that is having important applications in many sectors, being one of the pillars of the so-called Industry 4.0. 

This post is inspired by this other one published: 6 steps to use low-code platforms to create Big Data apps. The article breaks the myth that low-code does not allow building complete applications, offering several good tips on how we can use low-code to create applications that can take advantage of the full power of Big Data.

The article points out that low-code platforms can have some problems when handling massive amounts of data. He points out that: “low-code is designed to work with transactional data and defined record sizes.” This feature seems to rule out the possibility of dealing with Big Data. Still, the article goes on to say. 

There are ways to use low-code for large amounts of data if there is enough business value to justify the development of a methodology that facilitates it. Since development with low-code must work with fixed registers, the main task is to format these data to adapt them to the format of the available registers.

Six Steps To Creating An Application That Manages Large Amounts Of Data With A Low-Code Platform

  • According to the cited article, the first step to do this is to define the company’s requirements. Determine what business problems the application will solve and the types of Big Data used to solve them.
  • Then he talks about the use of Artificial Intelligence for the processing and elimination of unnecessary data to keep only what is necessary. Indeed we can design an algorithm of machine learning to detect and eliminate unnecessary data. Still, in many cases, it is not necessary such complexity and through a processing core of the data may be more than enough in many cases for that task detection and elimination of unnecessary data.
  • And once we have only the necessary data, we must format these appropriately to store each one in the corresponding field.
  • Next, we will have to create the necessary APIs to access these fields containing the filtered, processed, and formatted data.
  • At this point, it will be time to make use of an ETL (“extract-transform-load”) tool to normalize and transfer the data sets to other systems, allowing compatibility with these.
  • Finally, we can put together all the pieces of the application through the low-code platform and test if it is receiving the data correctly, processes it as it should, and returns the desired results, allowing us to perfect the processes until reaching the necessary result.

Also Read: The Advantages Of The Cloud For Small Businesses | Teleworking

What Is The Best Low-Code Platform To Create Big Data Applications?

The first thing is to remind you that we publish a complete guide to choosing a low-code development platform, which is the most developed answer to this question. A more concrete answer would be that it depends. It depends on the purpose and the needs. We do not think that there is a better platform than the rest for any area.

Now, suppose we focus on the professional development of applications for the business management field that use large amounts of data. In that case, it is a great option since it has an integrated database and visual programming that allow us to define and shape data in an agile way, a powerful API that allows the platform to be open to various standards, as well as an integration with Web Assembly that add a simple and powerful deployment to any system.

Several of our clients manage large volumes of data in real-time, including their insertion, modification, elimination, and filtering, in critical business infrastructures, such as hospitals or medical centers. This is the best example that is a platform prepared to face this type of architecture.

Also Read: Protect Your Organization With Microsoft 365 Business & Security

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Concepts Of BigData That Benefits To Your Business? Thu, 04 Feb 2021 09:28:58 +0000 In a century where the Internet and social networks are protagonists, information moves through thousands

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In a century where the Internet and social networks are protagonists, information moves through thousands of different communication channels. This evolution has affected how we communicate and customers’ demands, who are increasingly demanding a fully customized product and adapted to their needs. Taking all this into account, the following question arises: how do you get to know your client so well as to know exactly what characteristics they demand in your products or services? The answer lies in the information, the more data you have about your customers, the more you can adjust your product to their needs.

Today this information can be found in any communication channel, such as social networks, so much so that regulations have emerged to limit the processing of this information, such as the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data, which regulates the treatment of data so that companies do not treat them abusively or without the consent of users. From this exaggerated volume of information, we call Big Data, which is about exploiting large amounts of data for companies to use in their favor in developing their business.

That is why what we are coming to talk about today is the 5V that make up the concept of Big Data :


Considering what has been explained above, the volume of data would be a characteristic of this concept. We are talking about innumerable amounts of data that are sometimes lost in the networks because it cannot be managed and classified correctly. However, today some tools allow extracting this data and storing and organizing it properly.


As there is such an exaggerated volume of data, their life cycle is concise, therefore –as we explained above-, we must use innovative and efficient technologies to be able to extract that information, which by having a life cycle so short, it forces us to do it at the highest possible speed, and continuously, to always have up-to-date and truthful data on users available.


Obviously, in a world where there is so much information, and thousands of different channels to disseminate it, in each track you can find information of various types, thus obtaining an exaggerated variety of data, present in other formats – since, just as we can extract written word, we can find it through images or videos, of which you have to know how to highlight the useful ones for your company. This creates a challenge for Big Data applications, which must also recognize it in different formats and store and order information.


Due to the immense amount of data in the networks, not all are always reliable, so information must be filtered, classifying and separating the information that may be false, from the true and useful for making decisions for your company.


This is probably the essential feature of Big Data since if the Big Data tool meets the four previous characteristics, and the information will be abundant and truthful, it will be up-to-date. It can be presented in a multitude of formats that will favor decision-making in your business. That is why it is valuable information, and you have to know how to use it properly to get the most out of all this data about your customers and potential customers.

