Cyber Security Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Tue, 29 Aug 2023 08:53:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cyber Security Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 Internet Fraud – Discover The Most Common Tue, 06 Jun 2023 07:52:09 +0000 Surely you have heard in the news about Internet fraud. It is true that, just

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Surely you have heard in the news about Internet fraud. It is true that, just as our daily life is increasingly digital, it is also increasingly in the online environment where scams occur. However, the truth is that most online frauds are easily identifiable, and it is enough to take a few simple precautions to navigate safely.
In this guide, we will give you guidelines so that you can continue enjoying all the good things about technology while keeping yourself safe from possible scams. Let’s see which are the most common and how we can avoid them.

Phishing, One Of The Most Common Internet Frauds

Phishing means fishing in English. By doing the translation, you can already imagine how this scam works. The cybercriminal does “throw the cane” and waits for those who surf the net to “bite”.
Its way of operating is to impersonate an entity you trust and impersonate it: Social Security, bank, Netflix, university, Treasury… Normally you receive an email or SMS from a company or association that it is your trust. It is usually a communication that seeks to create in you the urgent need to click on the link that goes in the message.
For example, it may be the Treasury telling you that you have a refund pending receipt and that they need your bank account number or Social Security warning you that you have a debt pending payment and must settle it as soon as possible. Or it could be Netflix (or another similar service) making you a great offer or even your bank asking for some missing personal information about you.
Since the user trusts the message’s sender and gives credibility to it, they end up clicking on the link and providing the requested information. He does not know that he is not accessing the entity’s real website but rather a copy of it. When you enter data such as your credit card number, it goes directly into the criminal’s hands.
What does the cybercriminal do with the information? It can “hijack” your social networks and ask you for payment to regain access, use your card details to make online purchases, loot your bank accounts, impersonate your identity online, sell your data on the black market, etc.

Can Phishing Be Prevented?

If you’ve ever gone fishing, you may have come home without a single fish, and that’s what we should be getting when a cybercriminal tries to commit a phishing scam: drop the rod, but no one bites.
To achieve this, the best thing you can do is never trust communications from unknown senders. If you don’t know who sent you the email, try not to open the message and delete it directly. If the communication comes from your bank, the Treasury, or another trusted sender, always remember that none of these entities will ask you for personal data through an email or SMS.
When in doubt, access its website directly from your browser by typing the entity’s address and, if necessary, contact it to check if the information you have received is true or if it is fraud.
Until a few years ago, it was relatively easy to identify fraudulent messages since they were usually badly written, and their appearance already made you suspicious. However, criminals are increasingly taking care of this aspect. So don’t trust a communication because it needs to be correctly written or visually believable.
One last way to ensure the communication is real is to cut and paste everything that appears in the sender’s email address starting at the at sign (@) and search the Internet for it. If the address is legitimate, it will send you to the website of the real entity. If it’s illegitimate, it will get you nowhere.

Fraudulent Online Shops

Who has never made an online purchase? Electronic commerce has increased significantly in the last decade, and as it has developed, the fraud associated with this activity has also grown. Since cybercriminals are after money, it is not surprising that they also create fake online shops to deceive people who buy from them.
The operation of this type of scam is usually similar in all cases. The criminal creates a fake website where they sell a product in high demand at a truly irresistible price. In this way, the person’s curiosity is aroused, who clicks on the link and, from there, is directed to something that looks like an official online store, although it is not.
In these cases, you will carry out the purchase process as normal. You put the product in the shopping cart, indicate the delivery address and make the payment. It is possible that right after you receive an email confirming the transaction, which is what legitimate digital stores usually do. It’s not until a few days later that you realize the problem: the package never arrives, and when you go to complain to the store, you discover that no one is behind giving support.
This is one version of this scam, but there are several. An example is the selling company that delivers a product whose quality has little or nothing to do with what was shown on the web (this happens a lot with clothing and footwear) or the one that sends a package full of useless objects, such as paper or stones.
It’s not just that the cybercriminal person keeps the money from your purchase; it’s that they have all your data and can do whatever they want. In addition, when accessing its website, malware may have been installed on your device.
It is a malicious computer program that can collect your data, access your files, or monitor your online activity, among other things. The criminal can use the information to extort you or sell it to third parties.

How To Avoid This Fraud?

You should never access any website from advertising you see on social networks. If you have observed something interesting, write the store address in your address bar and access it directly from your browser.
On the other hand, if it is an establishment you have yet to learn, it is worth researching beforehand. Do a Google search like this: “reviews about (store name)”. You will immediately be able to learn about the experience of previous customers, which will let you know if it is a legit store or a scam.
But do not trust if there are no opinions. The criminal may have just created the website, but there is still insufficient information about it. Remember that many people who have been scammed online are ashamed to admit it and do not warn others.
One last thing to keep in mind. If the offer is too good to be true, it is likely not true and is a scam.

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What Is Phishing, How Can It Attack You And How Can You Prevent It? Tue, 23 May 2023 06:17:30 +0000 Today, we increasingly use online media to communicate, consume entertainment content or even to study

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Today, we increasingly use online media to communicate, consume entertainment content or even to study and work. As we increase our use of digital technologies, we must also increase the precautions we take so that our Internet browsing is always safe.