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10 Ways To Take Advantage Of Big Data And Analytics In Companies Sat, 12 Dec 2020 06:16:00 +0000 According to experts in recent years, companies that turned to Big Data & Analytics were

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According to experts in recent years, companies that turned to Big Data & Analytics were able to increase revenue by 8% and reduce costs by 10%. Was it possible in the past to estimate the business conversion or sales increase due to the publication of a specific ad? Unfortunately, no, it was not even possible to trace the impressions that such advertising produced in the print media.

But now, thanks to the Internet or electronic media advertising, this has become quite affordable. The Internet has made everything very simple. Business is based on making decisions and following their consequences, according to ITworld. Sometimes the results are profitable and occasionally challenging to digest. In most cases, companies make decisions based on instinct and intuition. But what if you can have an advantage against the negative consequences? And is it even possible?

The breakthrough technology increases best decision-making rates by 69% and operational efficiency by 54%, technicians say. Big Data technology has changed the way of marketing in business and has allowed increasing sales and better satisfied customers’ needs. It is not a scheme to speed up the decision-making process. Still, its integration with business processes, providing reliable forecasts and faster implementation of promising innovations, can lead to greater business efficiency. There are many ways to use Big Data to create business processes.

Ten Ways To Take Advantage Of Big Data

1. Create New Experiences, Services, & Products

Relevant data is essential for companies so that they can plan the start of their services and products. Big Data is a great way to determine growing demand and other information, such as customer expectations. This technology helps a company launch a product at the right time.

2. Analyze And Predict Consumer Behavior

Predicting consumer behavior is the responsibility of all marketers. Market research can help examine intentions and envision the preferences of potential buyers.

3. Identify Risks And Fraud During Audits

To detect cases of fraud, companies can integrate Big Data with their systems. Big Data Analytics enables corporations to prepare for fraud based on information gleaned from legacy data and real-time data.

4. Plan The Launch Of The Proposal And Product Production

The process from concept to product, or development of new offers, is always in line with market demands. Big Data provides the opportunity to organize a proactive approach that defines all the ideal launch and development strategies. Data collection, predictive analytics, and other technologies can be used in conjunction with traditional methods to obtain relevant information.

5. Improve Workflow And Reliability

Big data and analytics are beneficial to improve performance and analyze what happens in each type of business activity. It helps the business move forward by focusing on the information process. In today’s scenario, the integration of IoT and these sophisticated tools has revealed a wealth of data that paved the way for analysis. The insights gained from this analysis provide an excellent foundation for decision-making and workflow improvements on a large scale.

6. Improve The User Experience

Businesses can leverage the wealth of data generated by customers or service users to shape a meaningful experience. This information across the channel can help create the personalized relationship that the customer wants to see.

7. Predict Fluctuations In Demand

Analysis of customer behavior helps companies predict fluctuations in demand and strengthens a company’s supply chain.

8. Boost Sales Or Influence Consumer Behavior

Marketing has completely changed today. Looking back at the current situation, companies are focusing on customer preferences, purchase history, and online reviews.

9. Eliminate Operational Risks

The risks of operating can be found wherever there is a human factor. Predictive analytics can be used to reduce this risk. It works with various sources of information, protecting the company, its internal and external data. Advanced big data visualization and business intelligence technology transform essential information from email, call logs, social media, websites, images, communication templates, and other data into actionable intelligence that helps companies eliminate operational risks.

10. Check Your Products

Big Data helps you understand how customers perceive your services and products. You can make the necessary changes and review them. When you analyze your social networks, it allows you to get general feedback from your customers. You can even disintegrate comments into geographic and demographic locations.

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The Effects of Big Data and Technology on the Farming Industry Mon, 14 Sep 2020 15:57:24 +0000 The agricultural sector is continuously growing and becoming more modernized. A few years ago, no

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The agricultural sector is continuously growing and becoming more modernized. A few years ago, no one would have thought about utilizing technology or data to improve farming, but now, big data is showing many beneficial effects in this field.

Big data is not a new name in analytics as it is one of the channels for daily business decisions, especially in companies with access to enough data. Tech-savvy farmers now utilize all available resources to ensure that they stay on top of the food supply chain.

What is Big Data?

Big data refers to a large volume of structured and unstructured data that affects a business’s operations daily. Proper utilization of big data enables:

  1. Time management
  2. Innovation
  3. Smart decision processes
  4. Cost management

Using big data involves several processes that are not complex but produce magnificent results. In big data, the size of the data does not matter as much as its use.”

The Effects of Big Data on the Farming Industry

The farming industry is one that plays a considerable role in our nourishment as humans since they supply a bulk of our foods or the raw materials for them. Most of the effects of big data on farming tend towards improvement by adopting new beneficial practices and dropping old unhelpful ones.

Data Analysis To Improve Crop Management

Long ago, farmers would depend on each other to determine which plant will fare better in each season. While that practice was helpful, it has some flaws as humans cannot correctly predict all the factors to affect plant growth.

Now, farmers use technologies that are similar to bioprospecting to study plant biomolecular structures, which allow professionals and biochemists to grow multiple variants of a plant.