To facilitate this task, in this article we explain what phishing is , one of the risks that we can most frequently find on the Internet. In addition, we also detail how you can identify it and we show you some good cybersecurity practices that will surely help you combat it easily.

What Is Phishing ?

Phishing comes from a variation of the English word ” fishing ” (fishing), since the cybercriminal navigates the network with the intention of “fishing” for the private information of Internet users . They can face numerous problems by exposing their confidential information:

  • Theft of personal data: passwords in accounts of all kinds, address, etc.
  • Economic losses: in people who make purchases over the Internet without taking security measures.
  • Impersonation of accounts: especially in social networks.

If you think about it, just like with fishing, for this to happen the target person must “take the bait”. What does this mean? Well, this type of attack manages to enter computers and mobile phones, simply, because the door is “opened” for them to enter the device ; for example, through risky behavior or poor security on the device. 

Luckily, it is in our power to help make this threat disappear. It is not about abandoning the use of the Internet, but quite the opposite. The key is getting used to using electronic devices and connecting in a safe and responsible way, taking the appropriate precautions.

How Can You Suffer Such An Attack?

The best way to avoid being a victim of phishing is to know how cybercriminals who carry out this type of practice act and take care of the protection of our devices. Therefore, we will explain how they can enter your mobile phone, your tablet or your computer.

By Email

Surely, you have seen how many emails arrive in your inbox. Many of them may belong to your contracted entities (electricity, water bills, etc.). Others, on the other hand, may contain promotions in which you have registered in the stores. But what about the ones you haven’t “asked for”?

The most common entry mechanism for this fraud is email. It is a message that appears to be normal, but contains a somewhat suspicious link. One day you mistakenly decide to open it to see where it takes you and you end up on a page that, without asking your permission, downloads a virus-infected file.

Fortunately, it is not enough for the mail to arrive on your computer. To infect your devices, you need to open it and click on the link that appears. 

Also Read: What Is Phishing: How To Recognize It And Tips To Avoid It

By Phone Call

This practice acquires the name of vishing when it is done through a call. In this case, it is not something so automatic, since there is a person on the other end of the line who is executing that attack. 

Through this technique, the cybercriminal can make you believe that it is a gas company, for example. To make you a supposedly more competitive invoice, it asks you for various information. As sales calls are very common, it is usual to provide the type of data requested.  The most common thing is that they only ask for your name, your surnames and the DNI . With this information, it is enough for them to impersonate your identity wherever they want. 

To avoid falling into this practice, it is enough to avoid providing personal data by phone unless you have contacted the company directly through an official channel.

By Text Message

Text messages (SMS) were left behind with the advent of free instant messaging applications. However, we still continue to communicate in this way with medical centers, stores and other similar entities. In addition, many times we receive advertising from telephone companies through this channel.

This situation is called smishing , and it works much like email attacks. Again, we receive a message (this time an SMS) with a link. If we click on this suspicious link we may be endangering our devices and the personal information we store on them. 

For a Fake Website

A cybercriminal person can impersonate a page that you consult daily to enter your device. In this way, they simulate it in appearance and content so that it is difficult for you to tell the difference. Of course, it is always possible to detect some differences that help us identify impersonation. 

Through Social Networks

Social networks are also not exempt from attacks such as phishing . Many times, they take advantage of the trust of the users to enter their system. To do this, they can impersonate the profile of one of your contacts in a very realistic way, with the same name, profile photo and biography. 

When this so-called known person has approached us with a contact request, they will send a message with a link so that, by clicking on it, we can access the malicious website or agree to install something on the device. Of the routes that we have discussed, this is the one that is gaining the most popularity, but it is also the easiest to verify.

How To Prevent Phishing ?

Luckily, you can implement good practices so that cybercriminals have no place on any of your devices. Before teaching you how to do it, we are going to ask you to think about something that you have learned in this article without realizing it: What is the point that all the attack routes that we have mentioned have in common? Indeed: trust .

When you go down the street or enter a store, you never trust what they tell you at first glance. So why would you do it on the internet? To avoid risks, we suggest that you guide your actions online by three criteria:

  • Control.
  • Caution.
  • Collaboration.

Acting with control implies knowing which web page you are entering or to whom you are answering that email. For its part, caution requires that you do not click on links you do not know or that you do not give your data to unknown people. Lastly, collaboration is essential so that citizens can alert the authorities to an attempted attack.

Avoid Being Attacked By SMS And Email

A fraudulent email or SMS usually presents several symptoms that you can learn to identify. Do not trust if it deals with any of the following topics:

  • Confirmation of an account on a web page that you have not accessed.
  • Notifications from the Treasury (neither the Andalusian nor the Spanish Tax Agency requests data through these channels).
  • Labor circulars addressed to all workers.

It is also important that you delete emails or messages that have a suspicious link or a poor quality corporate image. Likewise, misspellings or inconsistent messages are clear indications that something is wrong.

Also Read: Cybersecurity – Three Ways To Prevent Cyber Attacks

Protect Yourself Against Phishing And Fraud on Social Networks

A fraudulent call can have many different symptoms. The most important thing you can detect by knowing who is calling you (supposedly). Here are some examples:

  • A utility company: asks you to download an app to get a refund.
  • A bank: requires your account or card number to make some validations.
  • An official entity: such as the police to identify you by phone.

On social media, you can prevent phishing by not accepting friend requests from unknown people . In turn, you should be wary of messages that contain statements such as the following (which often contain links):

  • “Are you really the one in this video?”
  • “Congratulations! You are the customer number 1000 and you have won a raffle ».
  • “In order for you to continue using your account, we need to verify your identity.”

Detect Fraudulent Web Pages

You will know that a website is false when it does not have these three aspects:

  • The lock icon next to the address: It means that the page has a security certificate.
  • The term “https” (note, not “http”) at the beginning of the link: Implies that your data is not exposed.
  • The legal notice in one of its sections: All websites are required by law to identify their manager.

Online banking websites are, by their very nature, the most secure . However, they may also have been impersonated, so it is always recommended that you call the entity if you have doubts about the veracity.

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How An MSP Can Improve Security And Compliance For Enterprise Networks Mon, 17 Apr 2023 11:19:44 +0000 In today’s digital age, data breaches, and cyber-attacks have become more common, making it essential

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In today’s digital age, data breaches, and cyber-attacks have become more common, making it essential for enterprises to prioritize their security and compliance measures. Managed IT services providers (MSPs) have become increasingly popular for organizations looking to improve their security posture and ensure compliance with industry regulations.

Managed IT services providers are third-party vendors that offer a range of IT services, including network security, data backup and recovery, and compliance management. With their expertise and experience in managing enterprise networks, MSPs can help organizations achieve their security and compliance goals while reducing operational costs. Here are some ways MSPs can improve security and compliance for enterprise networks:

Proactive Monitoring and Management

MSPs use advanced tools and technologies to monitor network activity and identify potential security threats. They can detect and respond to security incidents in real time, preventing data breaches and cyber-attacks before they occur. MSPs can utilize remote access and monitoring software from ConnectWise to manage complex client networks and discover security vulnerabilities before they become problems. Managed IT services should be implemented using the best cybersecurity and IT technologies and software by ConnectWise.

Proactive monitoring and management also allow MSPs to identify network vulnerabilities and implement necessary patches and updates to ensure the network remains secure. MSPs offering updates and patches can be particularly useful and cost-effective for enterprises that lack the resources or expertise to manage their networks internally.

Endpoint Security

Endpoints such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets are often the weakest link in enterprise networks, making them vulnerable to cyber-attacks. MSPs can provide endpoint security solutions that protect devices from malware, viruses, and other cyber threats.

Endpoint security solutions also include data encryption, access control, and remote wiping tools, enabling organizations to secure their data in case of a lost or stolen device. As more and more companies turn to remote work options, endpoint security has become more critical than ever before.

Data Backup and Recovery

Data backup and recovery are critical for enterprises to ensure business continuity during a disaster or cyber-attack. MSPs can provide data backup and recovery solutions that ensure data is protected and accessible during an outage or data loss. MSPs can also help enterprises develop disaster recovery plans that include backup schedules, recovery time objectives, and failover procedures.

Compliance Management

Many industries, such as healthcare and finance, are subject to strict regulations that govern how they handle and protect sensitive data. MSPs can help enterprises achieve and maintain compliance with these regulations by implementing necessary security controls and procedures.

MSPs can also provide regular compliance assessments to ensure the organization meets regulatory requirements. Enterprises that fail to comply within their industry may face hefty fines and other consequences that may halt business operations.

Security Awareness Training

Employees are often the weakest link in enterprise networks, making them vulnerable to phishing attacks and other cyber threats. MSPs can provide security awareness training to educate employees on recognizing and responding to security threats.

Security awareness training can include simulated phishing attacks to test employee awareness and identify areas for improvement. Employee security training can help enterprises improve their security posture and reduce the risk of a successful cyber-attack.

Get MSP Support Today

MSPs can provide various services to help enterprises improve their security and compliance measures. By partnering with an MSP, organizations can leverage the expertise and experience of dedicated professionals who ensure their networks are secure and compliant.

Overall, partnering with an MSP can be a cost-effective way for enterprises to improve their security and compliance measures while freeing up resources to focus on core business objectives. As cyber threats evolve and become more sophisticated, organizations must prioritize security and compliance measures and partner with MSPs to stay ahead.

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Strengthen Cyber Resilience – How To Prepare Yourself For Dealing With Cyber Attacks. Tue, 04 Apr 2023 11:34:54 +0000 The constant intensification of the cyber threat situation due to current geopolitical events and ongoing

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The constant intensification of the cyber threat situation due to current geopolitical events and ongoing digitization makes it clear once again: the question of a cyber attack is not “if” but “when”. But despite growing public awareness, many companies have some catching up regarding cyber resilience. Cyber ​​resilience measures strengthen a company’s reactive capabilities by providing plans for specific threat scenarios and creating structures to deal with cyber attacks.

What Exactly Is “Cyber Resilience”?

Cyber resilience describes a company’s ability to react to information security incidents, particularly cyber attacks, so that the material and immaterial effects on the business are kept to a minimum. This is not about the implementation of technical defence measures – such as virus scanners, firewalls and other security measures – but about the establishment and regular exercise of reactive skills, such as setting up a crisis management system or having concrete plans and procedures ready for the occurrence of the actual cyber emergency.