Also Read: Top Trends in Big Data for 2020

Information Analytics for Better Risk Assessments

With better information from big data and the technologies, farmers are more aware of risks. One of the leading agricultural technologies for risk assessment is AgroTools—a Brazilian company that is a Google Cloud forum client. One of the specialties of this company is to run checks daily on large plots of land to confirm the credibility of the raw materials supply chain.

AgroTools has a vast data collection that is rapidly multiplying since they have resources like the Internet of Things (IoT) and drones, and based on this massive data collection, Google Cloud is their best data storage option.

IoT Sensors Transforming Livestock Care

Before the adoption of big data and technology, farmers could have a large population of their livestock ill—from contact with patient x (the original carrier of the disease) before they notice. This setback caused the loss of numerous animals in the past because of disease progression and a lack of sufficient resources to treat many sick animals.

IoT sensors can gather massive data from numerous animals across vast hectares of land to help livestock farmers. They can transmit data like:

  • Fertility period
  • Illness in a single member of the herd
  • Abnormal behavioral changes

With knowledge of the fertility periods of animals, farmers can successfully carry out an artificial selection process to improve livestock quality. Abnormal behavior is an indicator of ill health in animals, and being able to detect it can help farmers stay on top of the health of their herd and also help them curb disease spread.

Information Analytics Curbs Waste and Improve The Supply Chain’s Efficiency

The field of plant agriculture has a burden with its problem of numerous perishable products. Additionally, these products are a potential health hazard when handling during transport is shabby.

With analytics, farmers and distributors can make their processes more efficient when they identify inadequacies. Final retailers or wholesalers can utilize data from their customer inventory to predict buyer’s behaviors so that they can minimize the waste of agro resources.

Unlocking More Potential in Urban Farming

A lot of urban farming techniques are surfacing each year. One of the most common innovative horticultural techniques is in hydroponic agriculture that focuses on giving plants nutrients specific to their nutritional need for growth to improve crop yield. You can check this article by the Weekend Gardener for more details on hydroponic systems.

Urban farming is not about robbing local farmers of their livelihood. It has a better environmental outcome, as it improves air quality and reduces runoff during rainfall. With big data, urban farmers can add value to their process while optimizing the minimal space they have.


Looking at this article shows the current value analytics, technology, and big data are adding to the farming industry and the potential for agriculture to return the favor. It is no secret that climate change and global warming are significant issues that affect farming as we know it. Utilizing new technologies will help farmers overcome these challenges and, hopefully, save the world from potential global hunger.

Also Read: Professions For Future With More Job Opportunities [2020-30]

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How Companies Are Benefiting From Machine Learning Sun, 06 Sep 2020 06:21:00 +0000 New technologies push us to a new reality where Artificial Intelligence and Big Data represent

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New technologies push us to a new reality where Artificial Intelligence and Big Data represent an advance applicable to different areas, as well as offer new tools that will enhance and make more efficient and exact problems that until now have been unattainable for the human mind. Entering this point, we find a concept that already lives in our present and that we are going to see in-depth: what is machine learning and what is its application in a company.

What Is Machine Learning And How Can It Help Your Company

Machine learning is a practice that uses previously programmed algorithms to reach data and be able to make predictions about it. That is an algorithm that reads data and learns from it, becoming more accurate than a human mind.

To give an example, a subscription company for series and movies collects data regularly about its customers. Among these data are patterns and similarities of customers, which can be used to prevent a customer from unsubscribing from the page. How? For example, if this user has not entered the page to watch movies or series for a long time, they may end up unsubscribing from the service in a short period. This is detected by this algorithm, which could inform the corresponding department to send the subscriber some offer or information about a new service that will interest them, since they know their tastes on the platform, and thus avoid losing a customer. apply new technologies to your company It ensures you are ahead of many others and have a much broader vision of your business.

Since the beginnings of Artificial Intelligence, the algorithms that are being worked on have been improving, becoming more and more precise, and being able to navigate between endless data and variables. Artificial Intelligence is the broadest concept and the one that encompasses machine learning, and within the latter, there are different techniques, as well as applications in the business field (one of them already explained to better understand the concept). from machine learning to your company can be:

  • Trend Prediction: Through customer habits, it is possible to predict which product will sell the most in the market.
  • Search For Solutions: As it is an algorithm based on case studies, it is also capable of finding the most optimal solutions.
  • Cost Reduction: While studying the data and obtaining efficient solutions, machine learning can save human capital for a company. For example, it is already being used by companies related to Human Resources, since through it it is possible to access large databases and detect the best profile for a job.
  • Audience Segmentation: Targeting your target audience in your company is much more effective with machine learning, as it generates behavior patterns that you can use to create targeted and targeted campaigns for different customers. Also, geolocation for companies is a very useful tool for audience segmentation, as it allows you to reach the local public if this is your main target.

Undoubtedly, the application of machine learning to a company begins here, but as new ways of making this analysis even more precise emerge, they will be able to provide better solutions: intelligent vehicles, medical predictions, search optimizations, or even block searches. false news on the net, are some that are already working today. With all this, it is important to be in continuous contact with this future as it is getting closer to the present.

Also Read: How Machine Learning Is Changing The World?

The post How Companies Are Benefiting From Machine Learning appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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