Cyber ​​resilience is divided into the following two pillars of information and operational security:

Incident Management

Incident management deals, in general, with processing disruptions in IT operations and is the most important linchpin for the company’s ability to react. As part of incident management, specific cyber-relevant incidents are identified, analyzed, processed, and rectified; their status is monitored and, if necessary, communicated to relevant stakeholders. If an escalation occurs, (IT) crisis management, BCM and ITSCM are involved.

(IT) Crisis Management

(IT) crisis management forms the overarching bracket and takes over the control of incidents that can no longer be processed in the normal IT business organization – for example, because the effects are significant and pose an acute threat to the company’s business success. The goal of crisis management is to maintain or prioritize the impaired critical business processes, communicate with all relevant internal and external parties involved and make the necessary decisions during the disruption, emergency and crisis.

Therefore, several areas are relevant for successfully mastering a major cyber incident – and the system is only as good as the sum of its parts. The system must be viewed holistically to increase cyber resilience, and the individual components must be coordinated. In addition to the three pillars mentioned above, close integration with other risk disciplines is essential – information security and third-party risk management.

What Can a Roadmap To Increase Cyber Resilience Look Like?

Before you can devote yourself to this question, you have to check your status quo of the relevant skills. This is done, for example, as part of a cyber resilience maturity assessment.

In this first step, an inventory of one’s skills in the respective areas contributing to cyber resilience occurs. The focus is on the question: What options do I have to react to relevant cyber security threats to minimize the impact on the company? The answer is based on further questions:

  • Have all relevant threat scenarios been identified?
  • Are the critical business processes known?
  • Has it been defined how long a possible failure or impairment may last?
  • Do contingency, response, or recovery plans exist for all scenarios and critical business processes (and associated IT resources)?
  • Are the responsibilities regulated to rectify a corresponding fault, from detection and analysis to elimination and recovery?
  • Are such threat scenarios regularly practiced in the units involved?

Only by considering all these elements can sufficient cyber resilience be achieved.

Once transparency has been established about one’s capabilities, the content of the necessary cyber resilience measures can be planned:

  • Design, testing and implementation of a reproducible method kit (framework)
  • Definition of relevant cyber scenarios and prioritization of them
  • Survey of the critical business processes and their (IT) resource requirements
  • Creation of all necessary plans and procedures in order of scenario priority (e.g. business continuity and disaster recovery plans)
  • Establishment of an IT emergency and crisis organization
  • Embedding, practicing and improving the plans in the general and higher-level emergency and crisis organization


Considering your cyber resilience means accepting that it is only a matter of time before you will be hit by a cyber attack yourself. Fortunately, building and expanding your cyber resilience is not an unattainable goal, albeit one that requires continuous attention and close collaboration between different areas and disciplines. In particular, identifying and constantly running through potential scenarios with a defined reactive emergency and crisis management organization increases the skills and knowledge to react successfully to unexpected events.
The need to build and expand your cyber resilience has never been more important – after all, the stakes are nothing less than the loss of your ability to do business.

Also Read: Top Most Common Types Of Cyberattacks

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Cybersecurity In Industry 4.0 Why Is It So Critical? Wed, 15 Mar 2023 09:22:24 +0000 The fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, is the fourth stage of technological

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The fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, is the fourth stage of technological evolution. Which encompasses from technical advances to their economic impact. It can be noted that it positions its beginning in our current era, and its development is expected for a few more decades. However, this estimate is due to recent advances. We refer to digitization, automation, robotics, and the Internet of Things. It is an encouraging environment that must be protected by computer security. If you are interested in learning about the role of cybersecurity in industry 4.0, you cannot stop reading this post.

What Is Cybersecurity In Industry 4.0 About?

Computer security has evolved to such an extent that it is no longer just about applying techniques to protect devices. Still, it is also necessary to prevent and counterattack threats. One of the methods that, with time, and the evolution of crimes in this environment, has managed to affirm the importance of this concept. However, when it comes to Industry 4.0, this could go a step further.

Safety in the industrial area is generally characterized by prioritizing the integrity and health of employees. However, when we refer to cybersecurity in industry 4.0, we are discussing protecting the digital environment and applying the necessary measures to guarantee the use of the devices. In addition to shielding the platforms and networks so that they are safe and that third parties cannot access the stored information.

In this sense, what characterizes this technology is its union with digitization, automation with the Internet, cloud storage, and fiber connectivity. The main objective is that the industries develop their products without the need for high personnel intervention. For this reason, significant benefits are estimated with this technology very shortly.

Still, to enjoy its advantages and economic benefits, we must be prepared for possible dangers and attacks. This is the point at which computer security shows that it must always go hand in hand with cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity Characteristics Applicable To Industry 4.0

What characterizes this stage is its effect on the industrial sector by generating consequences of various kinds. Here we mention the most notable:

  • Acceleration in innovative industries: Industries that operate primarily with machinery will succeed in increasing mass production. However, a company that does not have cybersecurity measures can be seriously affected.
  • Increase in the protection of information and the use of authentication methods: in many cases, cybercrimes take advantage of the opportunity when an operational error occurs. To avoid them, the level of security and authentication must be higher.
  • Use of devices that facilitate network hyperconnectivity: to centralize the management and protection of the company.
  • Use of networks and platforms that enable access to the cloud: firewalls and other software are essential to avoid breaching the system. And reduce the possibility of leaking information through these networks.

What Is The Importance of Cybersecurity In Industry 4.0?

As we have mentioned before, the fourth industrial revolution makes a big difference in the operationality of industries. Machines created to perform specific tasks do not have programming that protects them from cyberattacks. That is why cybersecurity in industry 4.0 is a topic of great importance.

While changes are good, there is no way to measure and protect them. Its usefulness rather than benefit represents a disadvantage for the company.

This is where it is shown that computer security is an obligation rather than a necessity. That must be put into practice both by the manufacturers of the new devices and by the programmers and developers of the platforms and services of this new era.

Currently, this issue is of great relevance to the business sector. Many brands of different kinds have been victims of cyberattacks; likewise, it is also a problem for the users and clients of said companies because these criminal acts could compromise your information.

Therefore, cybersecurity in Industry 4.0 is a fact that, fortunately, takes on more prominence every day. It can offer the fourth industrial revolution for its benefits and contribution. So that it can evolve tangibly if computer security continues to advance consecutively.

Also Read: Importance Of Digitization For A Company

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Cybersecurity – Three Ways To Prevent Cyber Attacks Mon, 20 Feb 2023 07:59:42 +0000 Cybercriminals should have an especially easy time this year. On the one hand, phishing emails

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Cybercriminals should have an especially easy time this year. On the one hand, phishing emails could lure interested football fans to fake websites or supposed streaming services with content relevant to the World Cup. On the other hand, the annual online gift hunt could prove fatal. Due to inflation, shoppers plan to shop more sparingly this year and could be tempted to follow fake links by false savings offers and holiday deals.

Check The Content First, Then Click.

Cybercriminals impersonate people, companies or institutions you know to gain attention and trust (spoofing). To do this, they try to make email sender addresses, web addresses and messages appear deceptively real. However, there are a few tricks you can use to verify authenticity. Take a close look at the sender and the content: Are there any obvious spelling and grammatical errors? Is it a legitimate email address? Let’s take the following example: Is the “L” in Apple an “L” or maybe an uppercase “i”? This is very easy to control. Or: Someone has provided a text module with a hyperlink. Just move your mouse over the word without clicking. Most programs show where the link leads to. However, you should always enter web addresses yourself in the browser. The basic rule is: Do not open any messages, attachments or links if something strikes you as odd, and certainly not if you do not know the sender. The same applies to software and apps: do not install applications from unknown or unverified providers.

Securing Poorly Protected Accounts

Having a secure password is now a given. Each time you register, you are advised to use a strong one. But the truth is that even in 2022, “123456” and “password” were still the most popular.
Good password hygiene ensures that nobody can easily guess your current password. This includes using a strong password at least ten characters long and consisting of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. Also, it would help if you renewed passwords regularly and never recycled them. However, before you write down your difficult passwords on a piece of paper that other people around you might find, you can transfer the responsibility to a password manager. This saves the information and automatically inserts it on the respective websites.
With two-factor authentication, you can protect your accounts additionally. You verify the registration for a website or app with a second input – for example, a PIN that you receive by SMS or biometric features. Attackers would then need your password and your smartphone to crack your user account.

Trusting The Technology

Manufacturers constantly work to make their hardware and software more secure and regularly release updates. Once your PC or phone prompts you to update, please don’t ignore it or postpone it until tomorrow. This increases the risk that vulnerabilities identified by developers, for example, remain open for longer and can be exploited by cybercriminals. Ideally, activate the automatic updates function to close security gaps as quickly as possible.

The same applies to security functions such as the firewall or virus scanners. These should also remain switched on permanently and updated to ensure the greatest possible protection of the end device.

Of course, the responsibility does not lie solely with the workforce. Companies have to help with certain adjustment screws. On the one hand, they can support their employees with information and further training with the help of regular, practical security awareness training courses.
On the other hand, pursuing a three-part security and resilience strategy is advisable. Part of this strategy is anticipating threats and implementing the right technologies to protect the infrastructure. It’s also imperative that they know what to do during a successful disaster recovery and business continuity attack.

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Are There Any Privacy Risks To Using AI In Online Education? Fri, 10 Feb 2023 06:43:59 +0000 The use of the Internet has increased rapidly worldwide after the spread of COVID-19, which

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The use of the Internet has increased rapidly worldwide after the spread of COVID-19, which shows the importance that this service has gained for the development of work and education at home. During confinement.

Artificial intelligence has invaded our daily lives, and it is impossible to ignore its place in all sectors of society, including education. It is emerging in education with applications for both learners and teachers to improve the quality, efficiency and equity of education. In the previous article, we defined AI and analyzed the place of AI in the service of student learning and its impact on teaching. We have tried to see the extent to which the teacher sees his place and his role modified. Although we are using AI technologies in our elearning platforms or in online education there are also some risks in it.

Factors such as the greater dependence on communications and information technologies, the use of multiple digital solutions in the educational field and the longer time spent online, among others, increase the exposure of boys, girls, adolescents, young students and teachers, to online threats and risks.

AI And Cybersecurity

Like any computer program, AI systems can be attacked or defended but can also be used to defend or attack, as described in ExpressVPN research on AI bias.


Poisoning: consists of artificially sending a lot of data that will shift the centre of gravity of the AI. The probabilities are, therefore, biased by these attacks.

Evasion: this attack is based on optical illusion. By making small changes in the input data, the AI ​​fails to recognize something and completely changes its classification.

Inference: the objective is to seek information about something to cross-check it and find information that normally could not have been accessed.

Main Issues That We Face Through AI

For each ethical issue raised by AI, it is possible to implement solutions to limit their consequences.

  • The issue of bias
  • Diversify the provenance of data and use reverse engineering to prove that an algorithm is biased
  • Check that it complies with legislation and ethical rules
  • The issue of transparency
  • Set up thresholds for validations. The human must remain the decision-maker, and the AI ​​must only propose solutions.
  • The problem of personal data
  • Create tools that help prevent AI from collecting and encoding personal data.
  • The problem of responsibility
  • Create a new legal status for robots and AIs 
  • Define and apply ethical charters
  • The environmental and security issue
  • Improving AI abilities by 1% consumes a lot of energy and produces a lot of waste.

Most Common Threats In Online Education

  • Malicious codes or malware (viruses, worms, Trojans, etc.).
  • Threats related to social engineering.
  • Phishing: method of attack through email.
  • Smishing: attack method through SMS messaging.
  • Vishing: phone call scam.
  • Contact predators online.
  • Online grooming: online sexual harassment or abuse involving an adult’s interaction with children or adolescents.
  • Cyberbullying: includes sending, posting or sharing harmful content about another person through any digital device or media.
  • Sexting: sending content (photographs and videos) containing images that show or describe sexual activities.
  • Access to potentially harmful or illegal content.
  • Exposure to false information, content that threatens the integrity of children and young people, or that incites violence, suicide or other risky behaviours.

What NOT To Do

  • DO NOT share personal information.
  • DO NOT post daily activities on networks.
  • Please DO NOT send photos of our privacy to unknown people or share them on social networks.
  • DO NOT open emails or attachments from unknown senders.
  • DO NOT share passwords with third parties by any means.
  • DO NOT install malicious code on other people’s computers or devices, as recommended by WebUpdatesDaily.
  • DO NOT intimidate, harass, threaten other people, or make teasing or comments with negative connotations.
  • DO NOT arrange meetings with strangers or agree to do so if a stranger requests it.

What To Do

  • Respect the privacy of others.
  • When interacting with others online, use an alias or alternate name as a username.
  • Inform parents, guardians, teachers or trusted adults about harmful content, threats or negative situations.
  • Apply privacy settings to social media accounts.
  • Connect only with known people.
  • Report on websites or social networks any abusive, offensive and threatening situation, as well as inappropriate behaviour.

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What Is ServiceNow Security Operations? Thu, 02 Feb 2023 07:05:56 +0000 ServiceNow is a leading global software company that develops a cloud computing platform to help

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ServiceNow is a leading global software company that develops a cloud computing platform to help companies manage their digital workflows for various operations. It has a comprehensive security operations platform, which helps institutions better manage IT risks and quickly respond to incidents.
The platform is named “Security Operations (SecOps)”. It is an integrated suite of security solutions. It covers all ranging from incident detection and response to the orchestration of changes and compliance. Security operations integrate numerous products such as incident management, security analytics, endpoint protection, and threat intelligence.
These solutions provide an extensive view of the enterprise and allow them to detect, investigate, and respond to security threats and vulnerabilities. Security Operations also make it easier for teams to stay informed of changes in the environment, giving them the insight, they need to manage and reduce risk proactively.

Capabilities of Security Operations

ServiceNow Security is powered by SOAR. It stands for security orchestration, automation, and response. SOAR helps enterprises to respond quickly and efficiently to security incidents. This empowers businesses that use SecOps to protect their IT systems and data against different security threats. The noteworthy capabilities of security operations are:

Security Incident Response

SecOps helps businesses detect, investigate, and respond to security incidents. It provides automated workflows for preliminary assessments and classifying threats. This allows teams to manage complex incidents and workflows more efficiently. Additionally, it provides an audit trail of every step taken in response to a security incident.

Threat Intelligence

SecOps provides comprehensive threat intelligence capabilities to help companies stay informed of potential cyber threats. Its automated processes ensure that teams have the most up-to-date information and can quickly respond to threats.

Configuration Compliance

Security Operations provide the tools for businesses to ensure their systems are configured following standards determined by industrial security policies and best practices. This helps protect their systems from malicious attacks and ensures that any changes are made securely. Additionally, it allows teams to track changes in the environment over time and take corrective actions if necessary.

Performance Analytics

SecOps provides performance analytics to help teams measure and monitor the effectiveness of their security operations. This allows businesses to see how their security processes are performing and adjust as needed.

Benefits of Implementing Operations by ServiceNow Security

Security operations are essential for organizations to protect their IT systems and data. By implementing ServiceNow Security, businesses can benefit from the following:

Improved Cyber Resilience

SecOps helps organizations build a robust security posture and respond quickly to incidents. This improves their cyber resilience. It enables them to stay ahead of evolving threats while maintaining high levels of security.

Enhanced Compliance

ServiceNow Security Operations provides the tools to help organizations stay compliant with security policies and best practices defined as per industrial standards. This minimizes the risk of a data breach or other security incident. It also keeps organizations in compliance with regulatory requirements.

Reduced Operational Costs

Security operations can help reduce the costs of managing and responding to security incidents. Automating processes reduces manual work and improves efficiencies. This results in cost savings for the organization.

ServiceNow SecOps Best Implementation Practices

When implementing ServiceNow Security, it is important to consider the following best practices:

Build a Cross-functional Team

Building a cross-functional team for SecOps can help organizations ensure that their security processes are comprehensive and effective. This includes individuals from different departments, such as IT, DevOps, and Security.

Determine Scope

Before implementing SecOps, it is important to determine the project’s scope. This includes identifying the systems, data, and processes that will be impacted. Determining the scope helps ensure the project is successful and provides an estimate of the resources needed.

Develop Policies

Organizations need to develop policies to govern their security operations. These policies should guide different processes and procedures, such as incident response and threat intelligence.

Test and Monitor

Once the security operations are set up, it is important to test and monitor the system regularly. This can help identify potential security gaps and ensure that the system is functioning properly. Additionally, it allows teams to make necessary changes and keep systems secure.

How To Hire an Implementation Services Provider?

Hiring a ServiceNow Services provider can help businesses ensure that their security operations are set up properly. The service provider can guide with best practices, ensure the system is configured correctly, and provide ongoing support.
By following these practices, businesses can ensure that their ServiceNow Security services are successful and secure. This, in turn, helps them protect their systems and data from malicious factors. They can also maintain compliance with regulations laid down in compliance with industry standards.

The Conclusion

Security is essential for organizations to protect their IT systems and data. ServiceNow Security provides the tools to set up comprehensive security processes and procedures. By following best practices and getting an experienced service provider, businesses can ensure their security operations are implemented correctly and securely. This will help them stay resilient in the face of cyber threats and in tandem with industry regulations.

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Cybersecurity And AI Specialists In Great Demand Sat, 10 Dec 2022 06:57:05 +0000 Today 68% of business leaders feel that their information security risks are increasing. This, in

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Today 68% of business leaders feel that their information security risks are increasing. This, in turn, leads to cybersecurity specialists being increasingly in demand, motivated by the accelerated digitization process that we are currently experiencing. Data is considered the main asset of organizations, and its safekeeping and protection are becoming a higher priority every day.

What Would You Highlight About The Importance of Cybersecurity specialists Today?

Today cybersecurity experts are essential and in high demand. Your role begins with disseminating information from this area to people. Because all the issues that affect cybersecurity at a personal level, at a microscale level, always start with people. For knowing that they don’t give you tickets just like that, or that your bank asks you for the keys it already has. And it is very important to change the keys of the modem, the computer, and all the hardware or electronic components and devices.

Can You Share Any Tricks In The Cybersecurity Area That We Can Apply?

For this, he cited great cybersecurity specialists such as Soledad Antelada Toledano, current Security Technical Program Manager at Google, and until recently, a computer systems engineer in the Security Division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Research Laboratory, Department of Energy of the United States of America.

Machines have a harder time deciphering this than if it is numeric or alphanumeric with different signs. There are many tricks, but cybersecurity starts with people. Let’s think now with all this that we are living, not only in Ukraine, where what is happening is very sad. But also in what is being seen and lived on the networks and the internet. It is essential that companies can establish computer security measures, hand in hand with experts, creating and co-creating to stop attacks.

What Common Cyber Attacks Should Cybersecurity Specialists Be Prepared For?

We can mention malware, the famous “you’ve won an award, click here.” Many times people, due to ignorance, enter these fraudulent pages. There are also Trojans as if a person were inside your computer. In this way, they launch it at you, and it extracts all the information and, at the same time, compares all the data.

Let’s remember that we live in a time of human history where data is the main asset of companies. Today, the data, the systems, and almost everything are digitized. Above all strategic areas, let’s think of industrialized companies. If their plans are hacked, they can’t produce, which leads to a tremendous loss of money. Everything is hackable. Let’s remember that Jeff Bezos from Amazon has had his mobile phone hacking. With everything he and his company stand for, imagine what could happen to us.

Is Continuous Training Necessary So That Cybersecurity Specialists Can Be Updated?

On cybersecurity issues and any topic related to the digital environment. As the great Paula Renedo, a great friend who works in the energy sector, says: “we live in a period of humanity where there is an obsolescence of training. What I have studied is a perfect base, but it is obsolete in terms of digitization.

We see that today, in the technological environment, if I want to be and continue working in this field. And at the same time, the companies with their desire lower costs, lower hardware, and lower software. Then there is an exponential level of new technologies and methodologies, requiring cybersecurity specialists to update their knowledge daily. What demands an incredible humility to know the limits of that same knowledge.

And What Tools Can They Use To Continue With That Training?

I always invite people to prepare whatever their profile is. Today, there is quality training on the internet. So you can go testing, studying, and measuring the strengths that each one of us has. And our background, especially in those areas where we want to develop our knowledge and work.

I always present my case from when I started in the digital environment—working as a creative in campaigns when social networks were at their peak. I did an SEO positioning course and realized its usefulness when I prepared my doctoral thesis, where I analyzed and evaluated how speakers create and interpret new names. Specifically, in brand names, it turned out that many of the issues I addressed, such as theories, theses, and cases. All of this is essential when working with search engines. Google, for example, is a semantic lexical focus where words are pushed.

There is also fake news if we are going to hack democracies. As is the case with Cambridge Analytica and see how they used all that conversational, communicative strategy, this 21st-century propaganda. With this, I realized that my linguistic knowledge could positively impact me. The voice will have a significant point, as it already has it. By the way, the mouthpiece can be hacked within only 6 seconds. Both we and cybersecurity specialists must take this into account.

What Employability Will Be Generated In The Field Of Artificial Intelligence That You Dominate The Most In The Coming Years?

I would not talk about the future, I would talk about the present. Many profiles are required. As often happens, technology has evolved much faster than society and training. In universities, very obsolete content or the usual ones continue to be taught, although many are necessary. Since you have to have theories and specific knowledge, you have to have them as a base, but other types of content still need to be updated.

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Digital Privacy What To Do To Avoid A Cyberattack? Tue, 06 Dec 2022 05:02:47 +0000 Did you know that all your information on the internet is registered with the service

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Did you know that all your information on the internet is registered with the service providers and platforms you use? Yes, because many of them need such data to improve your experience on their social networks and websites. This is how we have become accustomed to providing more and more information about our day-to-day. It should be noted that there is also a counterpart, those who care about their digital privacy. A right that is generally ignored by many cybercriminals, who use said information as a bargaining chip. And thus ensure that their crimes, blackmail and actions can give them a generous amount from the victims. This is why it is increasingly necessary for all Internet users and companies to be aware of cybersecurity measures.

Is Digital Privacy a Right That I Can Demand?

Of course, yes, all your data belongs to you, and although you have a free choice to provide it at the times and situations you consider. This does not mean you can accept any wrongdoing that may expose such information to third parties since the objective of digital privacy is to be aware of how we voluntarily provide said information. Since, in most cases, such information still needs to be eliminated.

Our responsibility is to ensure we take the necessary measures to avoid blackmail, fraud or traps from third parties. To achieve this, we must know what function or action said platform, website or social network would do with our data. To guarantee that none of them can take advantage of it in the future.

On the other hand, we must be alert when we browse the internet since different websites can be deceptive. To do this, we must know those signs that could tell us what is wrong with the website or platforms.

However, the most important thing about this issue is the awareness and action we take in the face of this situation. Since it is not necessary to go through an unfortunate situation to do something. We have to be prepared to prevent and act when the time comes if it happens because some of the most frequent reasons for malware infection are due to a lack of knowledge of good cybersecurity practices.

What Are The Consequences Of Not Taking Care Of Our Digital Privacy?

To better understand the importance of this topic and how it can affect us in the future. Below we will explain some of its main consequences:


One of the main motivations behind the malware is information traffic since they are mainly created to access and manipulate a person’s or company’s private information. This is possible thanks to the internet since it is how hackers access the data of their victims. They usually do this to withhold information, blackmail or commit fraud and thus obtain reasonable amounts of money in exchange for the info.

Information Marketing

One of the main problems that have been unleashed on social networks in recent years is the purpose of data processing. Although they usually use it so that they have a more specific reference to our searches and preferences. Some platforms provide this information to third parties, with few of their users aware of the purpose of the information traffic.

Promotion of cyberbullying and cyberbullying

One of the most unfortunate cases, whether for individuals or companies, is being subjected to a social lesson. When personal data is exposed, in most cases, it intends to damage the victim’s image. And although the person who discloses it does not do anything more than that, given the impact and dissemination on social networks. This usually triggers the attention of the masses, who make comments that negatively affect the person affected, leading them to leave social networks for medium or short periods. In addition to the psychological and emotional damage, such acts can generate in the person.

Activity Tracking

Today mobile phones have many features that allow us to do various tasks. One is to activate the GPS, which helps you reach places and locate yourself in unknown areas. It is also one of the most relevant pieces of information for hackers because they can know the exact location of the victim, their visits to frequent sites and their habits.


Spam is not only annoying but also one of the most subtle ways of sending false information, which leads to a site with malware. To deceive people and obtain permissions, passwords and data of interest. And thus be able to carry out their criminal acts such as identity theft, passwords, and fraud, among others.

How Can I Stay Safe While Browsing The Internet?

Although it is alarming the actions that third parties can do with our private information, this is just the next step that we can avoid as best as possible with the practices that we will mention below:

  • Please read the terms and conditions of the websites and social networks that we visit or with which we are associated.
  • Avoid unifying the information from our various platforms, emails and social networks since they could access information contained in others.
  • Establish contact and accept friend requests from people we know.
  • Configure our social networks so that our information from more people is kept from people within our circle.
  • Clear our browsing history.
  • Evade the provision of private information, such as identifications, passwords, and addresses, among others.
  • Avoid leaving our accounts and profiles open on third-party devices.
  • Turn off the GPS option when not in use to avoid information tracking.

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